to be honest ethnonationalists are almost as big a meme ideology as an-capism.
Who here actually thinks an ethno-america is even possible
Other urls found in this thread:
We don’t take responsibility for it we just want to keep it for ourselves Sam you kike! Enjoy looking after your wife’s son op
First one is alt-lite, second one is some retarded fiction. If he'd phrased it honestly his tweet wouldn't follow
Left: Today's white people are to blame for the ills of slavery
Also Left: You didn't build this!
Why. British whites are shit. Atleast american whites perform well. British working class whites are the worst performing group in british schools
The left:
Theres no such thing as race
Also, white people are evil
Slide thread.
Wow. Retards. Good thing i'm not a burger
Is Sam saying that white people are NOT being constantly guilted/shamed for their ancestor's supposed crimes against humanity?
Because it seems to me that we can't go a day without hearing about the holocaust and slavery and american indians. Yet at the same time we're told that taking pride in our ancestors is stupid.
So basically, what the alt-right is saying, is that Jews and their puppets are no longer going to guilt/shame us, and we're going to take pride in our ancestors all we want. Suck it, kike.
>I can blame you for your ancestors crimes
>but you can't take credit for the good things they did
I agree these guys are complete idiots
Sam is krauting himself. Sad
are there any debates with Harris and anyone from the at right?
What crimes?
Is that what you think? Wait and see, faggot.
No chance at all in the states, in Europe, just maybe it can work....but Its gonna take something pretty extreme to push the normie over the edge
...maybe a high ranking royal gets jihaded then we're in business
No. Because they aren't worth debating
You have a point. Slavery was legal.
Islam will bring about the caliphate in europe.
Everyone's ancestors are responsible for """crimes,"""" not everyone's ancestors is responsible for creating the modern world from the ground up
Hello new friend
Before attempting to shill your dumb ass opinions you should perhaps learn how Sup Forums works.
I agree. Ancient mesopetamians are the true master race for inventing farming and starting modern civilization.
nobody in the alt right says that. you are thinking of conservatives. thank you for acting liking the sneaky jew we know you are with your horseshit strawman.
sam harris is a childless jewish homosexual destroyer that hides behind a veneer of intellectualism which is really just a trained memorization of multisyllabic words. it is a deception by a mediocre
ITT: non arguments
trumpcucks are truly unemployable parasites
what do you mean
Not the first time they've tried bucko.
Lol except it was DAS JUDEN who did slavery, and then called themselves white to shift the blame.
It doesn't follow. What is the rationale here?
>Sam Harris
>No chance at all in the states
The ethnostate is going to be small, maybe 10% of the population tops. But it will happen, and it's going to get incredibly bloody as we dig in. If the feds want our land, they'll have to either nuke us, drone strike us for more than a decade, or put boots on the ground and suffer massive casualties. They'll get nothing but bad press for firing on their own citizens. Fuck watch us.
They got pretty far last time.
This is a slide thread (they've started re-hashing controversial threads that will generate discussion in the last hour to slide the memo stuff).
Sage & ignore.
Recognize your great grandkikes?
ethnonationalist logic
>something bad in white hisotry
>blame jews
>rinse and repeat
ethnonationalists at this point are like fucking BLM fags
How about we simply hold Zionist Jews responsible for their crimes in this day and age? The rest will sort itself out naturally.
Sam is using a strawman. By the way, why do so many famous people constantly attack a group of maybe 50,000 people at most on the internet who mostly keep to themselves? We must be doing something right
>They'll get nothing but bad press
you do know who controls the press right?
VT, NH, and ME are all ethnostates
Another stupid smart person. Why can't Jews address these concerns in a straightforward and logical way? No one is claiming past achievements, they are saying if you want more of that then bet on the strong horse.
What crimes?
>this one guy on Sup Forums said thing
>lol Sup Forums thinks thing
Good job dude
>White ethnostate
>Communist paradise
>A functioning laissez faire capitalist society
What are fictional settings for bullshit stories?
Pretty far is a participation trophy. Europe will not fall to these barbarians, people are waking up and the pendulum only has one direction left to swing.
>We are just as responsible for our ancestors accomplishments as they were.
Who says this anyway? I assume that taking pride in your ancestors and what they did is not what he is referring to.
It's possible.
That doesn't mean it'll happen.
It certainly won't happen with a bunch of Debby Downers who won't help.
the more people attack white people in america, the more they reaffirm and strengthen white american identity. so yes, absolutely possible.
