He's faps/watches porn

>He's faps/watches porn
>He has hot showers
>He doesn't go to the gym
>He doesn't read books
Don't you want to improve your self user

Other urls found in this thread:


Literally who?

I'll try and watch your video later.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

>not taking showers

People like this fucking exist?

>not including "starting a business and making extra money"

I've seen this in like 4 threads already
Do you really have nothing better to do with your time or are you paid

City people are niggers, poos, and whites who have gone through Marxist indoctrination.

Good healthy white people voted for Trump.

I think the point is to take cold showers instead of hot showers.

I'll shower with whatever water temperature I want
>giving gymjews your money for stuff you can acheive without paying

What exactly are the benefits of cold showers

t. rural and suburban retard

Son of Europe, a based Flemish youtuber


increases production of testosterone ( i think)

also, Son Of Europe is /ourguy/

Is burger education really this bad or are you just a fucking brainlet?

yes. if you work out hard in the morning, there's nothing better than taking an ice cold shower when you're sweaty as fuck. it also gets your ass out faster, and it feels great coming out of the shower without shivering.

More energy for the day, better for your skin and hair, it's a test of you willpower and over time you can increases your willpower, better fertility, improves circulation, increases testosterone

I am so very glad an entire generation of white males has grown up such beta bitches that they have to determine every action they take in life based on how "masculine" they look to other people. I find that fucking hilarious.

He looks like a mutt.

>>not including "starting a business and making extra money"
The video is called 4 SIMPLE ways yo improve yourself.

>This coming from a Latin American country

Good thread based Irishman

>cold showers

Did you watch the video? he didn't talk about impressing anyone, he talked about self improvement and if you aren't able to hold yourself to high standers then the thought of social judgment can help you better yourself.

Nothing is more beta than being a ropey noodleboy

Look at the colour of his eyes, no way he's 100% european.

Try it, it's hard at the start but you notice benefits instantly.

see for what those benefits are

I take hot showers? Is that bad? Everything else I am fine on. What is the benefit of cold shower over hot? Is it better for your skin?

Read this article

This entire "masculine sympathetic magic" cult is based around self-image, feeling unwanted and powerless and how others perceive your weak ass.

I can be anything I want. Your opinion is worth less than nothing in that regard. It's my body, not yours. The fact that you think you can cow me into submission to do what you want based on you insulting what you think I look like is proof of everything I've said.

warm water was invented by the jews to shrink white people

Shivering involves muscle contractions, which burns ATP, so I would assume increased mitochondrial expression if you shower like that consistently.