Prepare your salt folders for the reckoning
Other urls found in this thread:
>They are even more retarded and delusional than shills
>it's like they live in a fantasy world where logics and reason does not apply
if this was here it would have been people baiting, but this is real, they think this
So why is a 60+ Congressman backed Memo by the HIC chairman suspect, but a Buzzfeed dossier Comey himself called "salacious and unverified" good as gold?
The cognitive dissonance is outstanding
The amount of delusional mouth-breathers in real life is appalling. Plebit is an echo chamber of retarded fools that jack each other off to the sound of their own fecal matter being swallowed.
It is incredible how fucking retarded they are..
I think this is the first time my jaw has ever unconsciously went slack
McMcain must die, but first he'll be investigated.
They're women, they will believe anything. They will contort any proof or any logic into whatever falsehoods they want because it was her turn.
The DNC rigs the Democratic Primary Election against Bernie Sanders so Hilliary can win the nomination. Obama's administration starts to request surveillance on Trump, his family, his transition team, and anyone associated with him. Donna Brazil gives Hilliary the questions to a debate. The DNC pays Christopher Steele to come up with a smear dossier about Trump. The mainstream media releases a taped conversation about Trump talking about grabbing women parts. After all this Trump still wins the General Election.
Obama orders an investigation into Russia meddling in our elections. Obama changes Executive Order 12333 to allow more agencies to have access to surveillance data. The Democratic Party comes up with a scandal that Trump Colluded with Russia to win the election with no evidence or proof. This wild claim is backed up by the mainstream media.
Obama hold overs start unmasking Trump's transition team and staff members then release the classified information to the mainstream media. Why? Because the DNC and the Obama administration colluded with the intelligence community to thwart Trump's campaign efforts to get him elected president. All this Russia collusion is an attempt to cover up the fact that the Obama administration, the intelligence community, the DNC, along with the mainstream media used our nations surveillance as a political tool to try to get Hilliary elected President. This makes Watergate look like a kindergarten play. Let that sink in.
This is plainly treason. Americans subverted by their own banana republic government that decides who will take rule, DOJ/Obama/FBI implicated directly. The government proven to subvert all US citizens in an act of treason.
Stop linking that Cancer site to here fucking Newfags.
can someone post the memo the sticky is broken
God I fucking hate the term nothing burger. It is right up there with "problematic".
Remember when these double think bastards were applauding WikiLeaks releasing unredacted information during the bush administration?
They are not human user, they are (((the meek)))
Yes! Its stale, dead, unfunny, not clever and right up there with "NOT" jokes.
>that's being a person
>my opinions are being a person
>disagreeing means you are not a person
i always read reddit posts in an effeminate nu-male voice
Ding Ding Ding
Thats the ticket
spot on
>blimp in front holding mulatto mutant baby
>no father in sight
It's like pottery.
You misspelled "retarded"
>unprecedented action
>grave concern
>when you're accidentally ironic as fuck
the way you began this post, i thought it was going to end with a "AND THEY STILL MANAGED TO LOSE"
>impossible to understate
Meaning "this is not a crisis" wouldn't be understating it.
Dogs are truly saints, that poor poor doggo.
Anyone care for some FB salt??
>Trump could literally take a dump and smear it on a piece of paper and these folks would claim it was a masterpiece of literature
I now want to purchase said piece of literature.
Repetition for clarity:
Say NO to living in a corrupt BANANA REPUBLIC
>bipartisanship is over
A man can dream.
Can anyone tl;dr this shit, every news article I've seen on this FBI fiasco has just been a whole bunch of names I don't know
Imagine the smell
Based Jeff working the libtards into a ding-dong diddly shoot
Hillary should be Impeached
I'm not getting what they feel should have been redacted? There's literally nothing I see that required it
>The big money families are raging
>Lefties are currently in mass hysteria mode
>They are trying to crash the economy
>The democraps are rabid
>They have women crying on TV
>First black president is also the most corrupt,
>All of this because shillary lost a race she was rigged to win
They are scared, very scared.
The mother of all red pills is forming.
They will be named soon
They have been undone by their own weapons.
>The fire rises.
