Other urls found in this thread:
assange is a shill
I'm not even mad people are gonna get busted but us autistics will get caught in the crossfire
mock my words
MoCk My WoRdS
FAKE ACCOUNT. This is the real one:
Seriously I can't live without this place. I might actually have to go outside and talk to people, just because
fucking hell FBI isn't gonna like this
FBI can suck my dick those drug-trafficking, civilian murdering, human trafficking pedophiles
swamp swamp swamp swamp swamp hillary clinton
Oh I'm going to mock your works alright.
Just more tick tock bullshit.
wikileaks got another trump tower payment this morning
thats whats happening
trump just dissolved congress
It's weasel stomping
lol, uh no no no sweetie. The memo is clearly a nothingburger, lol can't believe you were gullible enough to think it would be anything else.
>mock my words
Pleaseplease do this. Ill go down with this ship but ill damn sure tie some of the rats to the mast with me
Assange is a Russian agent. Real name Julaslav Assangovich.
I want to see death sentence handed out
Well, Sup Forums has been run by the FBI for over a decade now.
Thats not Assange trumptard
Bump of peace
that would explain the CP that was rampant on here 10 years ago. Corrupt FBI full of kiddie diddlers and diversity hires....
Misdirection faggotry. That’s not Assange, you shitnugget.
Uhhh, why? You’re fucking flaming gay.
The DNC rigs the Democratic Primary Election against Bernie Sanders so Hilliary can win the nomination. Obama's administration starts to request surveillance on Trump, his family, his transition team, and anyone associated with him. Donna Brazil gives Hilliary the questions to a debate. The DNC pays Christopher Steele to come up with a smear dossier about Trump. The mainstream media releases a taped conversation about Trump talking about grabbing women parts. After all this Trump still wins the General Election.
Obama orders an investigation into Russia meddling in our elections. Obama changes Executive Order 12333 to allow more agencies to have access to surveillance data. The Democratic Party comes up with a scandal that Trump Colluded with Russia to win the election with no evidence or proof. This wild claim is backed up by the mainstream media.
Obama hold overs start unmasking Trump's transition team and staff members then release the classified information to the mainstream media. Why? Because the DNC and the Obama administration colluded with the intelligence community to thwart Trump's campaign efforts to get him elected president. All this Russia collusion is an attempt to cover up the fact that the Obama administration, the intelligence community, the DNC, along with the mainstream media used our nations surveillance as a political tool to try to get Hilliary elected President. This makes Watergate look like a kindergarten play. Let that sink in.
This is plainly treason. Americans subverted by their own banana republic government that decides who will take rule, DOJ/Obama/FBI implicated directly. The government proven to subvert all US citizens in an act of treason.
It's also the reason why we didn't get doxed to Antifa and the sorts.
Like I said, if we get on their bad side we're screwed.
Your words are stupid!
who told you this lol XD
shoop tha whoop and have a shilling
The day of the rope is upon us.
Well me more about not having an outlet to shitpost anymore.
I don't have any friends to lose or a reason to be ashamed of my posting history
but seriously I need to vent
cute name anonymous :3
falling for a fake account in current year
Shitpost on linkdin
I'll miss you lads, but consider the following:
>Sup Forums GOES
Praise Jesus.
I could be bettering myself instead of reading about nogs nigging and kikes kiking all day...
I was thinking about politics on 2chan but I don't know the board culture there
Plus I'll have to learn weeb runes to interact or read shit(tried google translate but it's horrendous to my brain)
fake account, gas yourself
It's literally a literal nothing burger u can go back to sleep now
Assange no longer trying to hide his bias
>mock my words
What in the fuck is this faggot ass shit?
That's not Julian's twitter btw
consider them mocked
You could always form a local club of some kind. Like a 40k gaming group and shitpost in real time about fat sisters of battle
it a fake account you retard , literally says it in the bio
>Like a 40k gaming group and shitpost in real time about fat sisters of battle
That would require me to physically socialize with humans.
I'd rather find a chatbot friend
i remember when shoop de whoop was cool
good times
I've thought he was a Mossad plant for a while now. He makes us look terrible, and makes Israel look great.
Assange confirmed Putin agent.
Fukken kek my sides mate
lurk moar or get the GTFO outta here, newfags
What gets you on their bad side?
>lurk moar
no u
Obviously they'll be pissed, and they'll want someone to take their frustrations on.
