Makes me laugh (in a 2nd time)
Where does this shit come from?
Makes me laugh (in a 2nd time)
Some faggot Sup Forumstard shopped it. Probably you. Fuck off with your thread killing Larps, faggot frog.
We wuz jooz
lol niggers
holy shit now the movies are fully propaganda now, when this nightmare is going to end? it should have ended years ago
They have to use a movie universe because they don't have a history or culture
My girlfriend visited your country
>...and it's...
>...and that's...
People need to stop beating around the bush and force these niggers to africa. Push them into the fucking sea, they dont want to be here.
They should have been shipped off back to africa right after they were freed. I don't understand why they weren't.
Why does "diverse" just mean "no white people" now?
oh my fuck
Whites are people of color. I guess blacks never seen a 'green' vein
>Diverse screening.
>No white people.
>blacks only.
I wish this was being satirical but I know they are actually this stupid.
they'd rather turn this place into Africa
kek. glad i wasn't the only one who noticed
This can't be real
why do they have to be so alienating?
why can't it just be a movie with black people being the story?
>Why does "diverse" just mean "no white people" now?
It's always meant that. Glad you're up to speed now.
It's a corporate product that was directed by focus groups and Disney executives. It's simply an indicator of how shit cinema has become.
Why would you celebrate the fact that people of African descent need a cadre of white executives from an institution built by white people to fund and produce a film about african pride? That seems like a celebration of institutional white privilege to me.
>we read the republicans' secret memo so you don't have to
1) draw in the stupid by appealing to their vanity (wuz)
2) prey on their natural laziness
berg to berg baby!
you dont know russia they could be kangz . and they could have made anti gravity flying machines if whitey didnt hate fuck them until they picked cotton
i honestly believe that some one had to hate fuck at least 1 of them in front of the others per batch bought from african tribes for them to pick fucking cotton
i refuse to believe this is a real person
>diversity means no white ppl
What is this doublethink?
I noticed that too, a lot of websites have done it like The Guardian (very pro democrat) here in uk.
May as well read 'dont bother reading the memo, we'll just give you our twist on it (it was nothing, Trump is desperate)'.
Certainly you meant to type "institutional Jewish privilege". Any person with an iota of smarts knows this about the media, music, and entertainment industries.
Jews hate schvartzers even more than whites. But they won't admit it openly, mostly because they're all leftists who need votes from their welfare pets.
God I just want this film to come out so I can ignore it. Constantly being mentioned, who gives a fuck if “we wuz gangz” the movie comes out. Mediocre capeshit being idolised as a significant milestone because it shows (((In Fiction))) Negroes can do it too.
I often wonder, what must it be like to be so fragile, to have so little to be proud of that you have to grasp at every little thing you can, even fictional to feel some pride.
To white libs it means no white hetero men. To blacks it means just blacks only.
Technically it's correct. The debut was as diverse as the movie, which means not at all.
Can't even English correctly. I sure hope she finds Wakanda on google earth.
*t. Metacritic downvoting nazi russian propaganda bots hired by putin to destabilise usa*
There's got to be some legit effort in establishing the beginnings of some sort of strictly white ethno whatever.
when does operation /ourguy/ begin?
Look it's a (((Berg))) the most hated Jewish name in the ranking of Jews.
At this point we could conceivable get rid of 75-90% the Black population by convincing an African country to change its name to Wakanda.
>The sebum showing of 2018s most anticipated film was as diverse as the movie itself. I was invited to a screening with zero white folk.
>Zero white folk
What did they mean by this?
>black only screening
How could she see or hear the movie over all the cell phones and yelling?
>African culture and pride
Black Americans are as bad as American indians. There is no "African culture". Africa is a continent. There are a ton of different countries with thousands of different tribes who have their own cultures, beliefs, languages... American blacks always try to create this myth of "Africaness" because they don't even know which people they came from.