Constant slide threads
constant bot posts, blog posts, tranny threads, youtube whores.
IDGAF I'm posting sinks.
Feel fee to post political opinions, especially about a FISA memo. I'm just posting sinks and will reply appropriately.
Post sinks
Other urls found in this thread:
What a beautiful plumbing fixture. I just love sinks that double as urinals.
Very cool sink
Should of prepared my follow up, but I'll type it as the haters, h8.
Is revolution dead in the US? Does it even matter that our own government spends billions to spy on us? Could we even form a revolution? I just see too many complacent individuals, that conform to the status quo and can't think of anything different.
I only expected hate. You are amazing individuals.
Can we keep this political?
Why do you think the public is so... docile. I'm ex miltary. I work out, work, read, and shitpost. I'm fed up with my government and the lack of reality. If I tap into any communication (phone, internet) and act on information that I receive, it's a felony. Apparently the government can shit on our rights and it's just giggles.
Why is this happening and when will people care?
is that grated parmesan
You spilled your cheese m8
It's next to chocolate, how do you know it's not coconut?
Seriously, meme flag. I'm trying to talk about how my country and their politics are shit, and you want to discuss cheese?
I can't into sink
every sink is a urinal
I saved your image. Honestly trying to have a serious discussion here. Slide threads about roasties get 300+ replies.
Guess I need to post half naked women to have a serious conversation here.
>300+ replies.
Guess I need to post half naked women to have a serious conversation here.
All these shills & pundits calling the memo nothing. I wonder how bad it will gmfuck up DNC & Deep State
So what, you are displeased that the government can tap phones but you can't? The government can also extort money, cage and imprison individuals and you can't. All that working out makes you feel like a man, but what tangle actions do you take to subvert the system? Or are you waiting for a bunch of people to do it at the same time so you can participate?
What is belief without action, but mental furniture? Look up agorism and Evola (u prolly already have). Individually, you can't change the world, but you are living in an internally consistent way. You can live with yourself, and hopefully accept that the world is fucked up, Pic related.
tangible! polite sage.
i have a question.
why do shills, or the people that hire them, bother shilling on places like Sup Forums?
how does convincing people here that (for example) "the memo is a nothingburger" do anything?
the people who already distrust democrats won't be swayed by any argumentation.
the people who believe anything democrats say will either a) not even be on this server, preferring echo chambers on reddit/facebook, or b) would never believe the memo was anything favorable towards Trump, given that they implicitly hate him.
Which leaves the independents. Let's assume that they are skeptical and unbiased enough that they're willing to do their own research.
Which means that shilling becomes largely irrelevant, since independents are doing their own research, and not relying on shills.
So again, my question is: What exactly is the purpose of shilling? They aren't fooling ANYBODY.
Those who hate Democrats won't be fooled because they support Trump through thick and thin, regardless of any accusations hurled against him, true or otherwise.
Those who hate Trump were already fooled, so what is the point of "fooling them again"; it's just a waste of money.
And those who are on the fence will do their own research because it's already a personality trait to do such. Which means shilling directed at them is pointless.
So confused. Please help!
so how do we identify legit post?
All right, Alison for some oldfag comments?
Political discussion that isn't filled with bot post bullshit?
I don't thin anything will come come the recent memo that shows that the political elite think of us as lemmings. Please post one intelligent response to prove them wrong. I feel like I'm in a zoo looking at lemmings, by this thread.
>"post sinks"
>posts a time, money, and sanity sink
quality post
I really really really want that sink
how newfags dont stumble on to this place... im sure some can be swayed one way or another.
its a fight for their soul
it's a slow drain on energy/resources, and food for the weak-minded
slide threads sure are annoying
whoever designed that sink should be shot
thank you, ok girls it is. I have folders of Sup Forums girls. I just post sinks because mods are dead.
Sage all you want. thanks for making it politley.
I can tap phones. If you're unaware, the spooks sell the same tech to anyone with $$. I'm only upset that WE are held to the law, yet the government shits all over any law THAT THEY WRITE.
>what is the purpose of shilling
not the focus of this thread, but read alllinsky's rules. Here's a primer for you.
It pains me to say this, but it's honest. lurk more.
Here's my shitty sink btw
In post-communist Germany, urinal puts penis inside of you.
>the people who already distrust democrats won't be swayed by any argumentation.
Things start making sense when you work the JQ into your thinking.
> They aren't fooling ANYBODY.
Obvious shill is obvious. He gives cover to a more subtle shill. Some people sincerely believe bullshit ideas that were fed to them, and they are effectively shills.
>So confused. Please help!
This is not a U.S. Politics board, or a sincere-post only Trump discussion board. It can be hard to truly realize that Sup Forums is a mixture of irony/shill/nazi/boomer/reposting (mostly reposting) and that this shit IS NOT REAL. Shills corrupt the dialog, yes. They also discredit the board for newcomers, they drive intelligent people away, They make a post saying "Memo is nothing!" and you make a post saying "Memo is real!" Now we're all talking about the fucking memo, which is Sean Hannity tier shit.
Some faggot probably sat on that, and the janitor had to clean brown smudges off that porcelain dick.
stop projecting, user
Is there CP embedded in these like the old Sup Forums sink threads?
Oi Mate!!! Did you get a license for that?
What newfags don't realize is that in days of old the sink posting threads was a way to get around moderators and janitors while posting CP.
