Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about the memo or anything Trump related? I knew it would be a nothingburger. Ever since I understood that Trump is a good goy kike lapdog, I haven't been able to muster the energy needed to read threads about him. It just doesn't interest me at all since I already know exactly what he's about: Israel, banks, releasing Jews from jail and more Israel. Fuck Trump and fuck the retarded people here who still worship his fat ass.
Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about the memo or anything Trump related? I knew it would be a nothingburger...
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't care.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
For a moment I thought it was emily youcis
yes, go to /b
The memo says Comey, Rosenstein and McCabe in a felony fraud to violate the 4th amendment rights and to commit Sedition.
The whole basis of Mueller's investigation is Fucking Fraud.
stop browsing a political board then, achmed
Your smart urban voters.
>welfare niggers and spics people all voted for Hillary
>being on Sup Forums
>anyone else hate politics
Go to a different board you stupid faggot
i agree, trump is a traitor
Stale bait Obama Leaf. Then again it always gets replies so carry on.
I'm sorry, but how is this related to European politics? Why should I care?
I just don't give a shit about strictly Amerimutt related politics. Hillary is corrupt, McCain is corrupt, Trump is corrupt. Every single one of them are corrupt Jew worshippers shilling for Israel, so again, why the fuck should I care about their little infighting?
>don't pay attention to what the investigation reveals, instead focus on the fact that it violates some faggot law from 200 years ago
>being tired of trump = hating all politics
it is getting old 2bh. ever since he started running, we can't go a single day without hearing about him, no matter what media you watch. it's even made more tiresome by how we can't even discuss anything he does without being swarmed by his ass kissing cultists rabidly defending everything he does
Same. Anything related to Trump should be kept in /ptg/
>not being interested in american affairs means you hate politics
>hurrr fuck jews
kill yourself you future negroid fucktoy
The DNC rigs the Democratic Primary Election against Bernie Sanders so Hilliary can win the nomination. Obama's administration starts to request surveillance on Trump, his family, his transition team, and anyone associated with him. Donna Brazil gives Hilliary the questions to a debate. The DNC pays Christopher Steele to come up with a smear dossier about Trump. The mainstream media releases a taped conversation about Trump talking about grabbing women parts. After all this Trump still wins the General Election.
Obama orders an investigation into Russia meddling in our elections. Obama changes Executive Order 12333 to allow more agencies to have access to surveillance data. The Democratic Party comes up with a scandal that Trump Colluded with Russia to win the election with no evidence or proof. This wild claim is backed up by the mainstream media.
Obama hold overs start unmasking Trump's transition team and staff members then release the classified information to the mainstream media. Why? Because the DNC and the Obama administration colluded with the intelligence community to thwart Trump's campaign efforts to get him elected president. All this Russia collusion is an attempt to cover up the fact that the Obama administration, the intelligence community, the DNC, along with the mainstream media used our nations surveillance as a political tool to try to get Hilliary elected President. This makes Watergate look like a kindergarten play. Let that sink in.
This is plainly treason. Americans subverted by their own banana republic government that decides who will take rule, DOJ/Obama/FBI implicated directly. The government proven to subvert all US citizens in an act of treason.
>Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about the memo or anything Trump related?
No, I've been bored with his shit since about 3 days after he was elected.
>empty fridge
useless female
I feel bad for her. Can't afford food or clothes.
yes go- I mean guys
ignore the memo
just masturbate to my picture
>Politically incorrect
This isn't r/politics you redditfag.
The cupboard is bare.
Intelligence agencies trying to undermine the will of the people is a
nothingburger, guise !! I saw it on the internet, guise!
It's an American happening, on an American website, on the American internet.
>Sup Forums dot org not dot se
>Site devoted to suicidal girls
>None of the girls are suicidal and they are all smiling/laughing
Can't tell if this is supposed to be intentional or not.
