American Ambassador in Serbia Incident



During an address by the US ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott a serbian man ambushed the room shouting "Kosovo is Serbia" and "Amerians are Killers" and threw leaflets in his direction.

The leaflets read, "No to NATO (membership)," and were distributed by the protester from the balcony during Kyle Scott's speech at an event held at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in this southern Serbian town.

The man was brutally escorted out of the room by police.

Scott's speech was dedicated to "the misunderstandings of the US policy in Serbia," and the diplomat toured the Faculty earlier in the day, B92 said in its report.

The local website Juzne Novosti said that despite the heckling and "the thrown material," Scott "continued his presentation almost unimpeded."

He said that tabloids in Serbia" are publishing "untrue myths about America" - and that these have become "so many" that the Serbian people "started to believe them."

"If you were to read the tabloids every day, you'd think that America only wants to harm Serbia, that America is an enemy of Serbia, that it wants chaos in Serbia and a war in the Balkans. That's all just nonsense," Scott said.

The ambassador added that the US policy was "based on Serbia being a stable and strong state that contributes to the entire region's stability."

Other urls found in this thread:

"Serbia has had tense relationships with the US embassy since the dissolution of yugoslavia and the perceived role of America in the NATO bombings. Serb rioters burnt the American embassy in 2008 leading to the death of one american personell."

You will never get Kosovo back

t. Alboroach

But you're an Albanian as well.

Drop the meme flag.

*trainwrecks any chance for peace in Bosnia*
*supports terrorists in Kosovo*
*bombs you*
*tries to style you as "genocidal people"*
*supports corrupt and treasonous regimes*
*supports the destruction of Serb autonomy in Bosnia*
*tries to push multuculti propaganda*
*ignores crimes against Serbs for decades*
*shits on your church*
*acts like a viceroy*
>w-we're your friends guys!
I'm skeptical.

Yes they will. Once western Europe falls into civil wars thanks to the gorillion muslims they imported we will have a free hand on the Balkans.

I don't think we should waste that opportunity on wasting resources to recover a dilapidated province that would stay empty because no one would move there.
There's only one way Kosovo can be Serbian: if all Albanians are expelled.
Kosovo with Albanians inside Serbia is a big no, if you have any brains.
However, wasting resources on Kosovo is dumb as fuck.
Cultural and historical value aside, it's just a waste.
What Serbia (that is, a real Serb regime, not these Western cock-sleeves that rule now), need to do is recover Montenegro and Serb regions in Bosnia, and form a partnership with Romania, Greece and Bulgaria.

The Alboshit will clearly be removed. Genocide would draw too much attention, but the Serbs can just expel them.

Resource intensity will not matter, because "muh clay" is a legit reason. I know very well how it feels.

Ja caм дијacпopa идиoт

>legit reason
Legit reason or no, it's just a waste of resources.
Where do you find the people and the money to revive that province?
Why waste resources on Kosovo, instead of improving the life of Serbs, and for example solving the issue of birth rates?
Territorial conquests are bullshit in 21st century. We all have more than enough land.
Focus should be on the land that IS Serbian, instead of land that was.
Bulgaria could also aim to reintegrate Macedonia for example. Not trying to conquer Romania because you ruled parts of it centuries ago.

De idiote uređuj si svoju Milogorsku vukojebinu i ostavi Srbiju i Srbe na miru.

Crnogorska govna su upropastila Srbiju, ništa dobro nije došlo u 20. i 21. stoljeću iz Crne Gore.

Jebali te Karađorđevići, Puniša, Slobo, Borka Pavićević a pogotovo Latinka Perović.

Ne znam tko je gori, Crnogorci ili "Srbi iz Crne Gore". Komunjare, mafijaši i ološ. U Beogradu su Srbi, u Vojvodini Crnogorci a u Podgorici Milogorci.

Keep dreaming, dream and dream and dream on, little dreamer.

Then get your gun and attack Camp Bondsteel. When dreams meet reality.

you are right bro.

>Crnogorska govna su upropastila Srbiju
omiljena hiperbola retardiranih
>n-nismo mi, oni su!
uostalom gledaj svoja posla, ne znam koji se kurac Hrvat interesuje za Srbe, eto očistili ste državu, uživajte sad i odjebite

God is a Serb

I see your point and it's a good one.

