Chinks have a RAILGUN
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They are testing it. But its also good sign, Americans keep telling that chinks can't invent shit yet they do things Americans didn't even master. Pax Sinica soon.
>he wants to the world to be ran by soulless commie chinks
lol, better chinks than your kike lover gay mexican mutts
well, at least they're not trying to destroy the space-time continuum ... oh sh-
>US Navy spends a decade developing the technology and implementing it onto their ships, overcoming materiel and logistical problems
>China copies everything into a shitty, barely operable model
>"haha burgers china's going to ream you out hard"
China copying everyone's homework as usual. Their supersonic stealth missiles are a genuine threat to our fleet, though.
The US Navy already uses railguns as well as lasers. China is still behind.
>modern commie chink
>inventing anything
US made a railgun a long time ago, the chinks probably stole the tech like they steal everything else.
they already have better drones than you, lol. your media just doesn't tell you that.
You can't destroy space with lasers, some star explosions,qasars and black holes mergers release so much energy we would never be able to duplicate such levels but space is fine
>>US Navy spends a decade developing the technology and implementing it onto their ships, overcoming materiel and logistical problems
>>China copies everything into a shitty, barely operable model
>>"haha burgers china's going to ream you out hard"
this shit has been going on since the dawn of time
china... china never changes
>implying I ingest American media for anything besides Sup Forums
When the missiles start flying it won't matter who developed them first, just who has the most and which ones work best. But saying that China "invented" shit is laughably wrong.
Personally I half want China to take over as world hegemon. We were never ideologically prepared for the job, but China has the right soulless mercantile attitude to keep their interests in line and not let world opinion push them around. We don't need 14 aircraft carrier battle groups, but the current world order is built on it. It would just be nice if we could step back without other parties immediately filling the gap and global society collapsing for another decade.
But that was our ace in the hole!
lol hasnt US had this for like 20 years now ?
Unironically this.
hehe, just having fun. but there is this.
Wouldn't silkworm spam be easier?
Im-fucking-plying one of the national laboratories dosen't have one 3 times as badass as the shitty chink knockoff one already.
>this was supposed to be vikings
Who do you want your slaves to be?
White people or kike loving gay mexican mutts?
As they should. Just like the United States and any other would be great power should. If you aren't trying to steal your competitions military technology then you are beyond stupid.
Just look back how far Exxon was working with China to sell ANWR off.
Maybe there wasn't a Russian collusion and it was china all along.
>Their supersonic stealth missiles are a genuine threat to our fleet, though.
So are fucking cargo ships that travel at like 20 knots....
I myself think that American people are soulless - because you eat like pigs, overweight, you defend your cops who kill people in cold blood, you watch porn too much like crazy, you sue your parents over money, you always snitch on each other if someone jaywalks suspiciously, some drugs are more important for you than science, your own lives are empty but you watch and discuss empty celebreties, you dispose f your parents like they are animals and send them to old people houses, you worship your dogs more than kids. If that not soulless then i don't know what is.
>Communism doesn't wor...
>Americans keep telling that chinks can't invent shit yet they do things Americans didn't even master.
>Doesn't know about the American railguns
BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that's pretty bad vlad even for you. Who the fuck are you kidding, they prolly stole half of the design from ours. kys faggot
>he think it's real
Liberating the serfs was a mistake.
Aren't Americans phasing out their railgun tests in favor of a hybrid between railgun and traditional chemical propellant gun?
Democrats are pushing sanctions with Russia, and even pushing war. That's unlike liberals, but they're doing it.
My theory? China is trying to start shit with both of us. Russia is their biggest geopolitical rival. A war or even sanctions between the US and Russia would benefit them the most.
Good post comrade
Strong words. But 56% zog won't comprehend these words.
Look, one of them, imitating the kikes that control them, assumes the character of a commien, an attempt to away from your strong words by making it into brainless "us vs them" rethoric.
Sink the xhink!!!! Chinky stinky Lee Juan Yang pussy!!!
This channel covers the Chinese shills
SOTU! Rothschild assasina tion attempt on Russian train crash and memo
>trannys on pol?
>massive slidelogs!
Wow this memo is massive!!!
Where is o bama hiding! Heard he lawyered up
Fuck the SHILLS. Unite !!!!! Around!!!! Strong!!!!! Inividuals
we need to go further in order to destroy this universe
The railgun is a meme which is why it's never been implemented on US ships, it's incredibly impractical due to the barrel/rail erosion which allows it to only fire a couple times before breaking. The US navy have actually found that the special hypersonic ammo it uses is more useful than the gun itself (for comparison the ammunition can be fired by a conventional gun at Mach 4 while the Railgun fires munitions at Mach 6) , that's why their trying to implement it for normal guns. The railgun is a meme right now, when it's matured into a viable combat asset the US will deploy it instead of rushing out this useless paper tiger.
