Red Pill me on Women
Are they worth anything more than just sex? Or is there such thing as a cultured female still
Red Pill me on Women
Are they worth anything more than just sex? Or is there such thing as a cultured female still
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bump curious if anyone here actually has a gf/wife nowadays or better yet is actively still trying to seek one in 2018
Idk, the most decent gf I ever had was one that constantly caused drama and we broke up lots. She loved me and I loved her, but it was fucking exhausting and I ended it. A little regret.
No, take up time and energy more than anything else. Been with gf 4 years and we barely have sex anymore either. Women dont feel love the same way we do.
Thinking of breaking up but somehow i cling on to the stupid idea we can make this work
I don't know what to tell you.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
From what I've seen and experienced, it just continues to erode while you cling to hope that it'll get better
they are not worth much more than sex, but a life without sex is basically a life sentenced to hell. If you are MGTOW telling yourself.. hurr I don't need to fuck a woman from behind and experience that perfect ecstacy, I can play video games then you are pathetic. Get out there and get the perfect bliss of animalistic sex, or forever suffer in your eternal thirsty hell.
I have a wife. There are shit women and out there and there are good women out there. Find one that fits what you need and fuels you, brother. The problem with browsing this shithole is that you start falling into a cultist mentality of that women are absolute garbage and that there are no exceptions.
I have a girlfriend and love her, we've been together for years and shes traditional and conservative, but she's not white or western.
I always seen it more as the "exceptions" are few and far between.
Feed the crows and they will eat your eyes.
Feed and take care of a dog, and he will be a pretty good companion.
I run over any dog I see since they are vermin.
A little bit of education is good to help with homeschooling the children, other than that they are to learn as they go in order to keep their household in order. If they're not rich they learn how to cook and clean for the family and if they're rich they learn what is good taste and make sure the househould staff is good and then generally cultivate appropriate stylistic fashions for herself and the rest.
Women are worthless if they don't work!
No doubt man, but it depends on the person. After all you only need to find one exception to potentially make you happy for life.
Good to know moe.
True. I just meant that we can't all share that small percentage of decent women.
Death to urbananits!!! WORKER'S REVOLUTION NOW!!!
it's too risky now
they have no incentive to stay together and every incentive to leave you
and they are fickle by nature
only an idiot would fall for the vaginal jew in 2018
plenty of good girls out there
chinese confirned
>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!
I ended my last relationship eight years ago and have been celibate since.
The peace of mind is great. Monastics really know what they're doing. Buzz your head, wear a simple uniform, live a frugal and sober lifestyle and disregard women and you have removed >90% of the problems from your life.
>Are they worth anything more than just sex?
Not really.
My wife is the most amazing loving person I've ever met and you'll never have one like her.
Hey, guess what!
Cities aren't the special ones in this country. Everyone has a voice. In the last election, cities were and are still singing the wrong song.
>Been with gf 4 years and we barely have sex anymore either.
She's fucking Tyrone.
If your woman's not fucking you, she's fucking someone else. You're probably a soy boy faggot.
Women are feral. If not kept in check they tend to run wild and cause drama.
Patriarchy is de only wey.
I know... feels so bad to sleep next to a girl every night after she refuses to be intimate with you. (Dont even talk to me about blowjobs, haven't had one in years)
its shit like this, every girl i talk to you know i really wanna think of them more then just an object but you just know their a lost cause and its fucking sad
t. rural and suburban retard
seems to me, that the femenists of old, thought that their being sexually free would empower them, and make men think they were their equals. it didnt work, now men and boys think of most women as nothing more than a fuck. individualism and stronk women will destroy the west, moreso than any jew, poo, gook, muslim or nigger
Holes are not worth your time. they're only concerned about using you to their advantage.
I usually break up with women after they get that comfortable or I just don't let them get comfy and dump them anyways.
t. Leaf singing gender-neutral anthem
If a want a friend I'll talk to a guy. Women are for breeding, literally. That's their only biological task.
I knwo this feel
She eventually broke my heart extremely badly
But I've learned and won;t fall for this shit again
I'm free :)
She's probabyl fat by now and will go through life treating other men like shit too because she thinks she can do better until one day she realises she's old and no one wants her any more. That she overplayed her hand because she got overconfident.
As someone else said above
They don't love us like we love them
They only love what we do for them
Look at all these women divorcing their husbands after 20, 25, 30 years of marriage.