>Bulgaria could also aim to reintegrate Macedonia for example.

They have to want to do it as well. There must be a prominent political party pushing for it inside Macedonia for it to gather any momentum.

>Not trying to conquer Romania because you ruled parts of it centuries ago.

No one has ever wanted that.

Nisam Hrvat.

Pa Crnogorci su je "očistili" još bolje.

Srbi su na ispod 30%, a bili su 95% u Crnoj Gori.

Hrvatska je s 12% na 3% Srbe svela.

Drži li vam itko pištolj na glasanju? Ne, glasate za DPS i Mila, koaliciju s balijama i šiptarima, neovisnost od Srbije i NATO članstvo.

Drži li vam itko pištolj na popisu stanovništva? Ne, izjasnili ste se da ste manje od 30% Srbi, da pričate crnogorskim jezikom, koji su vam napisali Hrvat i balija, a predsjednik odbora za crnogorski jezik je Bošnjak koji kaže da priča bosanski.

Esencija crnogorstva je kralj Nikola, koji je htio zabiti nož u leđa i pregovarao o separatnom miru kojim bi on dobio dio raskomadane Srbije, ali su ga odjebali.

>they have to want it
remove local or foreign opportunist propaganda and Macedonian ''identity'' will collapse quickly, just like Montenegrin ''identity''
commie nations fare badly when there's no government-sponsored propaganda campaign and intimidation to prop them up
>No one has ever wanted that.
I just used that as an example
this is 21st century, we have all the land and resources we need to live like people, instead of cattle

Indeed. We can live another 10 000 years on the land we currently have and not reach Hong Kong population density levels.

Watch this if you want to know the war crimes the US government (Bill Clinton, John Kerry) perpetrated against Serbia and the Serbian people

>this is 21st century, we have all the land and resources we need to live like people, instead of cattle

>it's the current year

>fuck Kosovo and Metohija, history, culture and heritage

Spoken like a true Mountain Nigger scum.

One look at "Serb" parties in Montenegro makes me want to puke. Litteral Levica Srbije and Demokratska Stranka, LDP-tier.

>perceived role

they bombed the SHIT of out belgrade

>Nisam Hrvat.
a jesi li Srbin?
jer ako nisi, apsolutno me boli za tvoje mišljenje
>Pa Crnogorci su je "očistili" još bolje.
kako su je Crnogorci ''očistili''?
>Srbi su na ispod 30%, a bili su 95% u Crnoj Gori.
nikad Srbi nisu bili 95% u današnjoj CG, u ovim granicama
makar 20% su bili muslimani, a to što su ih popisivali kao Srbe je druga stvar
a drugo, decenije propagande jebiga
komunjare i dalje jašu, samo su ovi današnji potpuno nesposobni, oni su makar znali i nešto da urade dobro
>Drži li vam itko pištolj na glasanju?
ne, ali ti ''drži pištolj'' tako što ti prijeti otkazom, ne možeš da se zaposliš ako ne glasaš za njih, i drugi vidovi pritiska
ovo odlično prolazi u vukojebinama koje su uništili ekonomski, i sad ljudi zavise od njih
malo moderniji vid feudalizma
>da pričate crnogorskim jezikom
netačno, većina priča srpskim
>koji je htio zabiti nož u leđa i pregovarao o separatnom miru kojim bi on dobio dio raskomadane Srbije
jebiga, kralj Nikola je bio guzica i htio je da on bude kralj svega
što se tiče toga, nisu se ni Karađorđevići libili da sjebu njega kad su mogli
boli me kurac za kraljeve i ta govna, ionako njihovi naslednici danas ne znaju da pričaju srpski kao ljudi, a ne što drugo

The city he held the speech in, Niš, was bombed with cluster munitions, on a market.

NATO double tapped civilian trains on bridges.

All of this started to happen when they realized their "Shock and Awe" "aerial supremacy" gives practically 0 results on Kosovo and Army still BTFO UČK savages.