So why not that autistic clover kid in the corner they've kept around since 2006? Metaphors ofc.
Your words are moked
What a nigger, kek.
And so it begins:
>mock my words
[spoiler]ur gay lol[/spoiler]
The record has been corrected.
what the fuck is that faggotry is it some reddit shit?
go back pleb
Assange is a GRU/FSB agent. People have known this for ages.
stop trying to fit in. spoiler tags work on other boards
>using spoiler tags on Sup Forums
both of you LURK MOAR
your words are gay and you probably have aids
Dumb fucking newfag.
>Says it was Papadopoulos not the dossier
I assume she's talking about the last paragraph and I've seen a few shills on here say this as well. I thought these people could read. It does not that at all.
You're not my friends but merely a conduit.
A shill for the boot on your neck.
Yes, your words are mockable.
gr8 b8 makes me h8 m8
>Mock my words
A new meme was born. Screencap me plz
I think of you as my friend. Don't be rude :)
check 'em and cap 'em
T-thanks *sob*
>Blowing an intelligence gold mine like Sup Forums on purpose
Okay Bulgaria
Madcow reddit spaces lol.
Youve never joined a gamimg group have you? They are all criplingly socially dead
That actually makes sense.
>Mock my words
his actual tweet on this subject
*mocks your words*
The DNC rigs the Democratic Primary Election against Bernie Sanders so Hilliary can win the nomination. Obama's administration starts to request surveillance on Trump, his family, his transition team, and anyone associated with him. Donna Brazil gives Hilliary the questions to a debate. The DNC pays Christopher Steele to come up with a smear dossier about Trump. The mainstream media releases a taped conversation about Trump talking about grabbing women parts. After all this Trump still wins the General Election.
Obama orders an investigation into Russia meddling in our elections. Obama changes Executive Order 12333 to allow more agencies to have access to surveillance data. The Democratic Party comes up with a scandal that Trump Colluded with Russia to win the election with no evidence or proof. This wild claim is backed up by the mainstream media.
Obama hold overs start unmasking Trump's transition team and staff members then release the classified information to the mainstream media. Why? Because the DNC and the Obama administration colluded with the intelligence community to thwart Trump's campaign efforts to get him elected president. All this Russia collusion is an attempt to cover up the fact that the Obama administration, the intelligence community, the DNC, along with the mainstream media used our nations surveillance as a political tool to try to get Hilliary elected President. This makes Watergate look like a kindergarten play. Let that sink in.
This is plainly treason. Americans subverted by their own banana republic government that decides who will take rule, DOJ/Obama/FBI implicated directly. The government proven to subvert all US citizens in an act of treason.
>FAKE ACCOUNT. This is the real one:
FAKE ACCOUNT. This is the real one:
>FAKE ACCOUNT. This is the real one:
FAKE ACCOUNT. This is the real one:
>FAKE ACCOUNT. This is the real one:
FAKE ACCOUNT. This is the real one:
>FAKE ACCOUNT. This is the real one:
FAKE ACCOUNT. This is the real one:
>mock my words
No need.
At any rate, OP, I'll tell you what's going on. This memo is currently being touted as the "tip of the ice berg". There's going to be some of the most memorable and incredible arrests of the century soon. This is legendary. Watergate will be a long forgotten memory. Bill and Lewinsky will be a long forgotten memory. Everything that everyone feared about 9/11, the Iraq war, Afghanistan, Bin Laden, US-led Middle East policy, Israel, and ISIS / Syria will be exposed. That's not even getting into NK, Switzerland, and the CIA, yet.
Dude, I'm strapped in. This shit gon be gud.
But will Sup Forums be okay? I don't think I'm ready to let go of this place
Sup Forums also had something to do with it
namely pissgate
You don't seem to understand. The core always finds each other, it's not even intentional.
Crazy berny bootlicking DMC after getting buttfucked by them
There's still cripplechan and a slew of others. If you've been here long enough you should be able to "rebuild" elsewhere too. If you can't encapsulate Sup Forums culture enough to spread it elsewhere, you were just a redditor in user's clothes the whole time.
fake account
Honestly, this. The Law of Attraction. Like attracts like, even if they are not consciously aware of it. Opposites attract is worldly brainwashing.
Posting in bread
>release a memo the FBI itself says is misleading
Gee, the FBI says a memo that is an indictment on the FBI and its practices is misleading... Bernie is such an insincere faggot
>tfw you're the only friends I have