For once I agree with russia
Unlike coons who can't even use the wheel and Chinks can be able to copy a skill which is good especially when there is an alien invasion.
China in talks over military base in remote Afghanistan: Officials
Worried about militants sneaking into a restive Chinese region from war-torn Afghanistan, Beijing is in talks with Kabul over the construction of a military base, Afghan officials say, as it seeks to shore up its fragile neighbour.
The army camp will be built in Afghanistan's remote and mountainous Wakhan Corridor, where witnesses have reported seeing Chinese and Afghan troops on joint patrols.
The freezing, barren panhandle of land - bordering China's tense Xinjiang region - is so cut off from the rest of Afghanistan that many inhabitants are unaware of the Afghan conflict, scraping out harsh but peaceful lives.
However they retain strong links with neighbours in Xinjiang, and with so few travellers in the region local interest in the Chinese visitors has been high, residents told AFP on a recent visit there.
China's involvement in the base comes as President Xi Jinping seeks to extend Beijing's economic and geopolitical clout.
You think we're soulless because we can afford to eat whatever we want? That our cops use firearms to dispose of criminals instead of giving them a strong-talking to like in Europe? That we can watch whatever we want without the government stepping in and banning sites? That we can file lawsuits on whoever we want? That we can have the luxury of doing drugs? That we have a world-wide media presence that infiltrates everywhere, even your country? And that some of us like animals?
This is the difference between the American and the statist European. You have never known anything but the state. It consumes and controls your lives. You are literally programmed with fear of it, and instinctually need it to govern every aspect of your lives - burglar goes into your home and you will wait for the cops, government bans your pornhub and you say it's ok because they know best.
Yes, we are all soulless. You have 30,000 Americans in Russia that escaped the soulless nature of our great country. And we have 3 million of your kind that escaped the soulful poverty of yours.
El atrocidad
Why test railgun at sea if they could test it on Washington or New York. I doubt anyone would be upset besides Americans
Oh yes because the majority of incest porn featuring a mature woman and teen boy ISN'T made in Russia. Get the fuck out of here Ivan. You track suit wearing square heads are just as degenerate.
>pic related
America has its problems but one thing I will not tolerate is Europeans, slaves of the state, who are so frightened by the idea of protecting your property with firearms, who see it barbaric that the government doesn't pay for your education and healthcare, who rely upon the government to control their every whims down to the very websites they visit, calling us 'soulless.'
The soul is the individual. America is an individualist country. The collectives are soulless. You don't gauge the value of a soul by being a huge mass of people dependent on a single entity.
Doesn't China only have one aircraft carrier in service? If the shit hit the fan and nukes weren't involved, we would annihilate China's military and it wouldn't be close.
do anyone think they'll produce a handheld version? what will it look like?
>yep, just on a normal cruise, with the transponder not transmitting our correct location and bearing and while pulling sweet high speed turns in a 30,000 ton cargo ship
Even if the Navy needs to rework their daily shift system, there's no way the flips would be sailing like this by accident.
Our cops dont kill people in cold blood
Are you living in the 1945s?
1 missile can sink any shit carrier
>and nukes weren't involved
That's the point, isn't it?
Go spend a day in China and realize how retarded you are.
So now who's going to be the first to mount a railgun on a tank?
Predator ready for battle!
Manmoth tank in the field
He's just going to post a picture of an Atlanta slum and consider you BTFO.
That's cute, ours has been operational for a couple years now
USA also has a railgun
How much faster do you really need to fling shit? We already have projectiles figured out pretty well.
Good for them, but maybe next time they could try inventing something that doesnt exist yet...
The faster you fling shit the more damage it does on impact meaning you don't need explosives.
It's ultimately cheaper to sling an inert piece of tungsten than to use a cruise missile, despite how expensive the initial technology is. It's also fairly immune to countermeasures, as long as the BLOS system is intact.
The US has had railguns for ages, how hard is it to google?
The chinese probably stole the tech from the US.
When you can fling a 2-ton metal rod that costs $2000 instead of 2.5million bucks 10x further without explosives or propellant, fast enough that it expodes violently on impact.
>how hard is it to google
How hard is it to read the thread?
Everyday we get close and closer to MSG becoming reality
You know why they put it on a freighter?
The entire freight deck is probably full of generators.
You have to design an entire warship around the ability to provide enough electricity to power a railgun for it to work.
It's not like a Phalanx of RAM system that you can plop on any ship.
The only warship in the world capable of powering a railgun right now is our Zumwalt class nose boats.
It doesn't matter if China jury rigged a freighter with a railgun. They're a decade or more away from ever being able to put one on a real warship.
Nice, plasma rifles and warden armors when?
It's probably just a testbed to study the effectiveness of our railguns honestly. We're still waiting on their F35 copypaste to operate properly.
neat, but you can't launch them at inland targets right? So is it for all the navel battles?
If there's a mountain in the way probably not but they can destroy anything in the coast.
