Acclaimed Anime Critic Toshio Okada (Otaking) lists the Top 10 Greatest Anime of all Time

Does Sup Forums agree?

2位『花の詩女 ゴティックメード』

10) "Space Battleship Yamato"
9) "The Adventures of Gamba"
8) "3000 Leagues in Search of Mother"
7) "Mobile Suit Gundam"
6) "Daicon IV"
5) "Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer"
4) "Laputa Castle in the Sky"
3) "Crayon Shin-chan: The Storm Called: The Adult Empire Strikes Back"
2) "Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica"
2) "Hana no Utame Gothicmade"
1) "Ping Pong The Animation"
1) "Osomatsu-san"

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Wow, that's a lot of gay shit dude

Good lord, the last time Otaking was in the US was at OTAKON 1995, at the Penn State Scanticon in central Pennsylvania.

Is he still around?

*Correction, he was also at Anime America back in 1996 apparently.

Not even in the slightest.

>no K-ON
>pretentious Yuasashit
Into the trash it goes.

Was OK but the skits were pretty hit or miss, he has better things in the list

you're just now realizing that no one who isn't a basement dweller thinks K-On is good?

>Crayon Shin-chan
Seriously? I mean, sure it has all its cultural influence in Japan but no one on their right minds would call it literary masterpiece.

It's basically like Simpsons and Family Guy - a cheap way to pass the time and nurture memes but it contributes nothing to the growth of literature

Doreamon and Detective Conan rightfully fits this place better

Ganba no Bouken subs never

>10) "Space Battleship Yamato"
>7) "Mobile Suit Gundam"
>6) "Daicon IV"
>4) "Laputa Castle in the Sky"

Literally the only things in this shitpile of a list that have any merit.

Wasn't this Otaking the fucking idiot who trashed G-Reco and Your Name because he was too dumb to understand them?

>6) "Daicon IV"
Of course one of the only things Otaking himself was ever involved in is one of the greatest anime of all time.

He's not listing the Shin-chan TV series, he's listing one of the movies directed by Keiichi Hara which is generally considered a great film. Osomatsu-san is a weird choice though.

>Of course one of the only things Otaking himself was ever involved in is one of the greatest anime of all time.

If he wanted to he could have easily listed Gunbuster and Honneamise, both of which he had a big hand in making and both better than half the shit on his hackneyed list.

No but to be honest it's pretty good taste, it's not like it's objective or anything, If I saw a 3x3 with those anime I would give him a thumbs up.

It was well-received and won awards in Japan. Also had a much wider audience than others of its genre.

Gothic-fucking-made what the hell

It came out in Japan like 5 years ago user

Sword art Online also fits this description perfectly.

>Acclaimed Anime Critic Toshio Okada (Otaking)

I'm honestly fucking surprised LoGH isn't on this list since we're adding pretentious garbage like Ping Pong in here.

> Doreamon and Detective Conan
Neither of those would belong on this list, either. Conan in particular, what the fuck are you doing.

>pretentious garbage like Ping Pong
I love this meme

>pretentious garbage

So this is the power of Neo-Sup Forums

Yeah I don't understand that one. Japs have shit taste (but better than AmeriKKKan taste)

>Miyazaki rehashed shit having any merit

Good one normie.

>10 greatest

This board and it's mistranslations. It says they're the best anime of each generation which is why it's in chronological order.

That makes sense. Though I have to wonder what Japs love about Osomatsu-san, I couldn't get into it.

>each generation
But Ping Pong and Osomatsu-san are barely one year apart

Daicon IV is basically a commercial....

what the fuck. list is trash.


Who cares

Wait, what? The best how many of each generation? And why are there tie-numbers, then (but not for all the shows from the same 2-3 year period)? This just makes it more confusing.

That's why they're both ranked as 1, you baka gaijin.

Yeah, if they're the best of each generation then how does the numbering of
>2) "Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica"
>2) "Hana no Utame Gothicmade"
>1) "Ping Pong The Animation"
>1) "Osomatsu-san"
Make any sense?

But Gothicmade/Madoka and Ping Pong/Osomatsu are only two years apart. And Yamato, Gamba, and 3000 Leagues are all within the same like two year range. And Laputa and Beautiful Dreamer are the same. And then there's nothing from the 90s and only Adult Empire from the 00s. I don't get what the hell "generation" would even mean here.

>it doesn't have eromanga sensei
automatically invalidated

Osomatsu is a remake isn't it?

No, it's a sequel to Osomatsu-kun

Sword Art Online is excellent and I've never understood the hate for it.

>no Shinsekai Yori
Of course, Japanese don't know it even exists. But (((acclaimed anime critics))) shouldn't be so ignorant.

Case and point.

What a weird and all over the place list. All of these deserve placements in top ten lists, but not in the same one.

Oh no I'm not saying K-on was good. SAO is great and K-On was boring gay more hot.

Sasuga the nippon.

