POL ETERNALLY BTFO!!!! Talented 11 Year Old Invents a new

Computer! I bet you virgin NEETs wish you were as smart and talented as this young scholar.

How will Sup Forums ever recover?

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying it's difficult to build a PC and that this isn't a slide thread.

>putting together a computer like legos or AR15s, like they're designed to be

Good on the kid for building a computer but it's not fucking rocket science except to boomers and liberals who only use appleshit.

But can he build a clock?



>shills so desperate they have to re-use old as fuck, already trashed topics to shill against the memo.

ummmm sweaty the plural for LEGO is LEGO

is that jfk?

Congrats kid, you built a computer. Nothing big.





>Invents computer

monkey learns to put together something that a retarded human can do


>putting the end of the subject in the comment field because it didn't fit in the subject field
holy fuck you're actually from yahoo answers


wtf i hate borders now

>buys computer parts
>builds computer
>"invents a new computer"
Is the media seriously this desperate?

I hate this article.

Kid saves up money to buy parts to assemble a PC. Taught himself financial discipline and learned something from the assembly. Should just be a simple one paragraph fluff piece.

Some idiot "journalist" asks to write said fluff piece, and instead writes this shit, and makes himself look like an idiot and the kid a douchebag. Fuck.

Super sage 9000

>2 years old news.