I'm from Norway so Gun law is super strict! I have never ever holden a real gun.
I really want looser gun laws, but I'm still not sure.
What are your opinions?
We don't have the same historical and cultural context regarding gun legislation as american (which won a war of independence with guns) so changes have to be made gradually.
I think guns should be much easier to own as well. Not that it's hard to get a legal gun on a hunting permit in sweden (where what you can get is governed by rule-of-fuddness, excluding any and all aftermarket parts) just expensive and time consuming.
It's nor written into your culture so you would need to apply it gradually. You could start with hunting, then more on to competitive bullseye shooting, then eventually practical pistol and 3-gun.
shooting one changes your mind about them.
Can't speak for norway but we have all that including smg competitions with full auto m/45's. The introduction of the IPSC sport we've gotten access to AR-15's and whatever. The problem is you have to compete actively for two years before you can get a rifle of your own, and if you stop competing your license expires.
The biggest issue is that there's no real culture around gun ownership, they're just tools for hunters and sportsmen.
I dont directly how it is with scandinavia, but for most European nations that bullshit, in fact Europe tended to have more liberal firearm laws than the US up to the 50's
In switzerland we still see a remnant of this
>*directly know
The rules are the same here, but I think you should be able to go to a gun store and do a check and get a handgun.
But yeah the culture is really different so I'm guessing it wont happen.
You should try legalizing everything all at once and letting the public take back Malmo from the Muslims
I feel sorry for you.
My father bought me my first gun when I was six and I've been around them ever since. The first thing you're taught, is their destructive power and to respect that at all times.
Go ask the Italians or the Germans how to make guns, you guys are dog shit at it.
Well, I'm not sure what the social consensus in Norway is but you could run for public office to lax gun laws. If you want to know how to use a gun and get a feel for it you could come to the US and go to a gun range.
Even these liberals started to like guns after shooting it.
That is because you are 12 years old. How hard can it be to become a member of a shooting club or get a hunting license?
Pushing the self-defense angle (firearms being the great equalizer between the physically strong and weak) in some very well thought out way is the only option I think.
Also I here Finland has a shit ton of guns, I don't know if you guys have gun ranges like over here in Burger land but you could give it a shot
>i have never holden
Unleash Anders while you are at it
What are restrictions there like on black powder rifles like flintlocks?
Might be easier to get than a cartridge gun. More fun to shoot and hunt with also.
We're good at anti-tank weapons, air craft, submarines, smaller surface vessels, tanks etc though. And the finns are good at small arms.
I'd like to add, I bought a shotgun a year ago.
I couldn't pick it up for three days because I had to undergo a federal background check. It's something that happens every time you purchase a firearm in the US from a registered merchant. It's not nearly as easy to get guns by legal means as you might like to think. So, I waited my three days and picked it up after I was cleared.
Micheal Moore would like to make you think that you can just get it like a cheeseburger that he shoves down that fat gullet.
Also, Is Ander's even talked about in your country anymore?
I would imagine he would come up in any firearm law debate.
You don't have to worry about it, the Norway collapse is after your lifetime, but study the situation in South Africa and Zimbabwe for whites, and you will see how important it is to be armed, when you are a second class citizen in a country that wants to kill you.
In America we had guns from the start, and at least we can go down shooting.
If you're 18 you and the gun in question is a pre-1890 antique you can just go buy it. Not registrations at all. Does not include reproductions, unless it's a cannon.
Reproduced black powder cannons are perfectly fine.
You do know that we're like in the top ten when it comes to guns per capita right?
Everyone who've grown up outside of Oslo got no excuse for not having handled a shotgun or a rifle at the very least.
Why in the hell would you even want a fucking cannon? Your laws are both comical and disturbing, though I'm sure in some places you could say the same of us.
In my state, it's still a registered law that if you ride a horse to school, they are required to feed and quarter it. It seems archaic and ridiculous but in some places, I'm almost certain that's still a thing.
I suppose they place the restrictions on purchasing the powder then?
Anything pre-1899 here can be purchased through mail including cartridge guns with the exception of machine guns. Reproductions of muzzleloading firearms can as well but not reproduction cartridge guns.
In many states even felons can own non-cartridge guns.
>Why in the hell would you even want a fucking cannon?
Because... they're so cool. You're American, this should be basic stuff to you.
You can buy a cannon in my state. In fact, I'm pretty sure you can own a gatling gun here but I've never had the inclination to purchase one.
Godspeed, young man.
Willing to die in support of the 2nd, is my stance.
Another opinion is that your neighbors at Tikka make some very nice bolt guns. I'm going to pick one up in .308.
Come home, white man
Ke faen du snakke om. Me har ingen jakt drita her og plus eg er pao vidare gåande så eg har ikkje tid til å få meg jakt drit
They go under "salute guns" which are legal to own for celebratory purposes. If you for some absurd reason got caught red handed loading a ball into one by a policeman who hates your guts I suppose you could get hit with some kind of recklessness suit but I don't think that's ever happened.