Actually redpilled people knew nothing would happen as usual since the political elite is so firmly entrenched, it's only nu-Sup Forums that got excited like heads would roll because of a stupid memo, I ignored it so superbly I'm not sure what the memo is all about
plebbitor normie scum from T_D ruined this board
What's with all you shills using this specific word? Reddit sure likes that word a lot.
It's "Suicide Girls" not "Suicidal Girls"
Yet you made a thread about it you fucking idiot
Then why did you start such a dumb thread? Why didn't you start a thread about something you care about ?
Politically incorrect is used to discuss politics, you stupid newfag
the absolute state of eurocucks LOL
You really care about this board? IF so Canadians leaving would do a lot for the quality.
There's no food in that fridge, no wonder she's posing nude
I know; it’s fucking hilarious
2 guilty pleas already and many more to come
Fuck off, cuck. We just got the proof that the most powerful law enforcement agency in the world is attempting a coup against an elected president. Head over to reddit if you want to talk about the non significant garbage going on in your country.
>actual treason now out in the open
>thinking nothing will happen
This is the beginning
Fuck man - bitch doesn't have anything in her fridge. What am I supposed to have after she's done swallowing?
Plebbitors think their God Emperor is going to save them from (((them))) when really he's just yet another corrupt kike shill like the rest, they're so bluepilled and naive it's almost cute
You don't call them a suicide girl unless they have the intention of suiciding themselves.
Might as well call the site "".
are you retarded?
I made 1 thread about him, wow.
Is it Israel or is it russia?
You literally cannot choose both you fucking dumb sheltered europoor
It was just an edgier way of saying "emo" or "goth". SG have been around since before you were born, son.
>check the rest of her set
>drawn eyebrows
>pig disgusting cleavage tattoo
what a disappointment
>finally proof
>memo is a nothingburger
Actually I was born before the site was even started, I just don't have shit taste in porn.
>Better then Danni's hotbox
Wew lad.
Hmmm sure thing sweetie, it was supposed to be happening for the past 8 years but this time I'm sure it's for the real deal
>Head over to reddit if you want to talk about the non significant garbage going on in your country.
r/politics is 100% American oriented, what happens in Europe is never even mentioned there. Gee, I wonder why Sup Forums is slowly starting to look the same.
reminds me of the phrase "When the finger points at the moon, the fool looks at the finger"
Fill your fridge Swede shill!
Yes, let's watch porn instead, are you feeling sleepy? I'm feeling sleepy, huh memo lol that's boring, I wonder what's on steam, oh free subscription to, don't mind if I do...
hehe stupid drumpf, memo, nobody reads dat shit in 2018 XD
Fuck of reddit-colonist. We used to have decent threads before you buttfucking trumptards flooded the board with your ass kissing and trump worship.
Fuck you.
It's Israel. Always Israel.
Also, sheltered? Nigger, I live in Sweden, the rape capital of the World. Had to fight Muslims in school growing up and live in a majority Muslim neighbourhood. Don't fucking talk to me about being sheltered.
>It's not about the inner workings of american party politics therefore it's a slide thread.
Häng dig din pajas.
american jews still want him out cause he represents the white america that will eventually holocaust them.
>Suicide Girl
>No tattoos on sight
Is this a miracle? I hate them for just puttin tattooed whores with piercing nipples, the most degenerate thing which I hate the most
Get the fuck out of this board you reddit scum. You have ruined this place. Bot shills weren't nearly as many before you showed up as well
swede knows whats up
The problem isn't that the memo's a "nothingburger" (it isn't), it's that the politicians and the electorate are too corrupt and incompetent to do anything about it.
Short of the entire political class being guillotined, and everyone who ever voted being barred from voting again, there is no hope for civilization anyway.
The memo is pretty damning but will not change one person's mind about anything.
>clinically depressed and low energy
>socially isolated
>out of shape
>haven't properly cleaned my room for over a year
>mfw I bitterly realize Jordan Peterson was right