Shills in full force, let's slide them out

shills in full force, let's slide them out

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There's so much shit flying I don't know what to believe but I know Assad hates all governments and all spectrums equally so this is alright by me.

based assange


Bump, shits getting crazy

Inb4 "The memo is a nothing-burger"

The traitors need to be hung from the Washington Monument. Let the vultures feast.

Lol Trump has the right to to it. I'm not american and even I know this.

The media has been discredited for at least a generation.

Now the democratic party will be, too.

And yet you still have a bunch of retards who don't give a shit that the DNC rigged their own fucking primaries against Sanders! It's hilarious how stupid / brainwashed these libtards are!

That’s the fake Julian. No blue checkmark.

B-b-but Goy! This memo is a nothingburger! It would be like another holohoa---shoah if you released it! Don't you realize that Nunes is a Russian Spy?

Oy vey, even my own bank account was hacked by Russians and I lost six gizzilions shekels! This memo is just a conspiracy!

Ignore me and this bomb like box during the Superbowl to change the media narrative away from the memo as a diversion False flag!

Julian assange doesnt have a checkmark.


Literally nothing will happen.

He's wrong.

>people need to be prosecuted

They need to be executed.

Seriously though, this is a huge disgrace, using false information to wiretap your political opponent is just disgusting and people should pay for this

Real account is:

Have a free sage and report. Next one will be $4.99.

Then who is the real one?

This desu

That's not a real account. IT'S FUCKING NOTHING

If Comey is executed I hope they livestream it.
I hate his face.


Nice Meme flag. Fake news. You're either an idiot or shill spreading fake Assange tweets.


Why isn't Trumping having the military purge the FBI as we speak. I'm talking Red Army style ice pick purge

Doesn't need to happen during office hours

Assad will win

Reminder that @TheReaIJulian is not the real julian

Guessing you mean assange, but Assad is alright too.

@JulianAssange is the real one
