Has the nu male epidemic finally reached Hispanic men?
Has the nu male epidemic finally reached Hispanic men?
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Needs to infect more of them.
It doesn’t affect us the same way it affects you white bois
holy shit this type of person should not be allowed to procreate
>Goku Sanchez
no only maricones are Into thw numale thing.
Personally, I blame Japan for all the problems in the west.
No, thats an American, silly.
>Goku Sanchez
El goblino...
You shouldn't be allowed to have children if you're that old and your handwriting looks like that.
the savior of mejico gueyes. GOKU VEGETA BULMA DE LA KURRIRIN SANCHEZ
Dont fool yourself. It sets in over time it will get worse. You have to fight now pablo. And then.....
[spoiler]You have to go back.[/spoiler]
It’s really not. You shouldn’t name your son after some autistic Chinese cartoon that you’re obsessed with. He will hate his dad when he grows up
Imagine having to be born a spic and on top of that your parents give you some faggot name from some fightan cartoon.
Srsly tho what's with nigger's and spic's obsession with dbz and naruto
most american pic of the week
At least name him vegeta
>Hiding face in embarrassment
Poor dumb woman
That's a nigger. Niggers like Dragon Ball z.
Dragon ball is alpha as shit. It inspired me to take on my bully even though he ended up sodomizing me.
Is Dragon Ball the religion of the American mutt?
>le 46% face
Blacks and Hispanics fucking love Dragon Ball Z and always have white bread.
It’s still fucking retarded and childish
Idk but it's the religion of Algerians in France. I'm sure the average Algerian kid here has said Vegeta more times than Allah
>mfw nu-nerds don’t even understand space or cosmology or physics and are just a bunch of autistic retards obsessed with gay fiction like superhero’s and anime
That is also correct.
"Latinx" is proof Beans got Soy'd.
>He will hate his dad when he grows up
Sounds like your typical shonen series
Half amerindian, Half spaniard """white""" here
This is a shithole like ever been, the children here love DB but they still are as problematic as ever.
Narutorun is becoming popular betwen kids kek
is that sam hyde?
As KFC every race love it.
I know a couple who named there 5 year sephiroth
Cringe thread? Cringe thread
How did latinos manage to get soyd so fast though ? They've been trying to soy the white man for 300 yrs, and they just barely succeeded in the last 20-30 yrs.
Nope, hispanic men are still chauvinist and sexist, if anything all the numales are from chile
It has.
I'm in the process of selling my house and one of the potential checking it out buyers was this Mexican hipster couple. The guy had the same problem glasses and gave the same gaping mouth bugman look every time I asked him a simple question.
The wife wasn't bad, he'd probably let me fuck her if I asked too.
not a fucking race
Can we stop acting like op's pic is the same race as this
i would murder my father if he named me that.
Get that nigger image off my phone screen you dumb nigger
Would rather name my son Saitama, desu. Everyone knows Goku. Only half of everyone knows One Punch Man.
Classic white cismale
Lmao it has to be fake
t. retard
how am i a retard
>tfw no cutey desperately trying to make you join her group
I'd kill to be as good looking as this aryan stud.
father is a faggot numale
wife is literally just a attention whore
>its ok to name our kid something retard if you get attention for me
they've had left wing indoctrination for decades.
Fubuki is a cutie. The latest chapter just made me feel bad for her. Her fault for trying to recruit a God.
That’s a full blooded american, not hispanic
Mexicans love dbz
I literally have no idea why its so popular down there.
>mfw the son takes on unexpected characteristics of the name and they wonder why he's the most unhispanic hispanic in the history of hispanics
> Goku
More like Gooku, amirite?
Goku was an illigal immigrant too, so would make sense
Spics have always been the real bugmen. They're the penultimate stage of the Kalergi plan.
Hank Poo
Spics make sandniggers look like cucked mudslime bugmen
Subhumans are really into dragon ball for some reason.
I have no idea, it's always the same damn plot.
Oh fuck off, Pedro. You're not "based" just because your competition with other nonwhite ethnic groups for gibs results in you killing them sometimes.
Ugh, I knew that desease was contagious, may God have mercy on our souls.
autistic inbred sandnigger cuck, I once cucked an arab guy by fucking his arab girlfriend, the sandnigger literally wanted to make all his social media private, don’t worry i only fucked that arab girl with anal, you arabs are the biggest cucks
bruh everyone likes dragon ball
I've noticed its mostly the whiter ones that become the most cucked.
why do arabs and Mexicans look the same?
Does she literally have to use the okay handsign clawgrip to jerk him?
Tfw I'm naming my son Dio
Gonna make him admit it was him everytime something goes wrong?
Sandniggers and niggers here love it, too. It's pretty weird, right? Should be called "The DBZ Phenomenon".
Also "My wife says" aren't beaners patriarchal?
I shouldn't have to explain this to a Swede, but (((feminism))) has infected pretty much the entire planet.
Fair enough, it's just that my grasp on central american countries is shit.
La luz extinguida siempre negro super saiyayin de las tinieblas...in other words 42%
I see a lot of skinny black nerds getting all hyped over the black panther movie. wearing their thick rimmed glasses and teeth braces and all that shit. Tell me how the nu male epidemic affects non-whites differently than "white bois".