THIS is what progress looks like.
THIS is why Kaepernick kneeled.
THIS is the future.
If you won’t admit your privilege, we’ll force your children to always acknowledge it.
THIS is what progress looks like.
THIS is why Kaepernick kneeled.
THIS is the future.
If you won’t admit your privilege, we’ll force your children to always acknowledge it.
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Do jews know why they were stuffed into gas chambers or do they just think nazis were crazy and irrational?
Wow that's pretty fucked up man. We're reaching 1984 levels of insanity.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>yer all white eh? doncha know?
fucking kek
they're basically canadians anyway
obviously it was because they were nazis
educate yourself you fucking bigot
we need to start talking about spic privilege. why is it that if your parents sneak you into this country, you don't get deported? And, as a white person, I'm supposed to apologize for shit that my ancestors did? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
This is future of hypocritical, slave morality. My only hope is that the white man wakes up and gets violent before we end up in camps.
No, they know. They know, yet they never learn.
No one actually believes leftists post this here, right?
its like the WANT people to be kneejerk reactionary defensive about their race
and the goal is not actually harmony
these fucking jews. asking for another holocaust
You take that back
>If you won’t admit your privilege, we’ll force your children to always acknowledge it.
and If you don't admit you're a nigger I'll force my children to remind you.
So sad to see...
Edina is the home of the “cake eater” Adam Banks in the Mighty Ducks movie. It was known as a rich white city in the 90s going into the 00s. The city used to be the boarder between Minneapolis and the nice white cities. This is a joke and needs to be stopped.
Omfg. You are such a fag.
> Germany had economic problems
>Jews were merely a scapegoat
This is all I was told in high school and college.
they're teaching kids why whites are better than blacks that early now?
wow, i didn't become racist until i was 19
I wanted a peaceful life, a quiet life. Now I realize that cannot happen as long as marxists exist. They will bring down our civilization or they will be purged. I’m not sure which one yet, but it will be one or the other. God have mercy on them. God have mercy on me.
8ch dot net/leftypol
felony conspiracy is why i can openly say im going to murder you
you should not try to play outside the rules when you are so shitty at it
They're worse. Minnesotans are basically Swedish.
Miinnesotans are literally the canadians of america. They should be absorbed by us in order to prevent the further erosion of america.
I would immediately pull my kids out of that school. Try and fucking preach white privilege to the parents of Polish immigrants who grew up in yhe soviet union.
Fucking bullshit. Looks like I'm homeschooling
You mean the low IQ ghetto people that live in the Urban Cores?
Why Would God have mercy on Marxists ?
"Ok kids gather round and let me explain to ya'll about how you are guilty of problems that originated long before you were born. Literally kill yourselves for being white you fucking racist little shits."
>30 years later
"Omg how could Barron Trump win the election he's a racist pedophilophobic bigot!"
It's a privilege to not be a retarded monkey, but that's not my fault, and it can't be corrected no matter how much money fo dem programs we throw at it.
White privilege is now a topic of religion, I see
Tell the children that they are blessed.
Tell them life is easier for them.
Tell them it's because of their skin.
...Then try and take their white identity away.
It's a bold move cotton we'll see how it plays out.
#illegalimmigrant privilege is a good idea.
>no link
Boy you folks are dumb.
slide post