I doubt most of these idiots have even read it, they're just channeling the outrage of the corporate media.
all the shit that links the bullshit FBI using bullshit documents generated by the bullshit DNC and their bullshit candidate
>Nothing burger
Where did this shill talk even come from? Who the fuck says this un-ironically?
Someone post this all over Plebbit. I'm not going to that shithole but I know some of you do.
Facts that incriminate the dnc
I've seen that phrase posted her a lot today instead of people just saying it's nothing. Reddit shills kek
>Surely no ex British mi6 agents will accept payment for fake intelligence anymore!
My thoughts exactly.
hilldawg herself called her email investigation a nothing burger
>Who the fuck says this un-ironically?
The answer lies in your flag, my dear user.
Lmao this
I just looked at the market, down 500. They really are trying to crash the market.
Kate Mitchell
>On a moment's notice, be ready to march in the streets. Let the world see the sheer number of us who WILL stand with our Constitution and the rule of law.
Rightwingers won't usher in the civil unrest. Leftwingers will. You boys ready for this?
....Okay, I'll bite
Can someone explain to me how they keep saying it's all lies and Trump is going to get indicted TOMORROW!!! without actually providing any reason why?`
At least say something to back up your stuff, no matter how stupid it is. They're just parroting buzzwords at this point. I really want to understand how they can do this.
Cognitive dissonance, delusions, and a healthy dose of paid shills.
insecure people make the funniest faces in pictures.
It is as if it mines itself....
I cam here for this. I saw that the news was trending on normiebook so I read the comments. These people are absolutely delusional. The majority of them are claiming we are "doing putins job for him" wtf does that evenmean. Goddamn it.
>these people vote
Fookin ell.
delusion is real for these folks
LOL how CLUELESS are the leftys?
>everything we alredy knew
There's a difference between "knowing" something and having proof of something.
What's with the seething rage directed towards Russia? I can't understand any of this mess.
>Cersei Clinton
I just came back from work anyone has a quick rundown?
Wait, does the left actually use the term nothingburger unironically?
reddit is full of sad cunts.
Brazil was declared a white country. Congratulations!
so let me get this straight
>people bitch about investigating Trump for a year
>Trump approves uncensored release of some memo
>People bitch about investigation harming their country
am I missing something?
He had the memo before almost anyone else outside of Fusion GPS and the FBI/DoJ.
He knew before anyone else how bullshit it is. Remember that in the context of everything he has said since summer 2016.
LOL Shepherd Smith just misspoke and said "The Russian Document" talking about the memo accidentally on his show. Russia on the brain.
Pelosi seems...agitated.
I truly feel sorry for the dwindling user base of Reddit. Many of these people don't realize they're debating with democratic party operatives and paid posters. I debated some of these shills before i got banned and they have some of the shittiest arguments ive ever read.
>It's nothing but at the same time it's a major blow to national security and our FBI and DOJ
Even James Comey is using this double speak? Do they not realize how retarded that sounds? It's nothing but it is.
We did it reddit!
>key points are blatantly false
why the fuck is zappy487 not on the Senate Committee and head of the FBI given xe knows what the truth is?
>Ding ding ding
>We want the transcripts released of fusion gps even though the investigation isn't over!
>What? You want to release a memo?
What is really depressing is that these idiots are allowed to vote...
>Stand up to tyranny!
>What do you think? Do you agree? would you give me a like if you agree, please
they can't possibly do some self-reflection
>It's like they live in a fantasy world
Is it based on Star Wars or Harry Potter?
sotu day the dow dropped 360 points (((sacred number))) today will probably drop 666.
>"achingly long decade this week"
Who even speaks like this? I never read the Potter books. Is this Harry Potter book grammar or something?
But McCain I thought Russia was just a gas station not a country? I thought Obama was right that they're no threat on the world stage? I thought Putin was dumb and just a tactician but not a strategician so he'd be gone in a year or 2 a decade ago? I wish I could strangle every boomer in Arizona. After we get rid of the brownies we need to deal with the day of the pillow.
>the memo is nothing it doesnt matter
very quickly
Always middle aged women. Always
>Our government lied
>Well, yeah, but since we exposed the lies it's going to limit our government's ability to.lie to us in the future.
What a bunch of morons.
how is Russia our biggest adversary? their gdp is that of 2 states.