>What have you done for me lately?
Women are heartless parasites
Protect yourself
Prostitutes are the most honorable women in today's society because they're honest and don;t stab you in the back
women are like children.
You can´t give them responsability.
They lack acountability, remorse or sense of loyalty/honor.
Nowadays, if you live in 1st world, sex is even a risk, because of false rape acusations and girls who do wathever to get pregnant.
Be careful bro. In MGTOW you can listen to a lot of testimonies and data.
I meant, a dog - which is by far the most useful human biological tool - is part of our evolutionary and civilisational history.
They can be good or totally antisocial depending on their upbringing.
a bad dog is like a woman, they won't respect you because they have seen no figure of authority on you.
Therefore, pick a good woman and raise her to be a good mother and a good example for society.
I don't use to swear against muslims because of my irascible hatred towards Jewry and animosity towards national-socialism, but your dislike of dogs shows nothing but your savageism.
I have a good one now but only because she loves me dearly and I love her very secretively. For a relationship to last you must always have the woman second guessing whether you love her; you must be stoic and very sparse with words that show love, but embellish her with non-monetary actions.
She must feel both secure and insecure in the relationship. She must feel as though she has to prove herself to you and believe you are truly above her.
If you verbalize your love for a woman too much she will think has you so securely in the bag that she could likely do better. Show you care for her with actions; give her enough reason to love you and love being with you but give her no reason to feel as though she is the best you could do and irreplaceable.
>but a life without sex is basically a life sentenced to hell
found the virgin
Would you?
She's not. Doesnt have a libido and never did. Used to be able to seduce though. Shes been working fulltime plus an education which takes its toll too.
But mgtow aren't against having sex with women. Mgtow support Pumping and Dumping, ant-marriage because of courts screwing men. Thats pretty much it.
>Doesnt have a libido and never did
So why the fuck are you with this dry and barren lesbian?
You tell this slit that she either puts out or gets out.
I see it has taken it's toll on your rational thinking skills too.
She is fucking around your back bro.
If you must be sure just pay a private eye and thank me later.
then she's on antidepressants. those things kill your libido.
>tfw imagining ogres having sex
Just find an aspie desu, they make the best girlfriends
yikes dude you crazy
>She's probabyl fat by now and will go through life treating other men like shit too because she thinks she can do better until one day she realises she's old and no one wants her any more. That she overplayed her hand because she got overconfident.
I don't want this for her, but if i leave and put myself first this will probably happen. Shes not malicious, just a woman
It's actually amazing how women have destroyed the west.
Think of all the excessive productivity we experience because of machines, robot, and AI. Where does it all go? Art? Relaxation? Excercise? Entertainment? No. It goes to women. And for all they take what do they have to show for it? An entire cemetery or dead feti and a vagina ravaged by Chad's STDs.
You know how to pick 'em don't you?
I have a white wife and 3 white children. Basically you have to recognize that women are particularly inclined towards the "group think" that plays out in the (((media))). So you have to drop the subtle red pills accordingly. Just a day ago I showed my power level again. Her main complaint was not what I said but how it made her feel uninformed. I gave her some consolation in the form of affection and told her not to worry about it. She is now happy again knowing that I'm in control. Women don't want to decide. They want someone to do it for them. Women want to follow. You need to give that to them. It's not that hard to figure out.
No friend, I am experienced.
You're right. She is my first gf and things seemed great for a while. Have never had to break up before. Isnt easy for me
Sex with women isn't even worth it.
what did you say?
the skinnier the woman, the better she is
Thats beyond the point my dude. You can get thrown out of your house anytime her feelings go crazy and she calls the cops.
As far as I know in the US the cops are not on your side.
No. Probably just an outlier. Definately no slut, which i thought was great
kike on a stick etc
>premarital sex
I can see both sides to this. Of course pussy shouldn't define your life, but I think it's a healthy component, and I consider women to be one of my hobbies (although I'm not always successful at it).
t. plank lover low test
Women are for breeding and breeding only. I want to impregnate a virgin, have her had my children then divorce/discard her.
I bet you’re a nigger as well
I explained the demonization of white males. I explained that blkppl are only 12.5% of the population in the US of A. I explained that LGBQTIA...yadayada are only less than 4% of the population. I explained that the white male agenda is basically known as Western Society. I let her know that she is in good hands and pointed out how much worse it could be for her.
