Augusto Pinochet

What does Sup Forums think of Pinochet? Did he do anything wrong?

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No. He did not.

Yes. He let the communists take back power when he left.


Fought Soviet Imperialism in Favor of American Imperialism, which was more prefereable

Yes, he left some communists alive

He died too early.

A CIA puppet


A great, great man. A grave-digger of the revolution.




Chile is breddy gud/10, especially considering it's a South American country. All thanks to Pinochet.

Some people hate him because he was apparently employed by the CIA but who cares he was blowing out commies and socialists

Pinochet is a fucking hero.

user, how many Chileans consider Pinochet to be a great man?



Puppet to the jews.


>am i fitting in yet

Wtf I love Cia now

t. Skydiver

He flooded Chile with subhumans such as Haitians. Not to mention he allowed Jews to ruin Chile's economic policy which resulted in them being bought out by the Rothschilds. Just because he killed communists doesn't mean he was a good leader all together. Most Chileans hate him because of it.

>Did he do anything wrong?
he left us


Mostly high-income sectors and military/police right-wingers (the rest are just neutral). But you can find soft supporters pretty much everywhere.

From last election PiƱera's 55% i'd say 10-15% from total are hard supporters and the rest is the "did good for the economy but don't really like" type. Lefties plainly hate him and it's a synonym for the Devil.

>implying executing communists is defending jews
>implying communists and jews aren't one and the same
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no. communists are too weak to seize power in one attack, so they attempt to take it piece by piece through terrorism and deceit. they lie throught their teeth without remorse and will never stop until they get their way. pinochet knew this and acted accordingly. the answer to communism is excessive force.