EXPLaIN THIS NOW: Kissing your dad on the lips for four seconds at age 11

Tory smith said Tom Brady was a homosexual who rapes and murders children.

Is this what will finally get /pol to listen and meme Tory smith into reality on this site 24/7. Is it what will ignite the Great War of our time in the global elite?



“Tom Brady rapes with his boyfriend Chris Evans”


Start listening to TORY SMiTH


Not many know it was a double kiss and he was asking for more. And they are watching the sped up version.

I don’t want to say download the evidence because it’s fuckig disgustig but they are trying to get rid of the kiss right now and the lip locked double kiss.



Evidence Chris Evans loves Tom Brady.

>implying I'm visiting goytube
Make it a webm

This is how you condition your son not to turn gay. Just deal with with queer.

A dad kiss a day keeps another dad away.

That's the guy who said Obama was arrested in 2016.... I doubt his credibility.

> A dad kiss a day keeps the gay away.


>doesn’t know all professional sports are rigged by the mob

What so bad about kissing your kids?