Bear that cross, goyim

>Bear that cross, goyim.
>Suffer voluntarily, goyim.
Why do people like this again?

>I am deradicalizing the right by telling them not to care about anything and to clean their rooms

he can't really believe he's converted any of us

Because he's daddy. He's telling me to clean my room.
I want to give money to daddy.

Why are ethnonationalists such beta cucks. He's just telling you to improve yourselves. to focus on improving yourself before you preach to others. Stop blaming minorities for your problems. If you're a POS loser right now you would also be one in an ethnostate.

Stop asking about the JQ. There are more important matters to attend.

Have you scratched your balls yet?

you have to suffer sooner or later
you have to work, you cant always live off of gives of the state or someone else, you are either living for yourself, or someone is living for you that's what parent should do till their kids are 18
i mean i get it im a neet too but my mom pays everything for me

I just want to kiss his lips, no homo

i get checks from the government for around 1k every month. some of my meds are free and i have free medicare. My rent is tiny. Other aspects of my life are absolute shit due to health issues and logisitcs but i still live better than maybe 98% of humanity. I still crave for more and will always crave for more due to the human condition.
We will never be happy with what we have regardless of how well we have it because thats the default human condition.
The most important thing is life is to strive for purpose.

Recycled boomer horseshit.

Peterkike is being spammed heavily everywhere, and the low hanging fruits pick him.