The navy railgun supposedly has an effective range of 100+ miles, and most chinese military installations are that close to ocean anyway.
Besides, there's a lot to shoot at on the ocean.
>>Russians have a soul
Russians are the most miserable people on the planet.
Chinks don't got nothing on us
Oc they have. They need to test it since us will use some. They need to know its potential. And...its crap. Yeah, you will fire a few kinetic penetrators at hight speed. But you need a nuclear reactor to provide the power. You cannot use advanced ammo since the shock will break them. You can then inflict minor damage on a target with capital ship deployment. Great. Kek. Enjoy the russian and chinese cruise missile barrages, that no aegis can prevent. Hypersonic heavy warheads that will one shot any surface combattant with on hit. And can be fired from anything larger than a corvette. Yeah. America is already a second rate navy. Enjoy salvoes of chad kalibrs vs virgin railgun. Especially when its rainning or there is for, and lasers do not work.
That's not why they're soulless. They're soulless because they're content with misery. The Puritans that came to America were more miserable than they are, and they decided to do something about it and forged a country. The convicts that came to Australia were even more miserable, and they did something about it.
The Russian is content with it. That is what makes a person soulless.
please browse our wide range of products that can one shot this stupid tub
>America is already a second rate navy
It's more that navies just aren't the sole international extension of a nation's power anymore. It's exactly the reason they've been working on those stealth destroyers for a decade, but they still can't get the tech right.
The thing is, when we were drawing up plans for a full nuclear WWIII, we never expected the fleet to survive. They were just their to launch their payloads and attack planes and then hope the retaliatory nuclear strike missed.
MAD still renders most of the ship-level strategy pointless.
A golden spiral.
It will be carried like a death tuba
Who told you russians are unhappy? Life is tough here maybe. And weather is gloomy. Does not mean we're depressed.
This. MAD is the point that ends all.
America can still, provided its incredible talent and experience, have a decent navy. Carriers and battlegroups built around them are completly obsolete. But a fleet based on submarines and a lot of frigate-sized surface combattants equipped with hypersonic cruise missiles would be overwhelming. Plus commandos with landing gear. A complement of drone swarms carriers would be nice. The problem is that, currently, its designed to crush 3rd world countries, not peers. The designs are very differents. Anyway, nukes are the last word. But, sorry, us is also crappy on that. Rafales and some flankers models can carry tactical nukes. Us ? No plane able to do so.
we have rail guns, dude. they arent economical to use.
>What is trajectory
Economical...its far worse than than.
First you need a ship with extreme energy output. Usually nuclear.
Second, the stress of firing is so intense, than after 5-6 shots, you need to replace the barrel. Good luck doing that in a war.
Third. No special ammo. Only kibetic arrws. Why ? They explode or are damage. It means you will put a 10 cm hole in an enemy ship if you it it (nothing worth worrying about , except a lucky shit) while a russian/chinese anti-ship missile will on shot you. And any surface combattant carries some. Not only that but the f35 may never be deployable, and even if, according to specs, its a tur. Aegis is not that reliable, and laser cwis do notwork unless clear sunshine weather and powerless against barrages or anything supersonic. You se the picture ? The us navy has became a turkey shooting exercice for peer nations. Because of meme projects.
Only reason why you would use them is to stop unexploded missiles etc. It's not worth it to fire. Railguns are fucking inefficient. Coilguns even more fucking inefficient. No use in trying to push further than we can go in tech
should I be worried?
I'll start caring when they make hand held rail guns.
What is efficient is arsenal drone ship. Send, pound with barrages or swarms, forget or reload. Defense is definitly outmatched. Kill or be killed, and make your losses as cheap as possible. Thats how it works with current 1st world powers matches. In an exercice, a french submarine sunk a whole carrier battlegroup. A chinese coastguard patroller can compete with us navy cruisers in terms of firepower. Just because they all carry antiship missiles. A rafale can run a few meters above sea level, and no radar can lock it, and launch a suprise tactical nuke or an antiship exocet at point blank range. NATO needs to wake up. Really
Yes, you should. We are nothing but meat to them.
I hope they enjoy the 3 or 4 shots they get out of it before it rips itself into pieces
loving these, thanks
No shit, they just jack our tech.
I bet the Chinese are salivating at the thought of eating us.
Good job china.
All of us get very hard for railguns.
U.S spends billions on R&D, disgruntled employee sells the data to Chinks, who them spend billions on refineing it.
Chinks do the same shit with Russia technology.
They can't invent shit, but tweak a stolen desigb.
These cyber "trendy" identity memes are becoming INSANELY cringy. Like holy shit some of them look suuuuper gay
this. the chinks havent invented anything since silk and gunpowder thousands of years ago.
>saged for faggotry.
ill 2nd that, started off pretty nifty but as per usual all the edgelords and retards overdo it.
Make Petrozavodsk Fort Onega Again.
Don't you Russicans have the highest prevalence of AIDS outside of Africa?