Kansas City Privatizes Sidewalks
Kansas City Privatizes Sidewalks
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so mr. silverburg can even further enforce his agenda in formerly public spaces!
Top kek
Lets hope this works without the local ape population nigging out.
Fuck, I guess I'm moving there.
>i need gommunizm to protect me from da jooz.
gtfo, slave.
So how does this affect taking videos? If someone asks you not to video them, you have to stop now because it is no longer considered a public space?
After privatizing Chicago's parking meters, it cost $7 to park for 2 hours
You bring up the failure of private prisons with a libertarian and you get the same answer you get from a communist about communism, "It just wasn't implemented correctly."
I believe libertarianism is the mirror image of communism with several points of intersection: answers like that about it's implementation, and moral degeneracy.
Who’s gonna make the military?
Can I prostitute 8 year olds?
Jesus Christ this is the most subversive meme in meme history.
This is just in Westport, which is a hive of degeneracy that should be razed anyway.
t. KCMO native
Need to privatise more roads
Ask whoever owns the sidewalk. Their sidewalk, their rules, I figure.
Government gives someone a crony deal and now the free market is at fault?
Apparently it was done for the sake of reducing crime. So now I guess we can see private police on those side walks, private security cameras, and bars/restaurants expanding onto the sidewalks due to the nature of that specific commercial district in Kansas City.
Silverberg runs the government and ispo facto public sidewalks you moron.
You do realize that just because you can't conprehend an answer to your questions, doesn't mean you're the only person on the planet who has ever thought of those potential problems?
It will be a failure. Government is good, you just need to have a good government.
a "good government" does not exist anarcho capitalism is the next step forward 200 years ago people couldn't understed how a country would work without a king and only lunatics supported the idea of democracy and today most of the civilised world is democratic anarcho capitalist is the way forward for humanity
The bigger concern for many opponents is race. At hearings for the bill, the local chapter of the NAACP warned against the possibility of profiling. Typical patrons inside Westport’s bars are white. A much larger percentage of the crowds outside are black. Kansas City entertainment areas have faced discrimination lawsuits before, and Missouri’s racial atmosphere is among the most hostile in the country.
It's stupid but westport can have some pretty dangerous shit going down, kc fag here, it has some nicer areas near the plaza or these hipster bars/cafes but I been told that there si pretty high crime within that area. Correct me because I may be incorrect but will this kind fo shit deter beggars on the sidewalks or even muggings?
>autism-spectrum spergs unironically believe this
or natsoc
but by all means let's just do the one where the kike maffia end up on top and you can be pedos in the open.
Government that is operated by people that crave money yet they run something that is non-profit is a corrupt government.
Olathefag here, they were saying this is to keep people from carrying guns in this area on 98.1
the fuck? I just thought because of the crime going on. so people cant CC in certain sidewalks in westport now?
keep licking the boots of other people in hope someone will help you or you could fight for your velues and freedom instead of believing lying politicians who use you like a piece of meat they need to guide like cattle
anarcho capitalism means self responsible for your future and your life
only cucks are facists
Just outcompete them in the market, you're allowed to be a racist and discriminate in your business
They are you faggot they are opposites,but out there on the spectrum.
>blames government for not doing it right just like the communists
Finally, one step closer to my dream of charging bicyclists a toll.
We're through the looking glass now boys
>actually celebrating this
Letme tell you something kid. If the USA doesnt pull itself together soon, yall gonna end up like some shithole like brazil.
Very nice.
I hope Colorado follows their example.
So burgers are going to be walking even less now?
>being at the mercy of psychopathic CEOs money-driven whims is freedom
You're a retard.
>giving businesses the legal right to have a perimeter around their establishment to keep the nogs at bay is the road to becoming Brazil
Could just remove the nogs and solve the issue entirely.
keep licking the goverment boots and some day the might fuck you in the ass aswell
Depends on who owns the sidewalk I suppose. They probably don't want people carrying on their "private sidewalks".
>Believes in the state just like communists
Why are spics so fucking stupid?
So you will be just like us
enjoy it