Everything ranked from 10 up until and including Shin-chan is considered an unmitigated classic and difficult to argue with in anyway. It is all such safe picks to be honest. If you have any opinion otherwise you likely simply haven't watched enough anime to be aware of them.


>1) "Osomatsu-san"
The original one, right?

>3) "Crayon Shin-chan: The Storm Called: The Adult Empire Strikes Back"
truly the best anime film of all time.

I think those are his personal top 10. It must be subjective.

that's -kun


Definitely in the top 10.



>likes sao
>posts on Sup Forums
just leave my man

>Hana no Utame Gothicmade

Even if we allow subjective affect I'd expect some more order from a "renowned" critic.

I dunno, it's not a bad list. Just not my taste.

>Wasn't this Otaking the fucking idiot who trashed G-Reco and Your Name because he was too dumb to understand them?

No, he trashed G-reco because the story went nowhere (something even Tomino agreed with) and Your Name because it was derivative trash assembled by a production committee to sell based on "feels" and light novel cliches.

In both cases he was right.


Shinkai saved the industry and is now Miyazaki's successor. Stay salty.

>Shinkai saved the industry and is now Miyazaki's successor. Stay salty.
No he's not, because Miyazaki doesn't even respect/care for him. Katabuchi is the successor.

Did some further reading and they describe his ranking process as a battle between anime he personally likes and his critical opinion of works that marked a new era of the anime industry. So admittedly he's not trying to be purely objective, but he still wanted the rankings to reflect the historical booms that occured.

>Miyazaki doesn't even respect/care for him

>comes out of retirement because Your Name assraped Spirited Away and became the No. 1 anime film in the world

Like I said, stay salty

Stop making shit up. Miyazaki comes out of retirement every 5 years. How new can you get?

But Kimi no na Wa is genuinely well-directed and aesthetically pleasing; the shifts in atmosphere are very well-handledh, too
No need to be a contrarian fag, user

>Katabuchi is the successor.

To Takahata, sure. Miyazaki has no replacement.


he didnt say anything about direction, he said it was derivative trash. Although I think his line about light novel cliches is wrong. It's mostly western romcom cliches that are everywhere. I can understand why it was so praised, since I imagine most people who watch anime don't watch western romcoms and are unaware of how lazy and reliant the movie is on those tropes.

Yamada is the successor and the greatest anime director alive.

Yamada's films are NOTHING like Miyazaki though.

Right. Koe no Katachi was the true masterpiece

I thought Otaking was a girl called Paul Johnson who shilled for five tone shading?

The thing is that those clichés are executed well enough to have their own autonomy and feel different. The same goes for all the LN tropes in the film. The atmosphere also helps the movie a lot.
Koe no Katachi has a shitton of flaws tho. Yamada did a pretty good job at adapting it, but even she couldn't salvage the manga's mediocre and generic second half.


wew kyoanus lickers

10, 7, 5, 4, 3, and Ping Pong are the only good ones.

Did you turn your trip off for this one? It can't be a coincidence that the two stupidest posts in the thread are 72 seconds apart.

Cliches are bad by definition, I don't see how good execution saves it. I don't even think you could name the most atrocious cliches that run throughout it, but mind you, if they were just small things that occurred every once in awhile they wouldn't be a big deal at all, but the cliches define the entire overarching plot. I mean jesus, the worst thing you could ever do in a romcom, the one thing that is so overdone it would be immediately disregarded in western cinema where they are more familiar with it, is the "plot device forces two people who aren't on the best terms with each other together and they eventually fall in love" cliche. Now Shinkai not only builds the entire plot around the worst possible romcom cliche imaginable, but then also uses some of the cheesiest body-swap cliches as well. At least four fucking times did they do the "guy feels up the girl he swapped into" cliche. Count that as the 4000 and 4th time I've seen that one. Stopped being funny after 100. Freaky Friday was more creative than Kimi no Na Wa.

>no Fractale
should be fake. Otaking would never forget his buddy Yamakan.

Can't let a show with a Chinese lead in the top 10.

A good execution that reinvents a cliché can make a cliché more bearable.
And the one cliché you mention fits thematically with movie's themes of destiny and the repetition of time; and as cliché as that might be to a Western audience, it is quite common in Japanese literature (assuming that we're talking about a deus ex machina or seemingly supernatural/irrealistic power or even bringing two people together). As it is, the movie never tries to be realistic; at its core, it is magic realism.

Aside from that, four dumb "guy fells up her breasts" scenes don't ruin a movie, and, again, they give it a teist by the thrid time it happens. That's only the tip of the iceberg, as there is a nice amount of direction details that make it stand out from the body-swap trope.

Again, the execution and direction is what's key in Kimi no na Wa. On paper, jt is a heaping pile of shit, but Shinkai's direction saves and elevates the movie.

Sure, it's not Paprika or Kaguya, but it's still pretty solid.

That's fair. I didn't think it was bad either, just annoyed at people who think it's flawless.

