You were my brother Anakin. I loved you.
You were my brother Anakin. I loved you
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Canada is our brother m8
Brits Stabbed us in the back like fucks.
You fuckin wot m8?
Do it.
We never loved them. That is why we revolted and immediately began colonizing them in an ironic role reversal.
are you sure greatest ally?
Only some of them. Our own government did too. Shit happens.
Why did you stab the Americans in the back, you limey cunt?
Their gut was too big...
Brits stab everyone in the back. It's their deep nature.
How? They bankrolled us and we decided to jew them out of money they were owed then we had the balls to call it oppression.
How? We're literally your little bitch
Did something happen today? I haven't heard anything about Britain.
>the original betrayers are whinging that they got betrayed by the country they have tried their best to subjugate and destroy.
US would still be a backwater if not for siphoning all our money away while we fought WW1.
Traitors forever.
Let's not forget this little backstab they performed on our Portuguese friends.
They literally allied with commies and niggers against a European power, thus crushing the last vestige of their empire.
You're our creepy cousin that we wish would go away
Jewish banter with antisemites
i think you better worry about yourself
We're doing fine, fuck you.
the best kind
Ex British intelligence official, former MI6 agent to be precise, faked some documents to try stumping the Trump. Basically history repeating itself, y'all just got Benedicted. This shouldn't surprise you though, as your own spies have betrayed Germany not all that long ago even though you were supposed to be "greatest allies".
There's a lesson to be learned here: never trust anyone other than yourself, your immediate family and closest friends, the state of this world is a fucking joke. You're welcome.
Just a couple thousand acid attacks and a few muslim rape gangs running about so nothing out of the norm
>still have migrants camps and the Maghreb state of Paris
and we got away with it too, islander
90% of you retards were born in the 1990s and have no connection to your ancestors
we're not brits americans or whatever, we're just internet autismos
Crown is off-center
Meanwhile, Norway's relationship with both keeps increasing.
Migrants camps are not a problem, since all they want to do is to get to england. We just have to let them go. And Paris was always fucking shit anyway
What are your demographics? I just watched an Orleans video a few days ago on youtube and saw niggers everywhere. Truly heartbreaking. It's bad enough to see it happen here but to see it happen in Europe is worse.
Show us your war face Runar!
No, you really haven't. You have been supplanted by the very nefarious forces you allied with in your pursuit to turn every where and every one into your soulless consumerist drones.
>you call that a navy
don't come back
>what is Suez crisis?
White people's demographics are as bad as everywhere else in europe. We just have to outlaw abortion
only for white people or every nigress that gets knocked up in high school 4 times will become an even bigger problem
This is a joke, r-right? Please tell me they're actors.
No, they're not actors, but the whole concept of the show was to find the biggest sissies and fairies inside the Nordic countries to film them being forced to go through American-style boot camp. Nordic because of the different gun laws, bunch of queers because... Well, someone figured it'd be funny and I don't fucking blame them.
By no means is it a representation of your nation as a whole, just some friendly bants. Watch the whole thing, your sides will never be the same. It's called "Gay Army".
They should make an anime about the Anglosphere
>Canada is the protagonist, young kid with no observable special powers that everyone talks down to and underestimates, always at the butt of jokes
>USA is Canada's older brother and senpai, fights all his battles for him, calls him a baka every now and then and bullies him a little but deep down is tsundere for him and doesn't like anyone else bullying him
>Australia and NZ are two brothers that are comic relief and provide bantz, Australia being the more extroverted, loud, raucous and stronger one and NZ being the quiet one with the sharp tongue who calls it like it is
>Whenever the Anglo brothers are in trouble, and when faced even with a problem that the strength of the US can't solve, an old man appears in the distance, walking with a cane, reminding them they're a bunch of young upstarts compared to him and that back in his day they would've done things in the true Anglo fashion of civilizing barbarians
>This man is the UK and is the wisest and most experienced of the Anglos
>Throughout the series Canada learns new powers and unlocks his hidden potential and gradually turns from an annoying hindrance into an equal member of the team, maybe even the strongest
>France has a guest cameo as a jealous ex-girlfriend who hates USA's friends
Nah you 2
lil bastards are half cousins
Yous allowed to fuck each other
Silly cunt, doesnt know 15-20% of white merkins and cancucks are of british descent
What the fuck they teach you about the poineers boy? Was you off class that day?
Ignorant billybuck motherfucker
It was an englishman ...... Probly
It was a scotsman who founded your modern navy... Look it up
Nature..... French cawksuckers nerver finished a fight in their entire history
Mon dieu such voilence
...... Cheese eating White flag surrender monkeys
Motherfucker i visited paris on an aniversary 3 months ago
What a fucking shithole
Migrant tent jungle camp full of pickpocket niggers and arabs... In the centre of paris
Everyone (all different nationalities)at our hotel left early because of the fucking disgusting mess and crime and ammount of stinking foreign beggin refugee cunts
I never been to london or england, but its probably the same..... I dont gave a fuck
Its nothing like where i am in the uk
Dem people of colour, dont tend to stick around For som reason, theres no mosks or gathering place, no paki corner shop, no jungle bunny drug dealers
Also fuck glasgow........ Mohammid= most popular babys name 5 years running
Wtf? Bunch of Leftwing Junkie drewths .....shuold be ashamed
The Brits need to be cut off from Europe and America.
Let the isle collapse in on itself.
He wasn't in our intelligence service when this happened. Has no affiliation to our government. This is literally just the US' agency hiring a freelancer from the UK.
Tha fuck you chattin shit for Mick?
You fuggers have to pay neighbouring countries to take and contain your shit boat people fugees
Your capital cities are over run by dem nigger gangs ... The optimus Apex , they fucking your ozzie ass so hard, you scream for mommy
Fuckin bean gargler
it's a meme u dip
Hush.... Thy guzzlers of the nigger jizz