south america venezuela
africa ????
middle eastern iran
asian japan
The non european contry with you most respect
Other urls found in this thread:
Every country that is against Ishrayelelelel *speak with forked tongue between teeth*
I respect Japan more than any Euro country desu
I hate weeaboos. Most of you probably don't know Japanese history beyond caricatured accounts either.
I'm not Chinese, but China was the cultural center of East Asia. Even Yoshida Kenkō in Essays in Idleness (famous Japanese lit) advised all Japanese people to learn Chinese language and customs. Most of Japanese culture is derived from Chinese influence.
Why? They're workaholics who work 14 hrs a day yet they're still not as productive as westerners. Do you only respect japan for anime/weeaboo reasons?
Asia: Hong Kong
Middle East: Israel
Africa: Morocco
North America: USA
South America: Chile
>Middle East: Israel
Leave Sup Forums.
North America: Canada
South America: Argentina
Africa: None
Asia: China and Japan
North Korea
Oh and I forgot..
Middle East: United Arab Emirates
>Middle East: United Arab Emirates
Literally a nation made by foreigners and slaves. The people are dense as fuck.
>Respecting the (((USA's))) asian bitch
Best aesthetics outside of Nazi Germany
South America : Argentina
Africa : Liberia
Middle East : ???
Asia : Vietnam
SA: Uruguay
Asia: Myanmar
ME: Oman
Africa: Transval/Orange Free State (RIP in Peace)
>t. weebs
ask them why they love Japan and they will tell you its because of their anime, ask them what city of Japan they will tell you Tokyo
I don't know Japanese history extensively but I do know a lot about Showa and Meiji eras and that's when all the cool shit happened. I'm a weeb sure but I enjoy reading about Imperial Japan as much as I like to watch anime.
You are literally the USA's European bitch, anglo...
We're on Sup Forums, many of us love them because they tell international forces to fuck off and have heavily restricted immigration. Not only that, they managed to adapt to the modern world without completely abandoning their culture like a lot of Euro countries.
Nice meme flag
You here on holiday nip?
Even better I am a Kraut studyingi in Britannistan. ;^)
Also this was no rebuttal of my factual statement.
South America: Chile
Africa: Morocco
Middle East: Jordan
Asia: Japan
>Kraut calling UK the USA's bitch
HAHAHAHA you've been cucked by the allies since 1945
Right, but you are a willing whore even to this day, desperately clinging to your insignificance by sucking daddy USA off. At least German made a couple of decisions during the last years that pissed uncle sam off. Besides I don't give a shit about Germany anymore.
I know the history of Asia very well and China is for faggots. It's right up there with fucking Korea in significance
South America : Chile, Uruguay, Argentina
Asia : Japan, China, Singapore
Africa : none
Middle East : none
They will die in a nuclear holocaust before they are a western bitch.
>south america
Argentina probably for fighting the eternal Anglo
>middle east
Nippon followed by Flips. Most Flips I meet over here rare bro-tier and are pretty based.
I see the (((German education system))) killed your nationalism Hans.
>I see the (((German education system))) killed your nationalism Hans.
...he says while destroying his own heritage in a reaction to incidents happening in hollywood. ;^)
Chile are the jews of latin america, they think they’re 100% european
Chileans are the jews of latin america
SA- Chile or Argentina, should be obvious why
Africa- I guess Egypt or something
Middle East- Lebanon
Asia- Russia
South America - no idea
Africa - Rhodesia
middle East - Syria
Asia Japan
And what have you been doing to your heritage? How many streets in Berlin are named after kikes who wanted to destroy your country?
Also Korea and Colombia.
North America: if last digit is below 3 Mexico, more than 6 Canada, in between the US
Africa: Ethiopia
Minor Asia: Georgia
Asia: Taiwan if below 5 japan if more
Americas: Chile, Peru
Africa: Pygmy lands
Asia: Bhutan, Mongolia, Japan, Papua New Guinea, Tibet, North Korea, Burma
Middle East: Iran, Oman
Are we judging this based on historical legacy or the present?
Doesn't work like that, retard. They actually have no correlation after modernity and industrialization being such a drastic change, even destabilizing in some sense due to globalism.
Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam
East Asia: Japan
Indian sub-continent: Bhutan
Central Asia: Mongolia
Middle East/North Africa: Iran
Sub-Saharan Africa: South Africa (I have little respect for SA but it's still the best)
America: Chile
then make up your mind
South America: Argentina
Africa: Algeria
Middle East: Saudi Arabia
Asia: Vietnam / South Korea
>Middle East: Saudi Arabia
I can't make up my mind because the OP never specified.
Pre-Aryan India. Indus valley civilization had toilets and shit but fucking mongol niggers come in and genocide all the toilet users.
