
Judaism is cancer.


the only people against nationalism are mongrels
there I said it

Globalism teaches you to be ashamed of shit you haven't done and love people you've never met

>all nations are exactly the same
If you dispute this retarded notion, the you believe some nations are better than other nations.
If some nations are better than others, it's reasonable to prefer or like a nation on the basis of it better a better nation.
If then nation you prefer happens to be your nation, congratulations, you're a nationalist.

>you can't have pride in things your ancestors did
Bullshit, and by that logic blacks and browns can't have pride either. That ALSO means you can't feel shame in what you ancestors did.

Nationalism protects the weak individual against the onslaught of their collective enemies.

Jews want white people to not be nationalists so they can pick them apart as weak individuals. Meanwhile the Jews have a racial-religious nationalism that binds them together, generally.

>Globalism commands you to be ashamed of shit you didn't do and love people you have nothing in common with

This is actually the best example of cultural marxism.

Pretend that every culture and religion are equal and equally good and that all kind of group preferences are irrational. Disgusting.



>some countries have been to space
>some havent
>both are equal ;)

yep its the same old meme

>cant claim the good
>but you have to own the bad

Is something supposed to be wrong with this picture? Looks like National Socialism in a nutshell

a liberal stealing a Doug Stanhope bit I see


Feeling the weight of hypocrisy yet?

Now we've met them and I want to kill them all, and they want to kill me.
This is the effect of globalist mass immigration

does this image offend you?

No better than the professional sports “rivalries” and college “rivalries” that routinely leave people dead in their wake. People are naturally like this, and Id much rather them be for their country than for some nigger with a ball.

So it was nationalism that taught black people to hate white people with dreadlocks?

>teaches you to take pride in the ass and love people youve never met

>implying you have to hate others to be nationlistic.

I'm American and I still wish the best for other countries so long as they stay out of our business.

Mexico is my least favorite country because their invasion is ruining America possibly beyond repair, they are the only nation that I hate, aside from zionist and muslim invaders of Europe. Don't really care about much else.

Then why am I supposed and feel bad and apologise for colonialism and the holocaust?


Fun fact: Leftists steal Germany flags when the football world cup is on, light them and pose with them in all-black clothing and masks on the internet to fight nationalism - every god damn time. Turkish flags and others arent stolen, tho. So even pride or "allegiance" to your nations team is nationalism, racism, yadda yadda yadda to them

Go fuck your mother, faggot.

These guys left you speechless. Now go die your hair blue and say empirical facts are racist.

>you can't be proud of things your people have done!
But I can be collectively guilty of alleged wrongdoings of the past, right?

Actually, it's liberal identity politics that says blacks should hate white people they've never met and take pride in shit they haven't done.

Nationalism is an old human instinct that made us survive in the primitive tribal times, and it makes sense.

Your fathers and forefathers, alongside your genetic bretheren helped to create the country you stand in, which is why you take pride in that.

der jude

if nationalism is so bad then why do Nations exist in the first place faggot?


We stand on the shoulders of giants, op, you leftard cunt.
If you can't see why this country is great, get off your ass and move to Mexico.
God bless America and death to traitor commie pinko swine. Have a nice day and go fuck yourself.

Ignore shills

Guarantee you a kike made this.

Mirror the image on the left and replace "our" with "their" and you have my actual views. Being a nationalist doesn't mean you hate everyone else, just that you live your own. Strawmanning cuck.

Nationalism: ensures a future for our species, the homo civilis

Wow i'm really motivated to fight them now. To defend against their invaders, kill the savages, topple their heretic churches and eradicate their unjust ruler.

Does the job, does'nt it.

No-ones gunna kill anyone for their resources if we think we're all basically the same.

as an american thats the most hypocritical position, considering america's military interventions everywhere
not a good argument, evil often works

Should be "its people" not "it's people."

I don't run the government, but if I did I would probably declare war on Mexico then Canada to make North America one big country under the US flag.

But I would be an isolationist after that.

Makes you think you own shit you haven't work for

Back when cultures would war instead of fester into Americanism.. Nationalism is progressive.

Well put.
This. Jews are the most tribalistic and supremacist group on earth, all the while they push individualism on whites.

That's what pride means and hating people you never met is utterly reasonable


I love America and still respect other countries.