30000 Leagues, Laputa, Urusei, Daicon, MBG are all either 10/10 or trend setting, incredibly infuential projects.

Gamba and Yamato aren't something really special to me. The original Captain harlock series would be a better replacement for Yamato (considering it's a tad more original than "WORLD WAR II BATTLE SHIP IN SPACE!", and Legend of the Galactic Heroes a much, much better one.

Shin Shan, Gothicmade, ping pong and osomatsu san have no business being in the top 3. Your best anime is a fucking comedy that looks vaguely like early animes?

shame on you mr. okada

No 999 or Bara no Versailles or Onisama e..?

It is also the fifth time the same exact concept was made into a movie

Your Name isn't innovative in the slightest. It's just the best produced verison of an ongoing trend

it's an ok movie, nothign more, nothing less.


More like deliberate baiting and shitposting.

The manga was still better.

that's what I've been saying

it's not ground-breaking, but it is a solid 7.5 or 8/10, simply because it does what it sets out to do very well, and adds some pretty neat stuff to the mix

and it is still better than koe no katachi


Did this fucker really just charge $8 to watch a damn video of his awful opinions on his YT channel?

Otaking's words should be taken with a grain of salt, after all. But he's right for many of these. I wouldn't say any of those are my favorites, but they're all incredibly good and trend-setting. More people need to watch old school Dezaki like Gamba or Takarajima

It's undeniable that Yamato is the more influential series.
And it's based on era, not an ascending order of quality. That's why the oldest shit came first.

Ping Pong is legit good though. Yuasa's best project by far, I'd say, though it still doesn't hold a candle to the original manga. Shin Chan isn't great in general, but their movies are quite interesting and well-made.

>Mai Mai
>Kono Sekai

That's it, the guy doesn't have a huge volume of work and his style feels derivative of Takahata. Don't get me wrong, Arete was genuinely very good, but Kono Sekai is far too overrated by Nip critics, war stories always go over well there.

>war stories always go over well there.

Like GATE, right?

Your original story ideas either die without anyone giving a shit, or live long enough to become cliche. Even in hindsight, original series like Harlock and Cutey Honey are just incredibly hackneyed to viewers today - other people have done their shticks to death. There's nothing wrong with using cliche, and all good things are doomed to it eventually.

That said, I don't get where the idea that Your Name is cliche comes from. Sure, no movie can entirely avoid that sort of thing, but I'd argue Kono Sekai was far more cliche in the kinds of subject matter and storytelling it was broaching. I mean, it's not even really a romcom, more of a disaster story and the way it juggles multiple themes and builds atmosphere is pretty unique for a movie like this. The visual leitmotifs and the cinematography are at once consistent with past Shinkai movies and also explore new territory, and little subversion along the way keep the story fresh and interesting.

Compare the movie with 5cm/s, which was infinitely more original for the time. Those natsukashii-invoking heavily contrasted photoshopped photo backgrounds Shinkai would become known for were first introduced to the public then. Yet, its unrefined and low-budget nature, along with Shinkai's fledgling talents as a writer and cinematographer, left a lot to be desired. Comparatively, KNNW is less original, but polishes and contemplates the style and themes that 5cm/s tried to convey, in a much more easily digestible package.

I will say the engagement curve is very generic for this movie, but that's not really something you can fault it on considering this sort of curve has been used in everything from Ovid to Star Wars. I think compared to the other two big anime films of the year, Kono Sekai and KnK, it stands out as the best. Not that it's perfect, but it's certainly better designed, more consistent, and more thought provoking than the other two.

My bad, they generally go over pretty well there. Mostly WWII stuff, though. Hell, I can't think of any WWII anime that DIDN'T end up being praised in some way or another. Even genuinely mediocre flicks like Kaze Tachinu

And even GATE was far, far more successful than it deserved to be.

>2) "Hana no Utame Gothicmade"

Heard so many polarizing things about this. Some people claim it looks like flash animation while others say it actually had a higher framerate than goddamn Ponyo and animated on the same level as Disney films in the 40s. For fucks sake 4K or not, staying in theaters for five years with no home media release is ridiculous.

Ping Pong is probably the only show that I'll go to watch just one scene from and end up re-watching the whole show.

well... have you seen their competitors?

You don't have to be entirely original. I don't even think that's possible since most things come of combining inspirations from other things, but the least to be expected is to add something to the ideas you're combining instead of just... combining them and hope nobody notices. I will say though if you aren't already jaded by seeing the cliches many times before it's a real good introduction to them. I'll just pretend people rate shows by production value alone then all the 10/10s will make sense to me.

>putting an anime you made on your top list


Most of the whining seems to come from people who saw the trailers. I can't speak for the film itself having never seen it like anyone else here, but the shots in the trailers were definitely cropped from the original footage, which generally makes everything look much worse, especially in panning shots. Just compare the Sleeping Beauty VHS with the BD release. Like night and day.

>listening to Otaking
>caring about Otaking
>ever giving Otaking any attention

Look at all these plebs