ITT: Anime that far surpass the source material
ITT: Anime that far surpass the source material
Also, Hibike Euphonium was a better anime than Kekkai Sensen, and KyoAni is a better studio than Bones, who can't even release a final episode on time.
>pretending endless 8 never happened
>but one late last episode is somehow unforgivable
>wanting rushed shit over a well made, but late product
opinion invalidated
oh yeah forgot my pic after captcha borked my post for the 31st time today
get your shit together google
The only part of Kekkai Sensen that was truly of amazing quality was the ed. Both the source material and the anime are subpar at best, but that ed is absolutely amazing.
All of them. All mangas are completely incomprehensible to me and the plots, the dialogues, are all incoherent. Whenever I work up the courage to read one I realize why I keep dropping those fucking works of shit. In short, read a fucking book if you want to be smart, watch a fucking anime if you want to be entertained. I don't want to put any effort into getting my dick hard. Fuck you fucking niggers who'll defend these shitty black and white shit quality newspapers.
What about the Berserk anime though.
I still randomly look up that ending on youtube fairly often. Im prepared to be disappointed by season 2's OP/ED already.
I mean, to be fair I'm glad the endless eight exists. Sure, the idea of animating the same episode 8 times practically over and over again is a little stupid, but it's an interesting feat at least.
DBZ, Boku no Pico Academia, Attack on Titan... any shonenshit.
the bigger issue is that it robbed us of haruhi shenanigans, looking back at it yeah it was fucking spectacular - those madmen at kyo ani actually had the moxie to pull it off, but I'm not trying to be too presumptuous here, but anyone that was on airing order at the time was literally frothing at the mouth at that shit. anyone that learned about it after the fact or marathoned it woulda got a giggle out of it, I mean imagine that - your favorite anime, repeating the same episode 8 times
holy shit I was so mad back then, but they got us good. That was eight weeks of your hopes and dreams into a show wasted for the meme value.
it's a bit of a blog post past here, but I was religiously following this show during S2 with my long exgf that got me into this shitshow in the first place, but I enjoyed it enough to do tons of vectors on /w/ pic related is one of those I vectored, I can't even prove it because the hard drive containing the PSD, failed, and I'm still deciding if I should send it to a lab for recovery, because even with the 10K lab costs, there's potential millions in information in that drive
thousands of bitcoins
Made the movie great
Golden Boy (only because it stops before the train-wreck).
Ghost in the Shell.
>golden boy
mah golden nigga
yeah I guess, but it was a real blue balling for fans in the moment at the time, supposedly we're getting a season 3 though, so haruhi's in her club and all's right in the world.
Even better than the Roses of Versailles anime.
Endless Eight was done that way to make us better understand Yuki's motivations for Disappearance. We all threw a shitstorm over 8 loops, how do you think Yuki felt after thousands and thousands?
Kino. The stories and characters are amazing in both, but top tier directing trumps simple prose.
kino's journey right? you're confusing me with best russian punk kino, of viktor tsoi fame.
I wanna FUCK that ghost!
S2 soon bruhs
I've been watching that. Bahamut is the cutest retarded dragon and I want to use Syrorin as an onahole.
steins gate
Never watched it.