>I suppose they place the restrictions on purchasing the powder then?
Well, actual black powder will require you to get a permit but black powder substitute does not. I think you can get fined if you store it in an unsafe way I guess. The substitute is less corrosive/fouling anyway AFAIK.
Not sure...
Love the Trump sticker
I might actually consider moving to the U.S
Ready to fire Sup Forums
>doesn't own a cannon
wtf? Are you really American?
Hold on, I have to know the law in several different countries....
OK, flintlocks are OK for sale in Norway. If it is however; classified as a combat weapon then no go. Learn your own laws shit shitfaced cockmaster.
>ord delings feil
sur lærer.jpg
If you have white features pls do and give me beautiful whiteb abies
I have a hand-cannon (casull handgun). Can I join your idiot club?
Find and watch
free on Youtube
"Your opinions" don't matter. God-given gun rights are the crystallization of the unique legal philosophy of our Constitution.
Gimme that fucking super soaker you prick.
>Why in the hell would you even want a fucking cannon?
You're telling me you don't want to own a cannon?
Nice A4. Needs an ACOG though instead of that Burris to complete the look.
Do it. There are plenty of good states in the midwest where you'd fit in. Particularly North Dakota and Minnesota.
>minnesota has too many refugees and bluepilled whities
Well now I'm looking up cannons on ebay so I don't know what the fuck is going on in my life.
What about Washington?? (I really wanna smoke weed. Weed is basically outlawed in Norway)
Degenerate. I changed my mind. Stay the fuck out of my country
Please take him in, we don't want him either.
Hahaha You didn't like the weed part??
Vask testiklene dine.
I'm watching a Jordan Peterson podcast while typing this.
Men ja eg trur eg ska gjer de...
Dei lukta drit.
Weed is for degenerates, losers, and high school kids.
I'd agree but goddamn does it make for a good sleep. Cures insomnia for some people.
I dont disagree with you.
But I just want to try it.
Weed is one the way to become decriminalized here, and it is actually quite easy to get a gun (shotgun and rifle).
This information is quite easy to get, you just dont have to be retarded.
>you just dont have to be retarded.
God damn ableism.
Really weed is getting decriminalized?
Where do you have the info of that?
You want to know how I found this information?
I used something called google, and then I typed in
"Norge dekriminalisert" and this was the first thing that came up. Amazingly easy isnt it?
Yeah the internet is an amazing place innit
hahaha, you definitely didn't read the whole thing!
it says that you won't get a jail sentence but you will get sent to rehab so its not really on way to get decriminalized.
Ikke legalisering
– Det er viktig å presisere at vi ikke legaliserer cannabis og annen narkotika, men vi avkriminaliserer, sier Sveinung Stensland (H), nestleder i Stortingets helsekomité.
– Endringen vil ta noe tid, men det betyr et endret syn: De som har et rusproblem skal behandles som syke, og ikke som kriminelle med klassiske sanksjoner som boter og fengsel, sier Stensland til VG.
Read this from the articale....
soooo yeeah
> Det er viktig å presisere at vi ikke legaliserer cannabis og annen narkotika, men vi avkriminaliserer, sier Sveinung Stensland (H), nestleder i Stortingets helsekomité
Stop being so utterly retarded OP. Seeing as how retarded you behave, you will most likely get busted for weed because youre posting pictures of yourself smoking on snapchat, which hopefully will make it impossible for you to ever get a hold of a gun.
Dear OP,
My great grand parents had to pack up everything in a small case and spend two months to get here in the late 1800's. But it is so easy now you have no excuse not to become free in a day....
I have held a jew ak-47, a jew 21 century gun kys
Man, I really wanna move, I really look up to the American nationalists.
My line in the sand is a citizen should be able to own whatever a cop is allowed to carry.
Wait, you've never actually had cannabis? I am in total disbelief. Then again, I grew up in an extremely liberal city.
>I'm from Norway so Gun law is super strict! I have never ever holden a real gun.
get your ass out of oslo just once and maybe you will
boy im from sogn
Of course OP has the police to protect him....
Mmmmm guns!
Come visit America, guns are a way of life here.
Of course realize that guns are not free of cost here so you will need to bring some money for the guns and ammo...
Shameless plug :D
Of course, I know that.
I cringed externally seeing that
If you have wife, kids, relatives...
They will all want their own guns too!
Is there something wrong...
Of course, America does have a dark people problem so live in a place that has very few of those kinds...
You must not live in a free state. In arizona you can buy them like cheeseburgers.
>be boomer and early gen x.
>No gun restrictions.
>Get a hunting rifle at age 12.
> ban guns
> import niggers
> fucked economy
> die in peace
> who gives a fuck what happens to next generation. important thing is we gave obongo nobel peace prize.
One's "first" gun purchase seems to take a long time... They really do check you very hard.
After that it is like go shop around for 10 minutes.
When you get you concealed carry permit you have to promise to bring the gun back right away... :D