"Financial Times": Because of Russia the EU will receive six states

>"Financial Times": Because of Russia the EU will receive six states

>The EU plan is to receive six countries in its membership: Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, BiH and Macedonia, as well as the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo, writes Financial Times.

>According to the newspaper, the main reason for such a move by Brussels is that the Balkans serves as the main "field" through which thousands of migrants reach the European Union. However, the Financial Times argues that EU strategists fear Russia is dangerously spreading its zone of influence, precisely in a region where it traditionally already has allies.

>It has been noted that Moscow began to cynically comment on the promises that the EU gives to the Western Balkan countries over membership, imposing itself as an "alternative".

>"A significant number of citizens, namely, in the region believe that their country will never join the EU," said Florian Bieber, a South Eastern Europe expert at the University of Graz.

>Brussels's new plan will be presented to the European Commission on February 6, when the EU is to present its plan for the Western Balkans. It is expected that the new plan will be adopted, writes FT.

>The deadline for the "big enlargement of the EU" is the date already mentioned in the Serbian public as a framework for Serbia to be admitted to the EU, which is 2025. Many consider it too ambitious, but EU diplomats argue it is necessary.

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>Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, BiH and Macedonia
This will start a migrant crisis 2.0

we are about to finish the job bozgor so get ready.

also it's stupid off EU to let Serbia in because we are bassilly Russian and Chinese Trojan horse,but what ever free gibs are free gibs.

Serbs I can barely tolerate. They seem to be bros with Greece so why not. But I just know we will have Balkan super gangsters in Amsterdam in a few years. EU has upsides and some downsides.



Fuck no Albanians are worse than fucking niggers and arabs combined with gypsies. Why would you want them to be in the same block and not only just Albania but also fucking Kosovo which is even worse.

Once you're in the EU, the real agony begins. Source: our own experience

most off our ''super'' gangsters are in jail or dead,but the gangster shit was only happening in the 90s and early 2000s.

The only Serbian criminal organization outside off Serbia is in Sweden and Australia but mostly with other Yugos.

Stop taking my tax money then and kindly fuck off back home. Might make it easier for me to get a job.

If Serbia didn't go all supremacist genocide, they would already be in the EU and probably rich as fuck because theres a lot of talented people there. Sad that they tarnished such a great history of resistance to foreign occupation with the barbarism they committed.

Can it wait until we're gone ?

Signed Brexit

how about no western cuck

We would, but the crony government couldn't care less. However, we do have a political party that's outrageously against EU and NATO...

>If Serbia didn't go all supremacist genocide, they would already be in the EU and probably rich as fuck because theres a lot of talented people there.

blame Communism and not our ''supermacist genocidal tendencies''

Do you fucks realise how many of your country men/women live over here? Most of them are cool but its not like we wanted tons of immigrants. But you always bitch and moan about "Westerners". All I want to do is visit your country for holidays, why do we always get abuse. Your governments steal the money building shitty roads and I saw Romania made "tourism towers", literally made of plywood for 60,000 euros a tower. Thats our tax money you fucks

How the hell does Serbia ''steal'' the money from EU when we are not in the EU to begin with??

Jesus fucking Christ no. Do they really want to turn us into a muslim continent?

I added you by mistake. Serbia I don't mind but fuck Albania. Romania was just about okay now we have gypsies begging and squirting shit water on people for money

Shut up baltic scum. I hope we don't fuckig join this shit

Still not as big problem as migrants...

>Russia destroys Europe by simply existing

Western Europe just like the Roman Empire destroyed it's self.


>hide the flag

Only the balkaners can save this shit of continent. That's why the ''''''''''''''''eu'''''''''''''''' don't want want us you soyim faggot

Too bad it drags countries like Poland and ex-Yugo states with them.
People just wanted a better life.

Cant wait for the balkan mafia to unite and take over europe

>Serbia in because we are bassilly Russian and Chinese

How? They'll just block all commercial or transport activity between these countries. Serbia is landlocked.

>until we're gone



EU is such a fail. Hope switzerland can avoid joining this club of EU technocrats.

>Serbian mobsters working with other Yugo plebs
with Albos they are allready working but other Yugos don't really have an criminal organization outside their countries unlike Albos and Serbs

Hurray for the rise of our neoliberal European empire! :)

Just because we are land locked doesn't really mean anything,China is investing their biggest projects in Europe in Serbia and we also gave them the US stealth plane when we took it down,whille Russia and Serbia allways had a good political relationship

t. Albanian

Keep on dreaming. Switzerland will never join the fucking EU. It's more likely that the EU will fail than Switzerland will join this club.

Do the people have a say? It's hard to see why anyone would want to join the EU knowing that they are going to give up all their sovereignty and identity for a bunch of niggers and Muslims.

WHY are they carrying HIS pic?!

>Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, BiH and Macedonia, as well as the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo
Because that won't make everybody else withdraw and finally collapse the "union". Let's do it

>finish the job
You mean pic related?
>The memeflagger retard is full of shit
They are bros with Greece, that's for sure. These two failures didn't do anything to stop the migrants
>EU has upsides and some downsides
The only upside of the EU is that it will fall apart

Wow what a team.
EU No 111

albanian and kosovo are not european and never will

They need cheap workers in the West. Would you rather have muslims and Somalians or Serbs and fake serbs? 20+ years down the road Belarus/Ukraine will join for the same reason.

why the fuck not??
But Chinks do like Serbs and our war movies