Why does the police protect pedophiles?
Why does the police protect pedophiles?
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Probate judges are the actual child traffickers and cops protect them.
Big fat paychecks and maybe some kiddy diddling attracts cops.
Is that your excuse for everything, just doing your job? You don't do your job when comes down to so many other things but when it comes down to rushing to the defense of a serial finger banger diddling minors you suddenly start running like it's the president.
You're asking this to Sup Forums. Half the people here unironically think Larry Nassar dindu nuffin and was framed. They don't even mention the fact he had gigabytes of cp on his computer
The parents were all in the room as the examinations were given. As all of the examinations were given.
How do you frame somebody for fingering at least 200 girls? Did they just imagine him sticking his hand into their cunts?
Do you know what happens to pedophiles in prison? That dude will get his, BELIEVE that.
I'm not defending him btw
I'm just saying that the dad knew all this shit was going on. He only lunged at him today to save face.
He admitted he did this.
The parents are the ones at fault for not stopping it despite being in the room during examinations.
Won't he be in isolation?
>Half the people here unironically think Larry Nassar dindu nuffin and was framed.
Hmmm well I don't think Nassar dindu nuffin...so that must mean you thought he dindu nuffin you sick pedo sympathizing fuck
Can't attack people in court kraut. Neuremberg would of been interesting if we let everyone bitch slap every general to o chickenshit to commit suicide.
How do people know he fingered those girls?
I study physical therapy and this horrifies me. What if people sue me for sexual harassment
Correct. These girls should be ashamed of throwing away their family's dignity all so they can court the sympathy of total strangers for fifteen minutes.
??? The families knew about it.
This was their attempt to win big bucks from the pedo.
watch the court video of the dad getting ready to lunge at the doctor
The girls are fucking giggling
Do you finger your patients?
>would of
the absolute state of /pol
Throughout the video the girls are giggling
life finds a way
They're ordered to by the pedophiles in command.
Fuck that cunt he had some of the finest pussy a man can ever have its only right that he gets taken down its just not fair for the rest of us.
a lot of people in the room are laughing
I don't work on patients yet. But what stops them from saying I got too much into it.
Lunging at the dude when you know you're going to be grabbed and stopped is the ultimate form of virtue signaling. He should have killed Nassar once he found out, like a real man.
im sure they wish they could just let the guy beat him but they would lose their job doing that infront of so many people
maybe if they were alone with no camera it would have went different
The dad would’ve been sent to prison and likely sued civilly as well.
Always having a nurse in the room baring witness?
Tyrone finds a way, to get in that ass
But seriously, the point here is that the cops in a courtroom want to see that pedo convicted. Too much monkeying around by a father lunging at him will cause a mistrial. So get him into prison where the prison cops will make sure daily meetings with Tyrone are set up. Probably even some skinheads will want that ass. Maybe a train will be run. That's the reality of American prison.
This. They were there when it happened and they let it happen because they wanted their daughters on the Olympic team. The parents should be prosecuted as well. They were in the fucking room.
>5 minutes in a locked room with this demon
Is this just a boomer thing? My father used to always say shit like this whenever murders or rapists were on tv. "just save the tax payers some money and put the guy in a locked room with the victims family for 10 minutes hahahha"
There's a difference though between doing your job and jumping into the line of fire like you're catching a bullet to protect the president. The fucking cops didn't react that fast when Lee Harvey Oswald was shot. Just saying. Why did those guys hurry like that?
it's because boomers got it from movies
Wait, you're all saying they were in the room while their daughters got fingered?
>Why does the police protect pedophiles?
Because they are not really bad guys.
In fact most people who call for the pedo's horrible death and/or damnation are pedos themselves who are trying to absolve themselves in their own mind for wanting to stick their dicks in kids.
Or they are a bunch of bandwagon jumpers who are so lonely they will join any group that has torches and pitchforks just to feel included.
Because revenge is not Justice.
As a civilization, it is the duty of the "good" to uphold righteousness. When an evil is committed, what does that perpetrator deserve? Justice. Vengeance is not justice, and is taking what belongs to God and giving it to Man, who is corrupt. The good have a sacred duty to act only in the good, meaning that they should not commit evil. An evil against an evil is not a good, it is still evil, and splits Man from God even if it was done in the name of Good, while being out of the good. This is bound by an objective and universal morality and reality of the world, as part of Creation, created by God. The good is good because it is part of that morality, while evil is the rejection of it.
>nurses are paid to watch you moving people's joints
Yeah nah. But therapists often work in pairs or groups. Not always though.
Fun circus.
>so much this
It’s... depressing.
>would of
>thinking nazis were in the wrong
the only thing worse than a pedophile is the violent druggie savage who will use that as an excuse to assault or kill him in prison.
(revenge attacks from family are a different story, this one is nothing but justice being served: youtube.com
The dad is a cuck and a beta bitch. Nassir is an alpha he fingerbanged tens of young virile females. The dad raised a slut and is lashing out at the alpha who conquered her.
Law and order
You'll need to get your consciousness raised via a false accusation before you understand the importance of due process.
