Attention Autists, a PDF has been pulled from one of the recently released Clinton emails containing a strange code.
Let's figure it out, shall we?
Dumping what I saved so far.
Attention Autists, a PDF has been pulled from one of the recently released Clinton emails containing a strange code.
Let's figure it out, shall we?
Dumping what I saved so far.
had this thread with my breakfast
bump for futurama script
Slide thread. Trying to take our autism from the memo generals
Just a code for reptilians, the master race...
looks Hebrew
Fuck off shill. Clinton emails are worthy. There's plenty of weaponized autism to go around faggot.
I want to find this in the source email, which one is it?
it looks like hebrew
Kinda looks like Hebrew text. Would look further into it but I have shit to do right now. Keep this thread alive, I'll be back in a few hours.
Well fuck
>Attention Autists, a PDF has been pulled from one of the recently released Clinton emails containing a strange code.
Gee, I wonder who wrote it?
Memo is not what we hoped, we hyped ourselves up expecting it to lead to Obamas arrest, when in fact it will lead to no arrests at all, ever.
Hi Chris
To the registered...
It's the anti-piracy codes from Leisure Suit Larry 5
To the registered trade partners and???
My first thought was arabic too.. or persian.. but how about flipping it and filling in pixelation?
This is probably some CIA agent trying to get this decrypted because they can't legally do it themselves
To the registered trade partners and those...
Remember to drink your Ovaltine?
Can anyone, y'know, provide a shred of evidence that this came from an email at all?
black or white, with 5 slots means 2^5 => 32 states possible for each vertical. 2^4 => 16 only
I think noting the 5th slot means that it may be as simple as english letters: 2^4 < 26 < 2^5
link me the document
>Government agents trying to use Sup Forums to do their investigative work for them.
That's so stupid I find it hard NOT to believe.
Whoa. On the top left corner it says dot dot dot dash. According to this
>The Morse code for the letter "V" is dot-dot-dot-dash. It became the signal for resistance all over the world at a bleak moment. Does that mean anything or is it just a coincidence?
OP is a screencap from New Scientist article on code breaking
This is easy to decrypt. Gwt photoshop out and write the alphabeth, then pixelate it with the mosaic tool and increase the contrast. Then compare the letters
For new comers to the thread: I quickly looked through the documents. Fortunately, it appears to implicate Trump as a Russian operative. I think this is the end of the line for the so called 'God Emperor'; unfortunate for you far right wingers.
Some anons in the last thread if this was arabic by any some sort, and I'll repeat what I said there, no it isn't arabic. Try mirroring the images or flipping them sideways or upside down. Maybe that will give us a better idea as to what the whole thing means.
i was thinking the same any jewanons willing to help us?
Could it just be a code to identify whoever produced/distributes that copy of the document? Maybe there is no translation, it just is compared to everyone elses embedded codes if it leaks or whatever to see which persons copy it is.
Kek. I'm probably the only other old fag that got this.
Holy fuck I knew I recognizd them... Its for the airplane tickets!!
That movie is on every year asshole
plus which email did you found that i looked into the whole i couldn't find anything
I went through all 58 emails and didn't see this anywhere.
That's not Chris baka
Reminds me of the commander keen Easter egg.
Looks like a QR code that needs to be pieced together
Good luck getting anyone to provide any direction on where to find this. All we know is some gay twitter account posted an image and said it came from an email
Faggots in this thread making all kinds of suggestions before even verifying if its real. state of Sup Forums
>state of Sup Forums
it's boring
Nah I'm just a fucking leaf, user.
What movie?
its clearly hebrew you retard
Shameless bump
What does it say.
> inb4 'the goyim know, SHUT IT DOWN!'
checked, anyone who thinks HWNDU was anything but a test of distributed weaponized autism is literally retarded or a shill
really makes me think
fake until i know this
i've decoded it and it wasn't hard, here you go
>It is imperative that we be strong in this fight and that is why we must drink more ovaltine.
Hours passed and still nothing. There was no evidence in the last thread either
saged until further notice
Bumping for potential happening