What's wrong with Sakura and her route?
Not even once.
Sakura didn't have a route, though. There were only 3 routes: Saber's, Rin's, and Ilya's.
Nothing at all. It does weed out the casual plebs like and from the advanced fans, though.
I'm just memeing here . However, I'm a bit disappointment w/ the romantic part of the route. I'm more incline to believe their feelings for each other in Fate for some reason.
When I finished writing the Saber and Rin route all in one go, part of me thought the game wouldn't be settled unless I flipped it over. As the theme of Fate/stay night, if we assume the Saber route to be posing a question, the Rin route is the answer and the Sakura route is a practical application. In the beginning there were plans for an Illya route, but if we were to add it, the game would have wound up being incredibly huge. So we had this plan to release the Saber route and Rin route as "Fate/stay night", and the Illya route and Sakura route as "Fate/other night". But when we thought of the 8800 yen price, we decided we should include the Sakura route after all, so in the end, we decided to combine the Illya route and Sakura route into one route. So, although it had been finished during 2002, we took more time to reorganize the plot in January or February of the following year.
It (Normal End) was the only conclusion considered at the time. However, after writing about 2/3 of it, I found that the story itself did not allow such a conclusion. After that, I wrote the original conclusion, and then followed the story and write the happy end. Since this was Shirou's tale of happiness after losing so much, even if Saber and Illya were lost, at least he should let Sakura achieve happiness. And this was the conclusion. Even though Sakura indirectly became a mass murderer, there was no reason to deny her of happiness. I came up with this idea that if one were alive, it was not bad to redeem him/herself while looking forward to happiness. Even though this was hypocrisy, I felt that the story itself strongly demanded this possibility. To be honest, it was the first time that I lost to the story I wrote.
Nasu went over the top for how he wrote Sakura. Course, worm rape was the least of her characterization problems. Lack of character and presence in other routes like Rin and Saber, lack of character that can make me go, "Well that's just Sakura." like with Rin's dual nature as a human being incompatible with her magus upbringing, or Saber's simplicity in that she's a king, but also a girl. She's just..there, with no real personality other than a kohai and also the victim.
Makes me wish we could have just gotten Other Night too. Then Nasu could have the Saber, Rin, and Sakura route, while Illya, Medea, and Medusa could get their routes, and things would have been more fleshed out and paced a bit better in Sakura's route.
He could have made her more cheery, give her more character, don't make her such a fucking pushover when it comes to Shinji, and I'd be fine. Make her more active in her own fucking route. Make it so that Sakura actually knows what she's doing with the Matou magecraft, understands what's happening to her, and doesn't want to be saved.
A sort of stockholm syndrome type deal. Make it so that's she's willing to actually kill herself when the Shadow starts chomping people up, no hesitation. Doesn't even wait for other people's opinions.
A self-sacrificing nature like that would have been perfect for Shirou, and a nice parallel to Saber's route. Give her an actual personality and character that just isn't kohai and victim.
Sakura herself. Everything else is awesome.
She never asked for it..so she's still pure
Don't slutshame a rape victim
Why are purple-haired dere-dere kouhai with moderate bosoms so perfect?
>lack of character that can make me go, "Well that's just Sakura." like with Rin's dual nature as a human being incompatible with her magus upbringing, or Saber's simplicity in that she's a king, but also a girl. She's just..there, with no real personality other than a kohai and also the victim.
She has plenty of personality. In fact, she has one of the most complicated and multifaceted personalities in the entire VN.
She's a shy unconfident girl with immense amounts of self-hatred and bitterness due to her horrible situation, and yet she also has a fierce determination to endure it all, as well as being really kind-hearted and selfless. She's usually introverted and keeps to herself, but develops to become a lot more energetic and playful before the start of the story due to the influence of Taiga. That said, she's still very modest in comparison to the more generic action heroine personalities of Saber and Rin, and treasures daily life over risky goals. Unlike them, Sakura prefers to lay low and stay out of trouble, but for better or worse, Rin is the one person who brings out Sakura's inner competitiveness, as she simultaneously looks up to and loathes her big sister. Sakura has a bad habit of blaming herself for the faults of others and putting their happiness over her own, but simultaneously, if she's offered hope and happiness, she won't allow anyone to get in the way of it no matter what, as the two things she won't stand for are having the rug pulled out from under her and losing those she cares for. If she's somehow angered, Sakura's rage is cold and calculating, to the point of almost seeming gentle despite its ruthlessness. Even when not angry, Sakura sometimes displays gentle snark and teasing, similar to Tohsaka, but done in a more kind-hearted way.
And that's far from all there is to her. She gets plenty of characterization in HF, people just ignore it because of speedreading and/or memes.
>Make her more active in her own fucking route. Make it so that Sakura actually knows what she's doing with the Matou magecraft, understands what's happening to her, and doesn't want to be saved.
