Why nobody is talking about the greatest anime of universe?
Terra e
because while it had a few nice moments it was terribly rushed, especially the ending, meaning it is objectively inferior to similar anime that did not botch their endings.
Kinda agree but... user, this OST make me cry like a bitch everytime...
Lurk more.
It's excellent. I wish we could get a bluray version. And it has always been on Sup Forums's recommendation chart. At the least old ones.
Part of me wishes that they would adapt the part in the manga where Jomy goes blind, deaf and mute after his mind stayed on Nazca too long...the anime was nice though, considering it was rushed. I liked anime end over manga end...the latter was a lot more depressing.
Literally looks kinda gay
why tho
Too much weepy melodrama. Fantastic OST, though.
Terra e >> Logh >> Crest of the Stars
How is the novel that it was based on, Slan I think it was called?
Same here
Everyone agrees is great and top 20 material, but is old, Sup Forums doesn't usually discuss old shows.
Literally drawn by the mother of BL manga.
Jomy is so pure
If someone removes their headphones will they die?
He looks bug eyed.
>greatest anime of universe
Please mate, it's only the best on planet Earth and I'm being kind. Qlodyuyecq ho Aqlyediouhq is ten times better, but I don't expect plebs who only watch Earth anime to understand the greatness of Qlaodian's animation.
Because it sucks