If you open up most of these pics (that have a weirdly large filesize) with a rar opening software you will often see CP
The DNC rigs the Democratic Primary Election against Bernie Sanders so Hilliary can win the nomination. Obama's administration starts to request surveillance on Trump, his family, his transition team, and anyone associated with him. Donna Brazil gives Hilliary the questions to a debate. The DNC pays Christopher Steele to come up with a smear dossier about Trump. The mainstream media releases a taped conversation about Trump talking about grabbing women parts. After all this Trump still wins the General Election.
Obama orders an investigation into Russia meddling in our elections. Obama changes Executive Order 12333 to allow more agencies to have access to surveillance data. The Democratic Party comes up with a scandal that Trump Colluded with Russia to win the election with no evidence or proof. This wild claim is backed up by the mainstream media.
Obama hold overs start unmasking Trump's transition team and staff members then release the classified information to the mainstream media. Why? Because the DNC and the Obama administration colluded with the intelligence community to thwart Trump's campaign efforts to get him elected president. All this Russia collusion is an attempt to cover up the fact that the Obama administration, the intelligence community, the DNC, along with the mainstream media used our nations surveillance as a political tool to try to get Hilliary elected President. This makes Watergate look like a kindergarten play. Let that sink in.
This is plainly treason. Americans subverted by their own banana republic government that decides who will take rule, DOJ/Obama/FBI implicated directly. The government proven to subvert all US citizens in an act of treason.
That's disgusting man
Cleaning this must be a nightmare
You crack me up. thanks for posting.
I'm honestly tryong to keep this in the guidelines, sinks were just to get seasoned vetrans of this shite war in here, please feel free to post sinks. let's keep the discussion political please?
WTF is wrong with my country that we don't protest political corruption? I'm not talking about some pointless pussy hat parade. We once ambushed merchant vessels to protest tax. Now we just shitpost and Prozac.
Fuck me. I'd rather load muskets and live with dirt floors than live in this timeline. men aren't men anymore. I want to fight a faceless enemy.
Something interesting happens, there's suddenly shitloads of bait threads, nigger hate threads, pitbull threads, liberal hate threads, USA vs. EU threads, Drumpf threads, Two scoops threads, Gun threads, and I don't know what's to come. Mods really need to start cracking down on some of these 1 post by this ID threads. It's ridiculous.
is that copper stone
this is the best thread on Sup Forums right now
>rainbow flag
>cp expert
Clean it.
Someone hears the call. It's exactally what i'm talking about. The corruption in the DNC is only the tip of the iceberg. Her hiring of foregin nationals to run their servers, the fraud that pursued.
We are held to the law. Pay your taxes, pay your dues. One of them fucks up, and it's covered up and no penalty. Spend five minutes and search how many people in goverment owe back taxes. The people that decide how you spend you taxes, don't pay them.
Can you believe that Americans don't use their sinks as urinals? Yeah, I was shocked when I found it out as well but it's probably because of their low intelligence. They just don't understand how much time you can save by simultaneously washing your hands as well as dick, pissing and brushing teeth.
No, just an oldfag.
>be Russian
>use poopoo as toothpaste
bakers chocolate and coconut
>post sinks
I miss the days of old Sup Forums
Can we stay on topic and have some discussion, about reality? shillbot haven't found this thread
or have they?
this makes me sad. I'm just trying to have honest discourse and two people are real. thank you.
pic specifically for you. I'm glad you're here. if you are an oldfag, you'd know to ignore leafposting.
No one kept the thread alive, until changirls. pic 4 you.
thanks, off topic shiite, but I still appreciate your back up.
>pic specifically for you.
No, but I'll need to update my Passport and get a retina scan at TESCO superstore to get myself an upgrade :)
>Fuck me. I'd rather load muskets and live with dirt floors than live in this timeline. men aren't men anymore. I want to fight a faceless enemy.
Totally agree. They're too ''comfy'' with their job, city car, and little apartment they share with their m8 from college (not saying that those materials are bad but you get my jist). I think there's a name for it. 'Lemmings' or something along those lines? Even the 'right wingers' who voted Trump and go to rallies and protests wouldn't want to live out of their comfort zone. Their GoogleTablet is too useful for them while their iColon is entertaining them somewhere else. I've always thought that the musket idea sounds better. It would have been easier for people to wake up and revolt back in the simple times, but it doesn't seem to be the way right now. In my country anyway, where eating with a spork in public can get you 15 years hard labour.
After Pizza. I promise
Femanon here. Ugh I fucking hate living in Newfoundland there's literally no BBC for me to enjoy. Can't wait to move to Toronto!!!
>there's literally no BBC for me to enjoy
Tune into channel 365 and you'll find the BBC network. Have I got news for you should be on in 45
SO back to the original thought.
Is revolution possible in the current political environment?
I think we're too doped up and placated where it's not possible. If you look at the people who tried, they're labeled as terrorists.
Kazynicksi, McVeigh, people that begged us to look how it's becoming an Orwellian society. Granted, they killed innocents. Hindsight is always so much more clear. Today's release is only one page in the book of "how we get fucked by the people we are forced to fund". I'll never be an anarchist, because i'm educated, but I'm beginning to see the benefits.
very high quality thread 10/10
bitting the hand that helps bump the thread
jarhead much?