It was terror and logistical bombing, combined with CIA/BND organised protests and coup to install EuroAtlantic puppets, the DOS.

as they say, it's easy to beat hawthorns with someone else's dick
>fuck Kosovo and Metohija, history, culture and heritage
and where did I say that?
I said that value of Kosovo is great historically and culturally, but Serbian nation has far more pressing issues
Croatia ''recovered'' Krajina, and what is Krajina now?
dying asshole of the world in every sense
and Kosovo is even poorer
until we develop what we have now, thinking about some territorial expansion is just retarded escapism usually invoked by opportunistic populists to distract people
each and every Balkan state could own entire Balkans alone and it would still be a shithole, without the change in mentality

Crna Gora je točna regija oko Cetinja, gdje su se prvi proto-Milogorci, Arsenojevići ustoličili kad su svrgnuli srpsku vlast.

Stara Hercegovina, Primorje i Sandžak su druga stvar.

Da, Srbin sam.

>Crna Gora je točna regija oko Cetinja
okej, i što sa tim?
>Stara Hercegovina, Primorje i Sandžak su druga stvar.
slažem se, samo što nije ''Sandžak'' nego Raška
>Da, Srbin sam.
pa dobro onda, ako si Srbin, i to iz Hrvatske, što se baviš sitničarenjem i pljuvanjem drugih Srba?
taj mentalitet, otrovni mentalitet, da kad nema nekog drugog Srbi pljuju jedni druge po regiji, po gradu, po selu, to nas mnogo više sjebava od toga što su neki Crnogorci ili Bosanci bili govna kad su došli u Beograd
jel imaš ti pojma koliko je Srbijanca porijeklom iz današnje Crne Gore?
i svi su oni govna jel?
uostalom koji kurac to meni pričaš, vidiš da sa takvim ljudima ne djelim mišljenje

Cijela Šumadija je kolonizirana Hercegovcima i Crnogorcima, vodio ih je Karađorđe. Poznato mi je to. To su neki drugi Srbi, zaginuli od 1912-1918, 1941-1945.

Govna su svi došli nakon 1944. sve do današnjeg dana.

Govna su ovi "Srbi" po Hrvatskoj danas, što su preostali, na čelu sa Pupovcem, Horvatom i SDSS-om.

To su činjenice, bježanjem od istine neće se ništa promijeniti. Jesi li ti svjestan koliko maloumni i retardirani su politički vođe "Srba u Crnoj Gori"?

a jesi ti svjestan koliko su maloumni političari u Srbiji?
kakve to veze ima jebote
govno je govno pa bilo iz Niša ili iz Podgorice ili iz Bijeljine
nema nas ni 10 miliona, plivamo u govnima, a ti bi još da se koljemo po regionalnoj liniji
uozbilji se jebote

Imamo prvoga nakon Miloša što nije retard.

I Petra priznajem. Sve ostalo je gnoj, idioti.

Ne treba se klati uopće, samo treba stvari nazvati pravim imenom. Evo, ti kao "Srbin iz Crne Gore" si prvo počeo prozivati sadašnju vlast i odabir naroda u Srbiji da ne valja, da su idioti i ne znaju što rade.

>Albanians LARPing as Yugoslavs accusing other LARPers of being Albanian
Balkan threads are 5D chess boards

Kosovo is Serbia.

nice google translate, tonibler

>nije retard
hahahah brate, kako ćeš da se razočaraš
čovjek koji je sa 20+ htio da kolje a sad izigrava nekog evropejca, ne znam što ti više treba da vidiš kakav je to škart od osobe

>čovjek koji je sa 20+ htio da kolje a sad izigrava nekog evropejca,

Čovjek je ratovao na židovskom groblju u Sarajevu, najgori dio fronta.
Čovjek je doslovno vuk u janjećoj koži, da skupi glasove i konačno svrgne s vlasti DS/DOS. SRS nikad nije prismrdila vlasti iako je bila pojedinačno najjača stranka. Naučio je lekciju.

Nemam se što razočarati.

also i see now that you linked an article to albanian portal and at the same time pretending like this, calling others alboroach lmao

retard level of the OP is going off the charts. no wonder you're an actual kosovar

Hey, at least he isn't shitting on NS and defending commies today. Take what you get with him.