No we aren't. White nationalists recognize the current anti-white zeitgeist and simply want to live around other white people and be left alone. What the fuck is your problem with people determining their own character? What the fuck right do you have to force us to live around people who commit crimes against us, like the niggers, and then call us 'nazis' when we defend ourselves. Fuck you. Leave us alone. We want our own nation, and we're going to take it if we have to. If you keep fucking with us, the streets will run red with the blood of kikes, niggers, and traitors. We are silently gathering names and weapons, preparing for massive war. Keep pushing us, you pathetic fucking cowards.
It's more of a figure of speech than a reference to the mainstream media. "Bad press" can also mean the government being portrayed in a negative light by normies just by word of mouth, in day to day conversation. I'm referring to the spreading of information, and the negative public reception of that information.
Nice sperg post.
it works both ways. Either we’re responsible for slavery, the holocaust, and modern civilization, or we’re not.
you're pathetic
The opinion of a cuck is worth less than nothing.
Retracting the laws that force us to associate with one another (like BAKE THE CAKE, GOYIM or being able to refuse to rent to niggers, etc), then we'll naturally self-segregate.
THAT, I think could happen. But not NWFront larpy shit.
Really? Who owned all the slave ships then?
Wow. 12 slaveships over a 500 year trade.
Actually, we can. The accomplishments of our ancestors are the proof of our pedigrees worth and capability, while the 'crimes' of our ancestors don't necessarily prove anything given the climate under which they occured.
Talk shit about my ancestors. Go ahead. I don't care... I'm not sorry. I proudly carry their legacy. Slavery was useful. In fact the only reason it stopped being used was by MY ANCESTOR'S ACTIONS.
Ever since they freed your people all you've ever collectively done is bitch and weigh society down.
Don't you love when these kikes and their hordes infest our country and tell us we can't be proud of our nation and our ancestors?
Gas them all I say. Every last one.
Of the seven largest Swedish dailies, five are owned by Jews and the remaining two by American investment banks, one being Goldman Sachs. The Jewish Bonnier family have the biggest monopoly, owning four of the biggest papers 96 book publishers, 42 business and trade press newspapers, 105 digital news platforms, 9 film companies, 176 magazines, 23 major papers, 33 TV stations, and 33 “other” media outlets according to their own website.
One of the largest Swedish dailies is the Dagens Nyheter, the Bonnier owned and most influential paper in Sweden, which shapes public discourse. This was the paper that covered up sexual attacks on Swedish girls at a festival in 2015. The Bonnier family also fired the Chief Editor, Erik Månsson, after he published articles in the 1990s showcasing opposition among Swedes to mass immigration.
no but it makes sense what your ancestors (family) left for the next generation should be inherited by the following generations
why do these people use such dumb fucking strawmen?
.. in fact, the open borders campaign in Sweden started in 1964 when David Schwarz, Jewish, penned "The Immigration Problem in Sweden" in the Dagens Nyheter. This started a fierce debate, led by Schwarz & his Jewish co-thinkers. All Jewish contributors favoured multiculturalism. This resulted in an immigration bill in '75. The Cons. Rightist Party, which first embraced multiculturalism was led by Gunnar Heckscher of Jewish descent. This is in accordance with that lovely lady from Sweden who says Jews lead the push for Europe to become multicultural. In fact, Israel even pays migrants $3,500 to "relocate" to Sweden.
>we are just as responsible for our ancestors accomplishments as they were
i have never ever seen anyone say this before
How come no one else sees fit to ask the kike what crimes he's referring to?
>ancestor's crimes
>implying it was just their ancestors
>implying they're not still fucking us over
>implying the holocaust happened
He knows he's just being a cunt.
>Good thing i'm not a burger
Uh... duh?
Because burgers can't talk?
I'd rather know why he thinks it's okay to discriminate against white people based on the past actions of people that looked like us in the past, but not give us credit for all the positive things they did. He can't have it both ways.
I just realized it's a fake tweet.
Trump voter here, posting from work. ama mr
>1 post by this ID
If we're going to use historical crimes, Jews are fucked. Their entire shtick relies on provoking people and then claiming the response came from nowhere. How many Americans do you think know that Jews launched a communist revolution in Germany 15 years before Hitler came to power?
We need to take credit for the good we've produced AND maintain that we never did anything worse than even the most irrelevant, powerless nations and people existing today. That's how you survive.
Why did Hitler hate jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you
You’re clearly not white