SHOCKING: Controversial professor Jordan Peterson CRIES delivering Screed on Individualism
Jacob Green
Carter Lee
Stop posting this depressed drug-abusing leaf faggot.
> But he's redpilling normies.
On what you fuckers, there are 2 genders?
Hard to figure that one out.
Ayden Wright
lol imagine caring about your values this much instead of just shitposting frog memes on a basket weaving forum
Gavin Sanders
He'd bawl if he'd had to talk about the kikes.
That was that career.
Connor Gonzalez
>jordon so based.
afraid to talk about the JQ
Benjamin Gomez
what a faggot.
Carter Jones
The guy hadn't slept for 3 weeks due to an illness, let's see how you untermensch handle that.
Matthew Thompson
Seig Heil, we will take canada soon enough
Cameron Wilson
Logan Anderson
Individuals are nested in groups and forces beyond ego perception, constantly.