These are European politicians

WTF is wronf with Europe? They look like retards.

Kurz is dumbo

I'm not sure Vucic is human desu, he is a serb after all

are you insulting our Great Leader you smelly svab??

>Only a retard would get into European politics
>There are retards in European politics

Just look at that dude

You don't even have a government, Ahmed, you are in no position to say anything.

>kurz is dumbo
kill yourself you far left retard

Kurz is really great. Not such a fucking dumbass like Trump, not even to mention how much better he is than Merkel.

What's wrong with him??

>billionaire tycoon is dumb
>I, who barely speak english, am fit to judge

Are these lips - or sausages ? Viva Las Vegas !

>rich == smart
try to speak german fucking burger.

those lips were never the same after sucking edroganz dick

Governments are overrated.

He looks like the lovechild of pic related and some albo/turk rapebaby

Those lips allready belong to someone else

The guy on left looks like he rapes chickens

He is a lovely man, what are you one about?

That's because you posted a Serb.

Here is the Chad Mayor of Tirana, Albania.

But i dont want to communicate with you downies

He looks like Novak Djokovic

It's not rape if they say yes

Serbs were a mistake

That's not what the average albanian looks like

The fuck off from this thread you subhuman mutt

he has a qt mongol doughter aswell

Vucic was a mistake.
We should bring Dodik to power with a coup in Belgrade

t. 7th Generation proud inbreed Achmed.

pls no bully

She looks like she's some kind of central asian hapa or something

>The fuck off
lol eurotard

Man, I would give a lot for that Asian girl. 2 to 3 fingers on my finger scale.

Mongol as in literal downey, mohammad you fuck. Show some decency.

you better not touch our little princess dirty svabs

damn she is fine!

I really hate the button only the top button meme. Makes everyone look like a child who overgrew his clothes.

She looks like a doll.

>пpви кpyг


You have to be pretty smart to inherit all that money from your dad.

>That's because you posted a Serb.
>posts another serb

Eurocucks are all inbred.

Americans are all mutts.

Only the chinks, kikes, and nips stay pure. This world is doomed

>daddy why are they mean?

based vućko