Have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?
Have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?
What for? To get punched or stabbed or shot? I know niggers are dangerous apes so I dont even get near them
I called a black kid I was good friend with "nigga" in a friendly way and he immediately said whites can't say that word. Really activated my almonds.
No but I've whispered nigger to myself while near one many times.
No other way to call them in spanish
i'm a race realist not a racist
i'm also not impolite
so no
Whats a nigger?
Something you can own or something? We dont have this here
Lets clear one thing up Sup Forums. The reason you won't call a black a nigger to their face is not out of fear of what the black will do to you. Its because you don't feel like dealing with the social, professional, and just MAYBE physical consequences. I'm very confident that post people on here aren't scared to get into a fight with the average nigger as we know we would win. But goddamn you call a black a nigger and they will call your job and get you fired, nobody wants to deal with that. The blacks being dumb as fuck think its because white people are scared of them, that couldn't be further from the truth.
He said "black person."
And yes. Would not do it to an actual nigger.
I've never met one though
Yeah, my friend.
He's just as racist and anti-PC as me though so it doesn't bother him.
Yes. We had a guy living in my city called Neger henke. Everyone called him that, even when he came to school with his mother.
Around blacks, never relax.
You sound maladjusted, buddy.
The day after Die hard with a vengeance taught me the word I called a kid a nigger.
Yes I have
Not since I was a wee lad on the playgrounds of ghetto St.Paul Minnesota. I've since moved to a 88% white city on the west coast and haven't actually seen a nigger in years.
I still remember that hilarious triggered reaction from that magic word, it delighted me as a kid. I'd laugh and laugh as they'd try and call me cracker, white devil and I'd simply smirk and say 'least i aint a nigger!' They'd cry or go ape. Good times!
Yes, I did.
>Employee hired due to "diversity".
>Only 5 months in, her screwed up his job that pissed off one of our clients.
> I called him into my office and told him "I need a competent employee, not a Nigger fuckup".
>He went to HR.
>It was his word against mine
>nobody ever heard me utter anything disparaging
>nigger quits
Did this line of reasoning begin with Freud?
No, but have called one a “kanker neger” and “kaffer” during an group altercation. One of the only times I fought, faggots thought we were with two people, too bad for them my other buddies were leaving the snack bar after us.
I have, but to be fair I was 12-13 years old at the time, and I've never said it since. She was neighbors with my best friend, and every time I would visit, she'd also be outside and call me a dog face. Does my face look like a dog's? Maybe, but every day I would just ignore her. One day I wasn't about to take that shit, so when she called me a dog face, I said, "I'd rather look like a dog than be a nigger."
That's the last time she ever called me a dog face.
yea when i was a kid in middle school and a couple of them got mouthy. i was told i cant say that because it was their word. note i didnt use the word nigga i said nigger and was kinda of in awe at their inability to understand that i can say any damn word i want
I almost did in high school. There was this black kid that kept trying to stick me with a pin. I was mad, but I stopped at the last possible moment before saying it because my aunt was a teacher there and I didn't want her to look bad.
Yes. To a coworker. He started getting upset like a nigger, but he calmed down when I told him to fuck off it's just a word.
Yes I did, nigger then stalked me down the street at night and sucker punched me from behind, lesson learned, "around blacks never relax" Also in jail one time called a nigger a nigger, he screeched and hovered over me with threats and imprecations but was to chicken to get physical because then the guards would get him
i have called anti-whites nigger lovers
not enough niggers and i dont remember