Could be, but I won't. I have control over my woman. The funny part is she wants that. All of them want that.
This shit right here. Females despise clingy guys who shower them with kisses and gift them dozens for roses.
If you let a girl live with you and you pay for lots of shit before marriage she owns you..
You may think you have the power because you nailed her before putting a ring on it but it's not true..It has nothing to do with religion. It's psychological, you have to be the fucking alpha shit in her mind and the thought of losing you has to devastate her and her STATUS...You have to make her feel like she has to earn you, a ring, and ultimately your cock. Otherwise you my friendo, are the one being played, NOT HER... she's going to find a cock to ride if she's already fucking having sex.. You're a notch on her belt too if you're not careful.
She has the power to just stop nailing you because she knows you're not serious. You got what you wanted and she had sex with you for a few years, now she's on the fucking gravy train and your feels are hurt. Are you going to put a ring on it?? What's she care, you're probably already paying for all her meals and rent?? Correct me if I am wrong. But is that starting to make sense?? A women will be a parasite if you let her.. You're the man, be the man.
You think you got all the benefits with none of the negatives but in reality when you do this you give the girl all the power and thus she WILL NOT respect you..
Sorry user, but women don't sleep with men they don't respect...They will cuck you and then blame you for their infidelity.
This is why you don't want to, as the male, have sex before marriage. I know it sucks, If you want to go have fun and fuck ho's, fuck ho's. But do wrap it up user, we don't need anymore single mom's after you pump and dump her.
But if you're looking for a quality mate you have to do it a bit different.
MGTOW tards just use the logic that "every women is the same so I'll just opt out".. they are just fucking horrible at choosing QUALITY women.. Which I'll admit isn't easy even if you know how. ALWAYS REMEMBER... Women are fucking crazy... all of them.
There are. It's easy to believe that they're demoralized and completely ruined, but you just need to get out there and look around. Live life. Find women in places that you won't find moral degenerates and sperm dumpsters. Join a republican club, go to church for God's sake, they do exist. As a guy going to a liberal college, I can say that while no woman can reasonably be expected to keep her virginity through college, there are a great deal of them that are sexually reserved. It just seems like they don't exist because the ones that are essentially herpes dispensers are the ones who are the loudest online and offline. Giving up is the worst thing you can do. Keep looking.
What do you do for a living?
Here is a real red pill for everyone. Date a feminist and become a stay at home father. While you raise your kids teach them to hate there mothers and life lessons. While you are at home build your skills learn and enjoy the rest of your life. If your feminist leftist wife fucks other men divorce her and get a settlement of what she made. Take the kids because at that point your kids will love you more than there own mother.
My advice here is based off I'm 30 years old, as are all my friends. This here describes the common factor between those of us with wives and have children.
Dismiss the idea of getting an attractive wife, a 10/10 Stacey is about as loyal as an Italian during war time. Most advice you to get a wife as attractive as you, I take that further, get a wife LESS attractive than you. Two reasons:
>Provided you aren't a total cunt to her and are at least reasonably attractive then she will be punching above her weight and she will know it. You will be the best she can do and if you are nice enough she will believe she has actually struck gold. Loyalty therefore is no longer an issue
>The children question becomes far easier to win, make it clear reasonably early on that you will want kids and she won't hesitate to agree simply out of fear that no children will be a deal breaker and that because she believes you can do better, then thats exactly what you will do.
Now when I say "less attractive" I don't mean a total bulldyke or troll I simply mean if you are a 7/10, go for the 6/10, if you're an 8 chase the 7. The girl carrying maybe 10 extra kilos or the wonky front teeth or the pasty skin or the excessive arm hair. You know someone who is held back only by one or two imperfections, they dont have to be ugly just average or slightly above average. You can't ride the cock carousel if Chad is not going to pay you the slightest bit of attention.
My wife is sweet but I would have at no point called her "hot", she has a nice face but arm hair grows incredibly fast thanks to a recessive gene (I don't have it so our children do not) and she is carrying probably 5kg more than she should (admittedly having children does that) and we have three kids already. I dated the hot girls once but they always got bored and cheated. If you want a truly happy life give up on the hot girls because they are good for nothing except sex, date the next tier down for a wife and kids.