How do they manage to make such lame comics that the guy they want to make look like bad is actually right?
Cringy Leftists Memes
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because they became immune to the effects of cognitive dissonance. Now they can freely spout contradictions without ever noticing it.
Poor dad.
The people in these shitty comics are so far from reality that their strawman is actually reasonable
What really enrages me about all this is not the fact that this comics are awful but that they brainwash kids (mainly in high school and unversity) to make them buy their leftist agenda and, worst of all, THEY MANAGE TO ACHIEVE THAT! What happened?
Also, in pic related all statements are true.
Blame government sponsored/subsidized/owned university and college system.
These people are fucking welfare queens
Humor is founded on the bravery of calling out an unspoken truth. To risk being offensive. This does the exact opposite of that and anyone who settles with this level of humor is a weak and pathetic pussy.
To think is to risk being offensive, that's why leftists live on buzzwords and ideologies.
Also, le leftists memes/comics in a nutshell: