Where do we go from here? What has to happen to have the relevant parties go to jail? What steps need to be taken by Trump, Wray, Congress, etc?
Now that it's out
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Nobody goes to jail. They all agree to a big circle jerk while promising to say Trump's dick was biggest.
invest in tar and feather manufacturers
Everything in that memo is false. It was released to distract from Trump/Russia. Robert Mueller will finish his investigation and the American people will know how Russia worked with Trump to steal the 2016 election.
All FBI/DOJ people involved should resign or be fired. Replace the people with competent non-partisan people. The entire DOJ/FBI are now under a literal magma chamber of angry pundants and political mess that cannot be contained. The volcanic eruption of this entire memo, texts, and compilation of data and documents that were falsified and poisoned the well.
Easy - they just take it in the ass.
You guys put up a dairy farmer vs the Intel community?! LMAO!
Nothing you retard. Nothing happens. American politics are a kike controlled puppet show. You will never get anything accomplished through a (((democracy))) that is controlled by jews at every level. You guys will be screaming "omg its happening" only to go "well this was just the beginning" for 8 fucking years. Do you faggots have no sense of pattern recognition. You're all being placated by a civic nationalist and by the end of his term your demographic fate will be sealed.
Sup Forums used to know shit like this but you high school aged autists from the_donald ruined this place.
I honestly don't know.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Whatever ShareBlue.
City soy boys and people dependent upon gibs voted for killary.
Educated, honest, and hard-working landowners voted for Trump
It's funny because even though your entire house of cards is currently in the process of tumbling down, you still stand here, unwavering in your indoctrination, claiming that the Russia investigation is even a real thing and not a partisan political attack. You're going to feel real stupid pretty soon bud, better hunker down because it's going to be a bad seven years for you
From my friend? Balkanization. I told him it's no compromise to take half the cake we baked because he originally asked for all of it.
From the conversation we had? Death. To all of the traitors.
Great that the memo is out, but now I want to see arrests and take downs.
But who will arrest them if they own every institution? Perhaps we just need insurrection
bring charges on the underlings like fbi agents strozk, bring charges on the overlings like bill ohr. get them to start talking for plea deals and immunity deals, and work your way to the top until we drag king niggers ass into court and he goes to prison
>8 years
Damn right, faggot.
Those traitors ought to be seriously embarrassed and ashamed. Send them to Guantanamo bay.
Arrest all Democrats
Fire Mueller
Fire Rosenstein
Get someone in who is loyal and will go after the deepstate
jesus chist.
two different threads.
you copy and pasted the exact same post.
in two different threads.
>It's funny because even though your entire house of cards is currently in the process of tumbling down, you still stand here, unwavering in your indoctrination
the most ironic thing I've ever read all day, lel
>i-it's false and they made it up and even if it's true it's not a big deal plus nothing illegal happened and if it did it was for a good reason
whatever bugman
an actual special counsel. the mueller thing is going to end up being the longest and most expensive money laundering investigation in the history of the world.
i will never not laugh at this pasta
If you're a delusional libfag who takes everything the leftist media says at face value, then yeah, I get where you're coming from. The only problem here is that conservatives are right and you're wrong, as proven an innumerable amount of times through Wikileaks, this memo, FISA requests, etc. Keep your head in the sand though, it'll be just like the Trump election all over again when the law starts cracking down on your corrupt Democrat idols.
You are in every thread looking for FPBP. Quit shitting up the board. You know EXACTLY what comes next.