India was way more influential. Sanskrit originated all European languages and Indian culture dominated all of Asia.
Historical Legacy
South America: None
Africa: None
Middle East: Assyria and Iranians (Achaemenid, Sassanid, Samanid, Safavids)
Central Asia: Gandhara
East Asia: China (Tang, Song) and Japan (Edo and Heian)
Europe: Germany, Frace
North America: None
Middle East: None
North America: None
Europe: None
East Asian: None
South America: None
Europe: Slovenia (seems relatively safe)
Central Asia: None
>kills sand niggers
>develops first world nuclear power among sand nigger nations
Israel is the best ethnostate
Add Maurya Empire in East Asia (India)
South America - N/A
Africa - Nigeria or Egypt
Middle East - Jordan
Asia - Vietnam
>>kills sand niggers
They're sand niggers themselves.
>>develops first world nuclear power among sand nigger nations
By leeaching off you retarded burgers.
Japan & Chile (argentina, you should be ashamed)
be the one who decide
I went ahead and did both here:
DPRK for being monarchist, traditionalist, and having the balls to take on the world.
Japan for having cute girls
>ask them why they love Japan and they will tell you its because of their anime
You must be joking.
japan, of course
Japan has a problem with idiots wanting to maintain face and serious crime goes unreported or listed under misdemeanors. There actually a lot of Otaku killers roaming around Japan, but since modern Japanese have the mentality of modern South Koreans, they just want to maintain face rather than confront their problems directly and honestly.
[citation needed]
(protip: you just posted a retarded conspiracy theory created by koreans who hate japan)
South America: France
North America: France
Africa: France
Europe: France
Oceania: France
Asia: France
Load of shit. Japan is one of the most messed up countries in the present world. To give some examples:
1) Japanese women who apply for modeling contracts are typically coerced into doing pornography. They also have trouble leaving if they bring in a lot of revenue. Degenerate pieces of shit.
2) The Hikikomori subculture, greater alienation among the youth, and high suicide rate that goes unreported. Otaku killer was a violent manifestation of these deep underlying problems.
3) High population and too damn dense. Molestation is common in subway.
4) Nuclear spill goes unreported.
5) Has no real military and exists as a satellite state of USA.
>koreans who hate japan
Modern South Korea and Japan are both detestable. Modernity creates more problems than good. It also leads to vapid, insipid people like you who don't understand how to research in impartial manner.
>4) Nuclear spill goes unreported.
Nuclear spill effects go unreported*
The effect is more devastating than is disclosed
You forgot about:
Antartica: France
But otherwise, quality post
Africa: Equatorial Guinea/Uganda
Asia: Singapore
Central America: Guatemala
North America: USA
South America: French Guiana
>Modern South Korea and Japan are both detestable
The most important thing here is that you found a way to feel morally superior to both of them to please your self-righteousness.
Marocco for making women this pretty and staying away from the infestation for so many years.
South America, Chile or Argentina.
Africa, Nigeria.
Middle East, Iran.
Asia, either Vietnam or Japan.
No, modern USA and most Western European countries have their own serious issues too. I'm not advocating for anything, just pointing out hypocrisies and expressing general distaste for modernity.
It's pretty easy to be a critic these days.
Practically every country in modernity is pure shit.
K, you brain-dead burger. Pointing out hypocrisies is a matter of honor and integrity for me -- not being a critic.
I'm sure the country of Japan really cares about one anonymous recycle flag faggot poster on 4chins
They must credit you every chance they get
South America: Chile
Asia: Japan
Middle East: Israel
Africa: Ethiopia
T. Berber expat
>South America
Kenya, I'm really loving their anti-Muslim death squads and the wall they are building along the Somali border.
>Middle East
Taiwan, I'm a weeb, and visiting Japan was pretty great, but Taiwan is just better
>but Taiwan is just better
How so?
I don't care if they value my honest opinion or not. I just don't like kissing their asses the way most brain-dead Japanophiles do. I respect many aspects in their cultural legacy tho.
This. I love Japan.
They are the model the rest of the world should follow.
You're both idiots.
Success breed jealousy
No success on your part, faggot. You are leeching subhumans.
Show your flag before you make a bold statement fag
Already made a bold statement. Your nation is literally made by Westerners and abused Indians and Indochinese. The ethnic Arabs are dense as fuck.
>Literally a nation made by foreigners and slaves. The people are dense as fuck.
he is right you know
The same applies to you kike. You kikes were largely successful from leeching the West and form STRONG lobbying presences there. Damn, do you bastards have strong lobbying presences, no joke. Slimey piece of shit.
i am not as stupid as the arab bating me is going to be a bit harder