>clinically depressed and low energy
>socially isolated
>out of shape
>haven't properly cleaned my room for over a year
>mfw I bitterly realize Jordan Peterson was right
Clinically depressed and low energy
do youself a favor and start nofap user
200 mg of tren every 3.5 days and you will be right as rain
Go get your thyroid checked
Anhedonia caused by too much hedonism and jerking off
You don't need Jordan to tell you to clean your room up and straighten your life a bit
After 3 months of not jerking and doing what you needed to do long time ago you will feel much better
Nofap is just as unhealthy as obsessing over porn. The problem is that you retards know no moderation.
400mg a week is way too much for someone that isn't advanced and have a lot of experience
I've done both extremes. I've done NoFap for a month before, I've jerked off three times a day for a month before, and I'll tell you this: I have noticed literally ZERO difference between the two of them. The only real difference is that when I jerk off a lot I don't pursue girls IRL as much because I simply don't feel a need to because of being sexually pent up. That's legitimately the only difference there is. If you think NoFap is going to save you, it won't.
>I've done NoFap for a month before
>a month
That's nothing. Do at least three months.
what about fap but no porn? what do you anons think about this.
no porn is more way more beneficial
Use your imagination, anons.
It's better than fapping to porn, but still detrimental in the long run.
Is this a Sup Forums thread or a /me/ thread
I dunno about that.
Jerking off too much can really deplete your body's zinc resources
No fap is a meme, if you actually believe it, the problem isn't masturbating, it's autism.
Why not just fap w/o porn?
peterson is a fag who put his 12year old daughter on anti-depression for over 8 years
I don’t understand. Is fucking women detrimental? Are you saying having an orgasm is detrimental?
This degeneracy disgusts me.
what's so hard about just laying in bed and masturbating to your own thoughts of fucking a broad? go old school
Fucking seriously. People all deserve a bullet, let the dogs inherit earth.
>on week 3
It's going well
>saving retarded thots on your computer
Another problem of yours too.
Supporters turn nofap into a quasi religion. Go on Youtube and watch how they all add on things as requirements to nofap in order to get benefits. It's not simply abstaining from fapping but eating healthy foods, exercising, meditating, etc all as well.
NEETs will come up with and do anything to avoid diet and exercise.
thats what i said until i had to scratch an itch on my shaft
No ass...no tits...
No thanks
>no moderation.
The only moderation is having sex with your wife, everything else is too much.