He was part of the whole thing. He has no credibility
How much do they pay you? And how do i need to send my resume to?
can't wait for McTumor to die
Imagine being so senile and demented from brain cancer that you still think it's the cold war 30 years after it ends.
I can't wait until this old faggot croaks.
If that statement is real, which I don't doubt tbqh.
At some point the dems will have to wake up and save their own asses, this won't work and it will alianate so many workers. They will need to start shunning these corrupt officials for saving their own ass, something mccain is very good at. Selling out others for saving his own ass. He's dying but he's still a traitorous cunt
he just died sugartits
Answer the question. I'm interested too.
Keep fighting John McCain. You can retire in 2020 when Trump leaves office
Mccain is a kike shill, okay?
You can expect these arrogant morons keep digging them selves further down in the dirt though, it will be fun to watch them burn in their own feces because of this.
They won't admit this with once, it's going to be a long process and it's going to be glorious. Then eventually, they will be taken down one by one and the swamp is being drained. First then will the survivors distance them selves to save their sorry asses. Pretty universal when it comes to shitlords like this
Don't get my hopes up you stupid fucking asshole
>the most powerful and rich people in the world colluded to sabotage Trump
>corrupt elements within the very government itself conspired to frame and sabotage him
>democracy STILL prevailed
Democracy confirmed for best political system, commies and fascists BTFO for all eternity.
How much are they paying you shill?
>The latest attacks on the FBI and DOJ serve no American interests
How about the fucking truth. Funny because as I recall it didn't seem to stop democrats doing the same shit when Nixon was in office
Like I'd listen to a guy who kills American patriots.
Isn't the whole "Muh Russia" thing a crackpot conspiracy theory?
John McCain's masters want open borders for cheap illegal labor. There is no actual John McCain, just a mouthpiece of his masters.
Wait? he never lit a naval vessel on fire?
this is one thing that's always been strange to me
>how the hell can he even be a senator, given his traitorous history?
Once a traitor always a traitor.
>get slain mccain
This is a sad day in America. This is going to put lives in danger and undermine our IC.
You are going to hang. We know your name.
Drop dead John.
Bring it puke. Want my address?
I see the blitz from shareblue has started.
Wriggle worm. Somehow no matter how hard you hold on your grip continues to slip inch by inch.
I've been on pol along time boy. So fuck off.
John McCain was a looser. He lost his battle in Vietnam, He lost the presidency in 08. He will likely go on to loose his battle with cancer. Pathetic.
Do the world a favor and declassify/release McCain's war record. Fucking traitor can burn in Hell.
It is, though.
I don't know why this is hard to understand.
Did you know that the day after the Berlin Wall came down, MI6 chiefs went into Whitehall only to be asked, by knowledgeable people - cabinet members - "Why are you still here?"
I used a UK example, but it's true for the US too. The vast bulk of western espionage was focused against the USSR, and Communism in general. When it collapsed, we became complacent.
We squabble among ourselves over absolutely nothing, our leaders and media get distracted by whatever idiotic issues are on the media/social media agenda (THAT'S PROVEN SO HARD TO MANIPULATE, RIGHT?) and meanwhile, Russia has consolidated a rock solid power base.
Do you think it's coincidence that almost everyone involved with running modern Russia is former KGB, including Putin himself? Do you think it's coincidence that Russia has more military power than the rest of Europe put together?
Imagine if ANY other country had pulled the audacious military actions Russia has in the last ten years. South Ossetia. Ukraine. The US stood by and did nothing - practically SAID nothing. To say nothing of Europe, which was expected to leap to the defense - but knew it couldn't stand up.
Putin has supporters out in the streets who adore him. Most Russians even support his war in Syria - which he's nearly won, incidentally. Obama couldn't even muster up enthusiasm for anything more than a limp dick lip service intervention out there, and despite Trump's bluster, the US is so deadlocked against him that he couldn't turn the tide even if he wanted to.
The mistake most people in the West are making on this one is to assume that the Cold War is "over" because COMMUNISM is over. (And it is. It doesn't matter what a handful of idiotic lefties say.)
You think people like Putin cared about Communism? Ever?
No. It's just about winning.
sure you have Chaim.
go back to rebbit you paki cunt.
When will that bastard die?
Someone posted here that he died this morning, news won't break out until 2pm according to user
>Do you think it's coincidence that Russia has more military power than the rest of Europe put together?
It's been the policy of Europeans to let America Pay for it's wars.
a true American HERO.
Drumpf can't relate
I don't even like Trump, but McCain is an insane shithead with dementia and should not have any power.
I really want to take a dump on his head. It will help with the hair loss.
Does that mean Trump will stop working for Israel?
>inb4 shill
Someone got to this man. Someone, somewhere, got SOMETHING on this man, because nobody flip flops like he did for no reason. I met and talked with this man back when he was running and he was nothing like he is today.