What will be the consequences of the memo?

What will be the consequences of the memo?

DNC is fucking dead.

Hello fellow nazis and racists of Sup Forums, I've looked at the memo and it really is nothing. A complete waste of time. I had hoped it would bring the evil democratic party to its knees because I (like you) am a big time Drumpf supporter. Sadly I was disappointed, it is just a big nothingburger. We should delete this thread in my opinion, and then protest with a mass suicide.

Heil Hitler 1488



Isn't that a Cenk Yugor quote?

Fucking nothing. So boring.

Why are we letting these commie Russians interfere with the midterms again? America!

The shills are going wild right now. Nothingburger, sleepy, nazi, blacked, THEY ARE ALL HERE.

Pic related would be the worst campaign slogan in history




mass drivers but for people

being honest
at least half of those post/threads are just bored polacks larping as shills

haha ok Vladimir

It's an absolute nothingburger, like I expected
Nothing but more conspiracy to fuel more conspiracies down the line
"B-b-but Steele got a miniscule amount of money from the DNC and KILLary (according to 2 hyper partisan sources and refuted by tons of others), which proves that it's just KILLary trying to take down Le God Emperor!"

Holy shit they're not even trying anymore

It's fucking nothing, user. Seriously, find me literally anything of worth in this memo. There's nothing at all. Most of what's there is literally conjecture, and the rest is "oh they screwed up a tiny bit but in a way that doesn't cause any lasting harm"

The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive. Memomachines, son. They harden in response to libtard rectal trauma.

Didn't the memo say he was discredit as an informant before the dossier was picked up, which cited him as a source?


The shit show will go on as usual.

Gonna drink some coffee and start reading this memo (at least a couple of times).

Heil Hillary! It was her turn!!!!111


Sorry to scream, but I wanted to get the attention of dumb people. Hillary Clinton lied under oath, in front of the entire earth and nothing happened. Our government sold cocaine to fund contras in the 80’s, and is now selling heroin for the same reasons.
Our government brags about fucking up Russian elections (yeltsin) and complainins about Russian bots influence on Pokémon.
NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. Until we Boston tea party this MF. We’ve become too complacent and our government takes too many liberties with it. I’m happy to start a revolution, but all you will do is post about how someone got out of their house. NOTHING WILL HAPPEN UNTIL THE SHEEP WAKE UP. I’m just pissed because a revolution of one is pointlessness. I am in uni, and forced to take history. Real revolution is dead because it’s medicated into mediocrity. Revolution isn’t an armchair sport.