Why did women used to dress more modestly?
Because they were afraid of flaunting their shit.
How do we make sluts scared again?
Does rape curb degeneracy?
Rape is the only way to make a woman orgasm.
If you've ever made a woman orgasm without raping her, she was faking it.
I believe you are the one that is degenerate.
Scare (((them))) first.
hey thats pretty good
Mudslime logic.
im a fucking white male
I think so
>people spend their money on this shit
Roosh made a great argument about this being the case, too bad most people aren't tolerant of free thinkers and he got banished from so many platforms because of this.
In the west we did 1000 years of eugenics eliminating violent people via hanging and higher class people outbreeding poor folk. They are now bringing in more base humans aka shitskins who were not culled.
I expect more modest dressing in every country that exceeds 20% mudslime.
The question is will white men once again organize and destroy the shitskins before time is up. Shitskins cannot organize and are shit at discipline without corporal discipline.
just go to chaturbate theyre literally all the same
uhhh speak for yourself
when you get a girlfriend she lets you rape her
> Rape is the only way to make a woman orgasm.
The issue lies within the growing devaluation of the western world moral rules and laws perpetuated by the cultural marxist philosophers since the 40s.
The sexual liberation together with the new un-gentrification of general society contributed into diluting the already fragile and weak moral system that most of the western countries had after the philosophical crisis of the 19th century.
As the pool of potential partners widens up and becomes gradually chaotic after each iteration, the inhibitory lifestyles of the closed gated communities that once were are purposely replaced by new unhinged ones sponsored as free and liberating, thus giving a whole new level of degradation and debauchery for everyone, not just females.
In particular, rape has been brought as an actual subject just in the past century, as women are psychologically forced to alter their appearance to be extremely attractive, wanting and exploitable by the male side, regardless of looks or character.
There is no possible fix, you can only hasten up the process of destruction of the western world in the mere hope that whoever will inherit the ashes will build something anew, bigger and greater.
And assuming you're thinking of just hitler it up and embrace again the "golden age" of mankind, restoring the old laws and rules will not help nor fix anything, infact they will only make things worse, as what is now seen as retrograde and outdated will only prompt and start more revolutionist to take arms and embrace "progress" and "change".
Pretty easy to understand, but again you cannot expect the typical narcissist Sup Forums user to realize all of this, as they seem to focus and externalize what they conceive as "failures" in life towards the outside and outer world, aka females and nu-males\soyboy\the next epic buzzword.
It's a shame, nonetheless, but thus is the cycle of mankind.
Empires fall, only to rise again.
I can see her braphole hiding there
The Rape Narrative is a feminist hoax. Real rapes happen, but they are never talked about.
t. absolute virgin