Just fucking nuke them.
>in the age of #MeToo
what the FUCK does this even mean? Hollywood created a problem and now they have to solve their own problem?
When your soul is ugly then beauty becomes offensive.
The Nymphs were using the man's desire against him though
Kinda looks like it’s the women doing the seducing here desu
Bump cause it's not a memo thread.
>Hollywood is filled with sexual deviants
>Works of art must therefore be censored
Jesus Christ the Jewry is intense
The bongs have to die.
They are obviously being forced to seduce him due to the patriarchal power structures of the business world.
Those Nymphs are going to be framed for murder by that man's lustful urges. How can you paint those innocent women in such a bad light?
Now that I know to look, I see it everywhere.
Well said.
Do it. We deserve it at this point
some jews raped a bunch of girls in california so now we have to ban all the art, goy
I sat next to black girl on the bus a few days ago and i had trouble not looking at her because she was so pretty.
I spoke with her shortly and she was so soft both in voice and appearance.
I never looked at black woman at all but now that i have met one i would say i could be with with one.
They are very pretty IRL and so nice.
G-d save the kwaan
Jesus fuck that painting is beautiful
Wtf bongs
If they don’t want that painting anymore, I’ll buy it off them for $10.
So, like an actual African woman or some american nog "studying abroad?"
>a painting depicting a man devoured by temptation
Oy vey!
Jews want to ban white culture to enable white ethnocide
(and also because they're jealous that they create beautiful art as well as the goyim, they want to refocus everyone's perception to value nothing but money and science, i.e. the two things which they excel at)
they don't create*
Damn good quote user
and to top it off, they have a non-white journo writing about the story.
I lost so many loads to this painting during puberty
and one whose name contains shit
I pity you
Nice so lets start the revisionism I guess since they're taking down all of the proof that we even had a past because we don't want people's feelings to get hurt. God damn these fucking Marxists. I'm starting to get really really fucking tired of all of this shit.
It's all so tiresome.
my new desktop wallpaper. Thanks user.
>feminists out prude the victorian era
what the fuck