ITT: Literal Perfection
What is this
Cartoon from cartoonnetwork.com, come on bro keep up.
Komi-san is too pure for this world.
Spirit Circle
yeah, I always found Rune particularly fuckable for some reason
easily best girl
Best girls don't dress like sluts.
satoshi has a new mango starting on the 30th
so whos the best girl then faggot ?
shes still the best girl
shes not my waifu
Fortuna is a fucking genius after all
Every perfection can be upgraded
Thank you
Nothing close to Jewgi dick can be pure.
he did nothing wrong, also when is his new series starting? i don't remember if it was late june or july
Pitou is perfection
See Who did the Sengoku Youko and Spirit Circle threads again? Was it Jag?