Congratulations on missing the entire point. Zouken actively raised her to be completely incapable of standing up to him since she was five years old, hosting his main worm inside her heart so she would die if he did, using the death of her uncle as an example of what happens to those who try to help her, and having Shinji violate her and call her various misogynistic things to make her feel ashamed of what they were doing to her. You can't just self-help your way out of that. The fact that she was even able to have Rider oppose him and True Assassin, and then risk her life going to confront Zouken were nothing short of a miracle.
>A sort of stockholm syndrome type deal. Make it so that's she's willing to actually kill herself when the Shadow starts chomping people up, no hesitation. Doesn't even wait for other people's opinions.
She doesn't even know the shadow's actions are real until Gilgamesh kills her, though, and she goes to risk her life confronting Zouken the following day. Really, the main reason Sakura even got obstinate about not wanting to die in the first place was because Rin was waltzing in and flaunting that she was going to kill and take everything from her, before anyone had even died.
Hollow Ataraxia fixed Sakura. So much of Sakura's interaction with Shirou and day to day stuffs are not elaborated upon in Stay Night, Heaven's Feel was built from the foundation set pre-series, while Rin and Saber route had them and Shirou starting from scratch.
Sakura is a character that would've really benefited from a common-route system, but that won't work for FSN's story telling
>raped == slut
>Lack of character and presence in other routes like Rin and Saber
The reverse of this was one of my problems in UBW. While Fate was definitely Saber's route and HF Sakura's, I didn't feel like I got to know Rin any more in her route than I did from Fate. Her relationship with Shirou felt too similar to what had already been established, the only real change being her winning and even that doesn't actually inform me of anything from a character perspective.
>Fate/Stay Night
Fate and UBW
>Fate/Other Night
Sakura and Illya (merged to become Heaven's Feel)
When I finished writing the Saber and Rin route all in one go, part of me thought the game wouldn't be settled unless I flipped it over. As the theme of Fate/stay night, if we assume the Saber route to be posing a question, the Rin route is the answer and the Sakura route is a practical application. In the beginning there were plans for an Illya route, but if we were to add it, the game would have wound up being incredibly huge. So we had this plan to release the Saber route and Rin route as "Fate/stay night", and the Illya route and Sakura route as "Fate/other night". But when we thought of the 8800 yen price, we decided we should include the Sakura route after all, so in the end, we decided to combine the Illya route and Sakura route into one route. So, although it had been finished during 2002, we took more time to reorganize the plot in January or February of the following year.
>Combine Sakura and Illya routes, in the process doing neither one right rather than having two good routes
>Fate is muh Saber
>HF is muh Sakura
>UBW is muh ideals instead of muh Rin
HF is muh Ilya, muh Rin and muh Sakura
You don't get to have sex with Ilya though. Only that matters
How does F/HA and F/Z improve Sakura?
Because Rin a shit.
Sakura is just shit
I don't know about Hollow Ataraxia, but Fate Zero goes back to 1994 and turns Sakura into a sexy loli instead of a dried up old hag. Pic related.
Best onee-san in the franchise?
Nothing wrong with it. People just don't like her drama.
Rider route when?
Hentai OVA. So, never.
F/HA makes certain aspects of Sakura that speedreaders missed during HF more blatant, and adds some character development for her by having her take over as captain of the archery club and starting to connect with the other club members. F/Z really doesn't add much to her other than a glimpse at her at her very lowest, though. If anything, the way the anime fucked up her final scene there gave her more haters among the secondaries.
>Come one
That's not very fair at all.
Sakura and HF are my favourites. That is all.
Literally nothing because it has based priest of many jogs.
Im a Rinfag and im still made that our final big bad was just Gil with more asspulls from Shirou's side (even tho we all know the real end fight was Archer)
Liking it = slut
Good thing she doesn't.
Except she canonically does.
So why are we getting this cancerous Fate threads again?
>t. Shinji
Worst girl, best route.
She just has absolutely no personality. I couldn't bring myself to give a shit about what happened to her in Heaven's Feel, but I still stuck with it because of all the other great shit in the route.
I've never been a fan of her character, but I don't consider much wrong with her route in and of itself.
>She just has absolutely no personality.
Epic meme, now try not holding down the CTRL button during characterization scenes just because they don't have enough shounen action for you.
She's just a mix of Kohaku ("I got raped, feel bad for me") and Yumizuka ("Weird magic bullshit is happening to me, feel bad for me"); and that just doesn't work in her route.
She never really showed many character traits that I liked in HF, she always just seemed pitiable the whole time and that doesn't make for an interesting character. Still liked the route's action scenes and the story; but Sakura as a character just doesn't do it for me m8.
Her entire personality can be summed up with "I want Senpai". That's all she has.
Not enough Shinji.
You can make a character the biggest victim that has ever suffered and people still won't care if they are extremely boring and only proactive when they're being villianous.
But it's true. The whole reason all those fate / stay in the kitchen scenes with Sakura happen in HF is to give her some characterization.
Exactly, hence why there's nothing wrong with the kitchen scenes or Sakura's characterization unless you're a speedreader.