Is hee /our guy/?
Is hee /our guy/?
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O fuck yea he was. The butcher would solve our diversity problems.
Shameless bump to stop the slide.
I don't watch films, I'm too intelligent.
Bill was the first poltard.
pretty much
He's an alpha badass who eats raw meat and kills with no remorse.
There's no room for honor in a battle to the death, sentimental bullcrap.
>tfw Irish but agree with Bill
(((foreign influence)))
Checked. He tried to warn us.
>native americans
>beware foreign
he was right tho.
Think I'll watch that movie again. Found a new mentor. Bill was fucking based.
Go away prairie nigger.
Me too
fuck off private Mutton.
>tfw i know that feel
Papist and Jews are the 5th column that wreck every nation.
Go fuck a horse
I knew a dumb Indian nigger would come with that bs. Indians were fucking retarded that's why they lost their land. Tough luck lads.
savages are uncivilized monkeys
History is not about who's right, history is about who is left. ;^)
if i grew mustache long and cut my hair I'd look exactly like him
What the literally fuck?
at least the irish had reason to come and it wasn't for gibs
but heart is on the left, can do nothing with it :^)
self-critical friend0.
white papist here, can confirm. I have been receiving orders from the Vatican in the mail, the subversion of America is almost complete
Really makes you think about immigration in 2018
>tfw the guy with the club visits him and butcher guy throws a cleaver in his back
Well that was pure cringe. I didn't think anything was worse than AMVs.
>There's no room for honor in a battle to the death
The 'honor' came before the fight.
Go home you bog trotting papist.
I know this is prob bait but this is back from the days when white anglo stock were considered the "native americans".
Shit was brutal. Also,
>I'm going to teach you to speak fucking English with this knife
That was right up there with his milkshake speech from There Will Be Blood.
He has a battlefield respect for some of his enemies and you know what that's a rare quality. He stole every single scene he was in but none more so then in the scene with the Priest's death, when he said "He crosses over whole." I got chills.
>My father gave his life, making this country what it is. Murdered by the British with all of his men on the twenty fifth of July, anno domini, 1814. Do you think I'm going to help you befoul his legacy, by giving this country over to them, what's had no hand in the fighting for it? Why, because they come off a boat crawling with lice and begging you for soup.
>calls irish niggers
>is a 50% jew 50% negroid himself
kek muttmerican fictional hero
And what non-indian americans actually thinks of british ancestry?
Who cares?
It does matter.
What's your national identity?
What's yours? Oh that's right, it doesn't matter because he's a FICTIONAL CHARACTER FROM A MOVIE
Protestants are cucks
That's why i'm asking about your opinion, not a character from the movie.
When did you ask for my opinion? The broken sentence you replied to my post with? How about you structure it correctly when you ask someone a question?
You are a hard person as i see.
Well, forget then.
>>My father gave his life, making this country what it is. Murdered by the British with all of his men on the twenty fifth of July, anno domini, 1814. Do you think I'm going to help you befoul his legacy, by giving this country over to them, what's had no hand in the fighting for it? Why, because they come off a boat crawling with lice and begging you for soup.
He was right then, and we are right now.
You come bearing that flag, you get treated harshly
Where are you from user?
>And what non-indian americans actually thinks of british ancestry?