This turned me away from the alt right
I'm a democratic socialist now
This turned me away from the alt right
I'm a democratic socialist now
What is this
Big Titty Amber is cool
The rest are fucking faggot betas with dreams of being party leaders... even their podcast name shows how big of cucks they are
It's a DemSoc podcast where they make fun of annoying SJWs and Nazi retards
Felix lowkey actually hates niggers from growing up in Chicago.
Why not be a National Socialist?
This shit looks gay as fuck.
Why do they have to be so fucking smug about everything.
>Go listen to them hoping for some intelligent gommie perspective on things
>it's just urbanite shitlib "humor"
Even their fans admit that Daily shoah is actually better
>Lithuanian Nazi
How fucking cucked can you be?
>le uneducated Western leftie
their subreddit is hilarious though... it's tranny commies screaming about how they need to have struggle sessions because the retarded branch (not joking) of the DSA missed a meeting due to being retarded and calling them out for it is not OK
What a foul union of "students"
They look foreign and herbrewish
Didn't one of them abused some girl?
>defending people who wanted to annihilate your race
c u c k
>leftie education
Why are dumb people attracted to communism?
Why not just become an anarchist?
What race is Amber? What the fuck is she?
Felix is a Jew and all Jews are intrinsically woke to race.
Isn’t that just Oswald Mosley summed up? Democratic socialist?
0,2% face
top kek
The bugman nationalist party
Browsing their subreddit right now, I am convinced that half of the bait shitposters come from there. It's the same kind of dumb.
But Adam isn't a Chapo host
i'm kind of confused as to why they don't consider themselves "SJWs." aren't they all for taking money from whitey and giving it to niggers and spics and MtFs for their tranny surgery and pills?
because SJWs are low status, dumb and aggressive whereas the Chapo boys are supreme irony hipsters who believe the exact same things but are all detached and ironic about it
the Chapo crew are just the same people as the character from The Comedy starring Tim Heidecker
You're an idiot, that's what you are.