PoC and Women kept out of crypto and we got fucked because of it

I thought this was a meme, but they're making pretty solid arguments.

I think crypto is crashing right now because it never made good on its promise to be a democratizing system for the people. With just white males (95% according to Thinkprogress) in the game, it's a surprise the house of cards hasn't collapsed before.

The point is we need to find ways to include more folks and this will benefit crypto and everyone with a stake in the game.


nigga just buy some, stop being stupid and begging for gibs me data

I got some. Not the point.

Ah this is the point in the pyramid scheme where you need to rope in the truly and utterly stupid. Early investors might be forgiven for thinking their sooper sekret money printing scheme was sure to work, but now everyone can see its foundations are cracking you are desperate for some new suckers.

You have no idea the amount of money that is moving into the cryptocurrency sphere at this time.

They are FUD'ing this shit, now that it has been proven it can be used for more than meme-money, so they can buy in cheap.

Soros went on record maybe 5-6 years ago stating that he believed cryptocurrencies were the future but he would wait until they proved themselves before he bought in.

Now, suddenly, it's "ponzi, scam, FLAT TOP, only used by those in a despotic regime".

To continue, this is exactly how Soros made his fortune.

He shorted the pound, and then bought in at the botom, and rode it back up. Devilish, but brilliant.

>its too complex
>therefor women and shitskins can't into crypto


Not the point at all.

why? cause dey ignant.


bitcoin lost its value years ago when they started dismantling the sites that used it as payment. Since then, the people with the remaining balance have been advertising it as a secure investment alongside mining it to death so they can cash out last year.

fpbp, if your too fucking dumb to download a wallet and buy some coins im sorry but no one is going to do it for you lol.

Totally untrue. Women got lots of Bitcoin by just showing their tits. They spent it tipping other women to get naked, and in drugs

women and niggers want gibs. color me shocked

Its because theres no govnment gibs that are handed out in bitcoin

Literally not a word of the article or OP asks for "gibs." I'm arguing for opening and expanding the market so everyone benefits.

>He shorted the pound, and then bought in at the botom, and rode it back up. Devilish, but brilliant.

((())) Gonna ((()))

ITT - niggers and bitches are too fucking stupid to figure out how to buy crypto

Drivel like this supports the idea of white men superiority.

So black and women don`t have the basic requirements to start mining, pathetic:
> Basic English
> Some money
> Internet access

>with just white males
>80% of the new bitcoins being mined come from China

People who write those kind of articles should be fired.

>Grace Hopper basically invented that damn internet thing

So why are modern day women and PoC utterly incapable of doing something that WHYATT MAILS do with relative ease?

When bitcoin was around $14000 a coin I regretted never taking part in it. If I had just one bitcoin I could have bought some pieces of gold with it.

>if 95% of coiners are black
>Systemic Racism in financial/government institutions is behind the decline in BitQuan's value.

Its falling exactly like it does after every peak.

This peak kinda sucked because we got some parasites in the process.

At least they are slowly dying.

BTC is fucking easy to get ahold of.

>buy CSGO skins with cash from opskins
>sell skins you just bought on bitskins
>withdraw BTC instead of cash

or you can skip all of those unnecessary autistic steps and just buy from coinbase

Crypto is crashing because it is a stupid fucking idea.

That's funny, because crypto is crashing because of Bitconnect, a Ponzi scheme that literally only minorities and women fell for.

>Why is it that huwhite males get to own more shit!?

Because we're smarter than you. We don't spend our time MUH DICK. We find opportunities and avail ourselves of them rather than beg for handouts.

You fucking parasites are the problem. Not US.

Is that what we’re calling “not purchasing” now?

Lulz.com (((You))) guys are (((crypto-niggers)))

Pretending to be "wowed" by a co-opted idea is very Jewish OP.

Cryptocurrency failed because its underlying infrastructure was attacked. Whites are going to go at it again until they have their own platform for trading amongst each other or whomever provides a useful product.

>I'm arguing for opening and expanding the market so everyone benefits.

Great, then fucking DO IT.

You ARE begging for gibs. You're begging SOMEONE ELSE to do all the work to cater to YOU.


Niggers dont have bank accounts, so that isn't possible for them.

>buy BTC at 2k
>up 400%

at least try to be orignal you pathetic nocoiner

Crypto is crashing because that's how ponzi schemes work. Once people realize it's a valueless commodity and there are no more "greater fools" to suck in, the whole thing collapses.

> Things won't work if only white males are involved

> Also tech is too complicated for women and minorities

> If women and minorites are excluded because it's too complicated, then it will fail due to the lack of special women and minority talent and expertise

>I'm arguing for opening and expanding the market so everyone benefits.

The market has never been closed to anyone. In order to benefit you have to ACT. The typical mindset of the left is the expectation that someone else will act FOR THEM.

If they're theoretically too dumb to get IDs then expecting to to comprehend finance is absurd.

Tell that to all the suckers that bought in at 17k+. Crypto is nothing but a pump and dump scam.

>It’s a Literacy Test and voter ID double whammy and basically, we are all fucked.

So because women and poc can't into computers it's biased against them and in favor of white males.

>can't into computers
Interesting way to put illegal racist suppression as defined by ACLU and courts around the US of A.

>we are supposed to care that women and niggers are too stupid to get into cryptocurrency

the point
your head

no i get it you want more retards buying crypto

the problem is morons just see crypto as a way to get rich so they fall for scams like bitconnect

you do not want idiots buying crypto, they'll put all their money into scams and crash the market because they'll start to think every coin is a scam when really they're just stupid

Is the author really saying that women and black people are either too lazy or stupid to learn how to buy something online?

Is that the takeaway?

And that's why it's crashing.

>the problem is morons just see crypto as a way to get rich so they fall for scams like bitconnect


> it’s a Catalonia Flaggot episode

Same talking points as yesterday.

I'll sum up this poster's replies quickly.

>experts say you're an idiot

That's it, that's all this poster has.

Sage this shit again today.

>there is no such thing as race or difference based on skin colour!
>most crypto currency owners are white that is a huge problem and very racist!