Here’s a black pill. Because Roy Moore lost MAGA is dead, the Niggers have won and will fuck our woman with glee and without protest. Alabama has sent a message to Washington that the far right agenda Trump ran his campaign on is no longer what is wanted or needed. Fuck Alabama, what a piece of shit nigger-loving state.
Here’s a black pill. Because Roy Moore lost MAGA is dead...
They may have won a battle, but they have lost the war.
It true. All white women crave BBC now that Moore lost. I am in Alabama and I noticed an immediate uptick in multiracial births. It's over fellow drumpfkins, we have a good run.
>Nigger Lives Matter meme flag
Don't forget to sage shitty demoralizing bait 1/10
Here's a white pill
The midwest is ours and the whites in urban areas are getting angrier
Watch as all Republican candidates become pedophiles now. Republicans need to get over their hatred of hebephiles (attraction to teens) or they’re going to feel the wrath of black cock.
You are a delusional wh*Te subhuman. All white women want TÜRK cock
I don’t even feel bad for the faggots fake republicans who didnt vote or voted against Roy Moore for being an alleged pedo. I hope their woman are ravaged by black cocks for eternity.
Turks are White
This is not a good thing, will americans fall in the same trap as germans did?
bump for truth
>mfw the serb that has fought the turks for 500 years and been fucked by them calls them white
Nice shill thread
Fuck off shareblue
The DNC rigs the Democratic Primary Election against Bernie Sanders so Hilliary can win the nomination. Obama's administration starts to request surveillance on Trump, his family, his transition team, and anyone associated with him. Donna Brazil gives Hilliary the questions to a debate. The DNC pays Christopher Steele to come up with a smear dossier about Trump. The mainstream media releases a taped conversation about Trump talking about grabbing women parts. After all this Trump still wins the General Election.
Obama orders an investigation into Russia meddling in our elections. Obama changes Executive Order 12333 to allow more agencies to have access to surveillance data. The Democratic Party comes up with a scandal that Trump Colluded with Russia to win the election with no evidence or proof. This wild claim is backed up by the mainstream media.
Obama hold overs start unmasking Trump's transition team and staff members then release the classified information to the mainstream media. Why? Because the DNC and the Obama administration colluded with the intelligence community to thwart Trump's campaign efforts to get him elected president. All this Russia collusion is an attempt to cover up the fact that the Obama administration, the intelligence community, the DNC, along with the mainstream media used our nations surveillance as a political tool to try to get Hilliary elected President. This makes Watergate look like a kindergarten play. Let that sink in.
This is plainly treason. Americans subverted by their own banana republic government that decides who will take rule, DOJ/Obama/FBI implicated directly. The government proven to subvert all US citizens in an act of treason.
Know clue what conk a donk cracka shill fuckers are talking about. But I see you weird cumskins trying to sexually assault us black men here in alabama. I might have to pop a cap in your fat asses
Which is why it baffles me that Trump won Alabama despite all this and yet a Democrat wins Alabama against a candidate backed by Trump and running on the same far-right agenda he did. It makes no sense.
Why does Sup Forums hate Nassar but love this guy?
And here is a red pill for you. As of today the GOP gets 60 seats in the Senate in 2018 and picks up a dozen or two in the House. Trump’s MAGA agenda will be a STEAMROLLER for the following 6 years and Pence will get 8 years after that. Any Rat that has defended this shit is poison and any mention of an association with just about any current Rat will be as well. Think about that. The Rats are crippled for decades as of today.
So how did Roy Moore lose? Cuz muh paedophillia? The dems just gonna say that about everyone now and red states will flip like dominos.
And now everyone is silent about Moore. No charges brought forward
White pill: the seat is up for election in 2 years and a republican will win. Roy Moore would have tainted Trump's brand and been a distraction. This is a good outcome in the end. He was a shoe-in except for his past. His politics didn't cost him the election.
We sent a message that we didn't want a pedophile theocrat, the state's still Trump territory.
How many more candidates do you plan on running who can't even deny pursuing teens in a softball Hannity interview? Think about not running those if you want to win elections.
>fall in the same trap
Germany wasn't infested with this amount of non-whites.
Seriously though, why do young white women love black guys so much. I don't see many older white women with black guys but girls from 20-30 I see walking around town with black guys all the time.
>Roy Moore would have tainted Trump's brand
Who, the guy Trump endorsed? The tainting is done, Trump and the rest of the party should've thought harder before backing Ol' Roy.
Also the phrase is "shoo-in", and Roy wasn't one. He's was already one of the weakest republicans in the state with a ton of baggage, the abortion issue is the only thing he had going for him.
It was Bannon and Breitbart that thought they could lead people around and make this guy happen.
Germany made too many powerful enemies too quickly. We are the most powerful nation to ever exist by a wide margin, and neither of the only other two countries that matter at all would care to stop us.
It was people in Alabama being shitheels, but Bannon didn't help. Then after the election Breitbart's editor admits they thought he was a shit candidate and they only shilled for him because they thought it would play better for Trump.
Trump didn't back Moore, nor did the rest of the party, though they should have, the accusations were horse shit.
he did tho. RNC too.
Trump did back him just not right away
>makes no sense
It makes sense when you realise the Demorats cheated against Roy Moore. Local elections are easier to rig, and bussing a few thousand niggers across the border to commit election/voter fraud is easy. This has been going on since the the cavalry used to ride into town on election day to vote.
Enjoy nigger loving doug jones and your black cock faggot
let the tears fall. and tell me more tales of the ghost buses and the invisible army of democrats with fake IDs.
thanks, but he's a US senator, so you enjoy him too bud
So we just lay down and lose in november? Is this yet another black pill to swallow?
i wish I could watch you be raped by a million niggers for 3 days straight you piece of shit
But you would probably enjoy being raped by niggers
I'm sure you're often frustrated, learn to live with it
I dunno, you're the one who says he wants to watch gay sex for three days straight.
Id want to watch you suffer, but on second thought youre addicted to black cock in you and your daughters asshole, so Id probably just rather beat the shit out of your faggot ass with my
bare hands
Fuck off Yankee cuck. You people leech off of hard working red state dollars to feed illegals and nigger prisoners. Use your own taxes faggots.
you could help by not electing democrats in your ((red)) states but low and behold you choose nigger loving dems who want to give all your money to your daughters black thug boyfriend that hates you and your little peckwood.
Red states are the poorest in the nation wtf are you talking about
It's just getting started bitch
Uh, got it backwards champ.
>Niggers have won
wow, what timeline are you from user?
This one.
The GOP threw him under the bus, retard
this isnt a black pill its fucking retarded.
>I noticed an immediate uptick in multiracial births.
you didnt notice shit but when the DMV opened nigger. Your probably a jew or cuck white anyways.
Glad you guys are finally starting to wake up and realize this. Say it with me:
also maybe don’t run candidates like this.
Who could be behind this post?