Notice anything about Tom Bradey's family?
Notice anything about Tom Bradey's family?
Yeah, somebody has been burning some serious coal
Where the fuck did these mutts come from?
>father nowhere to be seen
Somebody's dad is in jail
>3 disgusting mutts
>No black father
Wow, imagine my shock. What a waste of life.
>Have nearly perfect genes.
Family mutts itself. Fuck this country, dear god.
No, no. Seriously, where's the dad of those... things?
So much this. An absolute disgrace
So who burned the coal?
I think the brown hair or blonde on the left with the old guy behind em
3 mutts and none of them are male. SHAME!
Someone got BLEACHED
At least they 3 are girls
No whites
One of his sisters had kids with a nigger
Honestly what's it like to have half-breed cousins or relatives? That's such a fucking strange concept to me. I couldn't imagine going to thanksgiving and having to deal with jamal and mulatto kids and shit. How the fuck do you even relax and unwind and bantz with your family when there are niggers in the family who will get offended at what you say?
Not going to post anything from harper's with that shitpost? Lazy.
I wonder how many people in that photo he kisses on the lips.
It's fucking disgusting what is happening to this country. I'd rather go out guns blazing than slowy deteriorating into mutthood like india or egypt. Please god let us have a civil war.
Get in here
Fuck off this is a fun thread
no black father. interesting
Tom Brady's kids are white. Idk where those negroids came from. His sister probably burned the coal.
Fuck you Nancy you disgusting whore
At least have a boy. Can you imagine how good he would be at football?
Absolutely 56 percent
Is there a missing black father or is that slightly brown bitch somehow responsible for those three?
Women ruin everything.
Agreed. Closer to becoming a shithole everyday. Only balkanization will save this place. inb4 traitor. Honestly fuck you if you think this place is still worth saving.
Seems less me that vaguely not poor but still white trash type of family, yeah?
At least they aren't as bad as america's #1 role-family
no woman can resist the BBC
They’ll mobilize the 44% vaguely brown Wal Mart sharters and liberal coastal whites to crush any attempt to opt out.
Pretty sure the only white person in that picture is the guy on the left
Armenians are a subspecies.
you need to leave and rethink your life
And Bruce
Without a doubt. That is why I'd rather die killing these cunts, than to be sucked into the brazil tier shithole we will become.
I wouldn't mind letting that amazon godess in bottom right sit on my nose If you catch what was meant by that
Hmm, it appears from this field guide that they have descended even further down the dark path.
Is that an Ogro?
A fucking disgrace. Look at all those nogs. Disgusting.
Dude she's like 12
where da KFC at
>there are people in this thread that dont realize based Tim Bradley knows the NFL is eventually going to enforce a woman quarterback rule for equal representation so the GOAT isists that his sister breeds with Jamarcus Russell which explains why he has disappeared from the spotlight because no one wants to but 2 and 2 together.
That's why I'm hiding in Iceland for the Superbowl, I literally wrote that script and they want to kill me
Well rape is hard to fight
Someone help him!
Brothix what kinda calumet de la paix are you smoking ?? She's atleast in her 19s
I've taken to verbally threatening niggers in public, and the results are pretty hilarious.
who was the traitor?
>half nig girl is only one wearing submissive slut choker.
They really do destroy everything we try to build
>he isn't part of the holy Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums Trinity
You need to go back to Reeddit
They’re happy whooo caresssssssss
If you wanna do your thing then ok
Stop shaming happy people you cucksss
underrated meme
so the nog ran off after having kids?
And the sister ended up marrying some cuck white guy to take care of the halfsies.
The Anglos aren’t in such a good state these days. I also would bet the actual descendants of the Puritans are the least likely group of whites in America to miscegenate.
Who are these people?
And what is this man in the back who pretends to be a women doing in this picture?
I just lost faith in humanity...
Jesus christ...
I don't have any mutts in my family but if I did I wouldn't censor myself. The only outcomes can be good if I offend them. They will either leave so I don't have to see them anymore, never show up at family things (self-exile), or ideally kill themselves from shame.
Looks pretty mixed race too me.
Good goy.
Canada men have the bantz.
Worse since all the top quarterbacks ever have been white. Also you do realize that there are a ton of black players in NBA/NFL because of a bias in the university system that imposes diversity quotas.
This is what (((they))) want the future to look like.
This Irish people are not white by any measure.
>I'm Irish.
I'm dying. I'm literally dying.
>blanda upp = mix you up
>at least I still have the constitution
this is why we can't have nice things
This is what the end of civilization looks like.
....Goddamit leaf....
The Puritans destroyed two countries by merely existing. This is the final redpill for anyone that has any genetic connection to Britain.
Top kek
Criminally unchecked and kekd.
...Where's dad tho
I'll still cheer for the patriots this Sunday
Brady is the whitest man on Earth
Yeah, they're all rich and good-looking and don't care what a bunch of faggots on /pol sitting in their mom's basements think about them.
My brains says bet on the cheaters. My heart says put a hundo on the iggles.
White Women really want to see their race die out. Fucking why? 90% of interracial couples I see the black guy could be replace with a much better looking average white guy. Why are women such traitors?
Put it all on the Pats. The NFL has to clean up their unamerican image this year so the fix is in.
I had to turn off my desk light to see the picture
>Both teams had no one kneeling
It's already Americabowl
It's always women
Right, is this the guy who adopted his kids?
The older daughter is cute enough.
Can confirm
White men who do this are the scum of the earth.
Gee I wonder why these hacks are pushed so hard