Having a nurse in the office probably decreases the chance of temptation. Checks and balances.
Yeah, and they weren't busy looking in a drawer either. Olympic parents are just like the parents of child actors. They're stone cold pimps, and their daughters are the prostitutes.
This lawsuit is about money, money, money, money, and money.
Could just be dad was ignorant. Most people don't question what anyone with perceived authority does. I agree he likely lunged because he felt like an idiot about everything, though.
I thought the Germans were smarter
R I G H T S &
A U D I E N C E.
Tradcon virtue signaling.
No it's so there's a witness that nothing happened if a patient tries to sue later.
>implying he actually raped anybody
where's the proofs?
He didn't. These girls enjoyed it.
Because pedophiles pay their salary
It's the standard type of thing betas say when they want to pretend to be badass.
Because it's all a show to make people feel like they're super moral and better than another person.
Their job is to enforce the law, Achmed. Difficult concept for you to grasp.
Because the guy already received "justice", although to be fair the sentence is retarded and unjust, either way you have no right to vengeance. This is why we're a first world country
Thought I read that there were nurses around who knew about Nassir but said/did nothing, though?
Guy in the pic is the reason.....
Pedo Protection Act.....Leahy
Tried to outlaw "Rave Music"
Fucking turd....calls himself a Jesuit
They look concerned things didn't go well for them in the results of the memo
Looks like guys who just lost their shirt....
Most of them are pedos themselves
Because you don't want to be in this guy's (pedo) position. He's been neutralized. Anything further would be taking God's duty into your own hands. Let your frothed up hatred for another human calm down and understand the world is more complex than anyone can ever hope to understand. If this man is meant to be tortured, it will happen in hell. We all have a cross to bear, and those girls have God to thank for theirs just like this pedo does and everyone else to ever exist.
Why does the church protect pedophiles?
Cause they have no one to answer to but god and they are charlatans. No reason to smear holiness with this evil.
Why does Sup Forums love pedophiles like Roy Moore?
women are men's property
Dont worry the prison shower will do the job
Good job dad. Now you get arrested and fined up the ass too.
This post best post
the doc little pink anus gona get ripped appart like there is no tomorow.. theme : youtube.com
Would you like to know more ?
I think he should just be shot honestly. Get rid of him and move on
You do what that Louisiana man whose son was abducted by his karate teacher did, bring a gun and blindside him with a shot to the head.
A jury of peers even exonerated that guy.
because the illusion of governance collapses when the masses remember they can exact mob justice
They're crying you dumbass.
He should waste away in prison with minimum food and shelter until god takes him and sends him to hell. Who knows it might make him realize the brevity of his actions. It's bad enough that he was a full grown man with a good reputation and preying on prepubescent girls. The fact that he violated his hippocratic oath takes it to another level of evilness because even an average good father will be deceived to not protect his daughter unless he sees through the bullshit.
I gotta say this entire story seems designed to move attention from the memo
because you touch yourself at night
I'm pretty sure that guy didn't go before a jury at all, he just entered a plea deal and the judge reduced his sentence based on the fact that he was temporarily insane and unlikely to do anything similar again or something.
so they can be beaten to death properly in prison
thats what prison is for
Hmm... i wonder if he's an anal virgin. And if he'll always remember his first.
>state-sanctioned lynch mob
The man who pulls the lever that breaks your neck, will be a dispassionate man. And that dispassion, is the very essence of justice. For justice delivered without dispassion, is always in danger, of not being justice.
Hmmmm, like 'Ve vere just following orders" eh Helmut?
Why wouldn't they? Nassir saw a great opportunity and took it, the only thing I can blame him for is getting caught.
It's funny isn't it. Literally everyone was baying for Dylann Roofs blood, even the holier than thou leftists who normally oppose the death penalty. When it comes to pedophiles and other murderers though, they want to protect and "rehabilitate" them.
And still no one with a rebuttal.
You know your are in denial pedophiles or bandwagon climbers.
Face it you faggots do not give 2 shits about these kids as they are not your own.
Cool story, but is it justice when some nigger kills you for taking back the bling he stole from you in the first place? He will be passionate, as they always are passionate around the bling.
This Onion piece sums up how they treat athletes
Fucking worth it. This guy got to finger blast the most prime athletic American pussies for years. Got to go home every night with their pussy stink all over his hands.
Nasser WON. That can never be taken from him.
It's the job of the bailiff to protect all parties in the courtroom.
>sliding on Memo Day
It's strange because because it think he will either be high fives for literally fucking the majority of the USA Olympics team. Or he will attempt suicide is first night be lucky and die. Or continue suciding till he dies within a month. Or multiple butt rapes. Either way.
I didn't see any giggling in your video. Post a screenshot, pedo-lover.
looks like he's trying to teabag him
>5 mins alone.
SUDDENLY STARTS PLAYING in the background.
do you think that you're somehow above the law or something?
Dat sweet ass.
same reason they protect faggots. its pretty easy to throw allegations at people, if you leave it to community justice, your community will end up like africa, fucking lawless savages.
That judge is right even tho the father wasn't.
Should've just gunned him down on the street like the fucking animal he is.