EXPLaIN THIS NOW: Kissing your dad on the lips for four seconds at age 11

Tory smith said Tom Brady was a homosexual who rapes and murders children.

Is this what will finally get /pol to listen and meme Tory smith into reality on this site 24/7. Is it what will ignite the Great War of our time in the global elite?



“Tom Brady rapes with his boyfriend Chris Evans”


Start listening to TORY SMiTH


Not many know it was a double kiss and he was asking for more. And they are watching the sped up version.

I don’t want to say download the evidence because it’s fuckig disgustig but they are trying to get rid of the kiss right now and the lip locked double kiss.



Evidence Chris Evans loves Tom Brady.

>implying I'm visiting goytube
Make it a webm

This is how you condition your son not to turn gay. Just deal with with queer.

A dad kiss a day keeps another dad away.

That's the guy who said Obama was arrested in 2016.... I doubt his credibility.

> A dad kiss a day keeps the gay away.


>doesn’t know all professional sports are rigged by the mob

What so bad about kissing your kids?


you people have gone full retard

Is this man in jail?

is anything in this world not shit?

What the fudge?

A kiss between family doesn't have to be sexual, white people are weird idk. Either way none of this is conclusive enough to label him a homosexual child rapist or anything.

Pedo shill bots have arrived.

Report and weed out

Asking to tongue your child twice is homosexual

what the BRAP?!?!?

>tfw saw gay people kissing on tv 20 years ago when i was 12

>thought it was normal way to show affection
>have autism
>time to sleep
>dad comes in to turn of the light
>tell dad to give me kiss
>he tries to kiss me on cheek
>i change when he's about to kiss so he kiss me on mouth
>-that's how they did it on tv, dad
>not allowed to watch tv for a month

>parents kissing their kids on the lips

Shit seems weird to me. I wouldn't do that if I ever have kids.

And yeah, at 11 it's especially weird. Dude should be trying to kiss a girl at that age, not locking lips with his faggoty ass father.

Torrey Smith is a nigger.

What i wanted to say with this was that TV has an incredible power to shape political opinion on the great masses

>Theres something wrong witg this


yeah it's weird, but I'd rather see a white father and a son than a mixed family any day

You have good parents

>post on Sup Forums thread a well written response stating why this shit is wrong as fuck by our cultural standard
>Thread got instantly pruned afterward

Sup Forums really is a lost board.


What's wrong with a little daddy love every now and then

>Kissing your dad on the lips for four seconds at age 11
better than kissing him for 11 seconds at age 4

Holy shit


This thread reminded me why I want nuclear war.

Kissing your children is not a crime.

welp, he's fucked

(the guy, not the kid)

Balls were not touching, but yeah this is fucked up

where does he get this info?



My dad kissed me on the lips when I was a kid. Weirded me the fuck out. Felt dirty all day. Never let him do it again.

Kissing on the lips is a little weird, especially in American culture. A father usually shows affection for his son by patting him on the head or shoulder or giving him a hug in America. Definitely a little odd.

Sportsball tards going to be on suicide watch soon if this turns out to be true.

Fuckin hell he needs to die painfully

It's an oddly European kiss for such an American icon and that rustles my jimmies more than anything.

What the hell is this!?

My father & mother did that with me when I was a kid nothing bad happened

its not uncommon for family related men in the british isles, for example, to kiss after long absences, or even at times of death, or birth, or other pivotal human moments.

Why do you have that picture and who’s it

Dude if Tom Brady were my dad I'd legit fuck him and not feel weird about it. It is more cruel to tell people they can't get it on with the sexiest of all time just because of relation.

What's the matter? He's just kiss-

KeK, you funny bastard

You're on Sup Forums mother fucker, you definitely did not turn out right.
>Traps are gay.

>In today's age, a child showing he loves his father via a kiss is considered gay/pedo.
You should all be ashamed at your insecurities.


newfag detected

Anyone remember I,Robot where Will Smith displayed his womanly ass taking a womanly shower? Where he gets out of bed and saunteres to the shower like agay Muhammad Ali who goes by the name Stormy Spice and then showers like Kim Kardashian?
Probly not- they've been forming your logic for decades and the assault is subtle.