>Čovjek je ratovao na židovskom groblju u Sarajevu, najgori dio fronta.
hahah ko ti je to rekao jebote
>svrgne s vlasti DS/DOS
isti je to kurac sve
žuti su makar manju propagandu sprovodili
ovaj bi da izigrava Tita

>and defending commies today
I never defended commies

>hahah ko ti je to rekao jebote

Čovjek koji je bio tamo. VRS vojnik '92-'95.

>isti je to kurac sve
žuti su makar manju propagandu sprovodili
ovaj bi da izigrava Tita

Potpuno krivo, ide na rehabilitaciju Mihailovića, potom Nedića, a preko Dačića i Vulina odapinje strelice protiv Britanije, Francuske, SAD-a, Hrvatske.
Koja propaganda? Više od pola medija u Srbiji je u zapadnom vlasništvu. DS pod Jeremićem je planirao dati Politiku Turcima.

NiN, B92, Danas, Nedeljnik, Vreme, RSE, N1, Telegraf i Blic su svi protiv Vučića.

Kad su Rusi trebali ući u vlasništvo Politike, podignut je veliki bunt.

Nisi upućen. Pink i Informer su za Vučića jer su poltroni i dupeuvlake, ne jer bi on to htio. Oni koriste Vučića i SNS jer su vlast i popularniji u narodu od opozicije, ne obratno.

Medij koji artikulira SNS i Vučića je Novi Standard.

>Poland 99
please tell me this is fake guys

It's wrong. Here's a more recent, more relevant one.

Croatia and Serbia are artificially decreased by Bosnians, Albanians.

Also, compare differences in the Balkans between that and my pic. I believe the sampling is bad.

seems to be outdated desu, there is no way you are over 95 with the amount of pakis you carry

>Čovjek koji je bio tamo. VRS vojnik '92-'95.
nikad čuo, ali dobro
>ide na rehabilitaciju Mihailovića
čisti populizam
>Više od pola medija u Srbiji je u zapadnom vlasništvu
i Vučić je
a da vidiš što Pink (njegova televizija) radi u Crnoj Gori, shvatio bi o čemu pričam
tamo njega dižu u nebo, ovdje pljuju Srbiju i Srbe
>NiN, B92, Danas, Nedeljnik, Vreme, RSE, N1, Telegraf i Blic su svi protiv Vučića.
>protiv Vučića
>ne jer bi on to htio
daj jebote zvučiš kao ovi retardirani Amerikanci sa Trampom i govnima
Vučić je populističko govno sa dna kace, a čak i da nije dovoljno ti je da vidiš kome on daje vlast
Aleksandar ''Če'' Vulin ministar odbrane hahahah


i would like to use this moment to apologize to his Excellency as well as the other citizens of the United States

>B92 nije protiv Vučića

Ti stvarno nisi pri zdravoj pameti. Ali stvarno.

>Vučič je u zapadnom vlasništvu

Vučić ima ograničen manevarski prostor. Sad samo napiši da su Vučića doveli jer im nije odgovarao Tadić, DS, LDP, LSV i ostali od 2000-2012.

Pink je smeće, ljudi ne shvaćaju da oni "botuju" za svaku vlast.
Pink, Happy i ostali šund bi mogli uskoro biti na udaru.

Vučić je populist? Ajde da je netko krenuo mariti za interese populusa.

Vulin je marioneta i simbol. Kad reži protiv Hrvata i NATO-a i kad se ulizuje s Rusima, daje jasan signal u odnosu na ministre obrane kao Boris Tadić i Šutanovac iz prošlosti.
Kako to ne shvaćaš?

The only thing I can infer from this picture is that all of these nations have a very similar pattern recognition IQ

Furthermore, what is the source of this picture? >
Has different IQ but well within a margin of error. Is there a quotient for creativity? Were there such a quotient it might be congruent with these statistics, but we can not really tell.

Were a state to enforce some explicit IQ based eugenics program, they might wind up with a whole bunch of idiot savants that are very good at processing numbers and not much else.




It would be hilarious if it sparked a World War again though

>It would be hilarious if it sparked a World War again though