You cannot make this stuff up. The guy literally posted his talking points then deleted them.
Rothschild accidentally posts scripted talking points to discredit memo
Other urls found in this thread:
*Breathes in*
These fucking kikes.
how do you think that happened? is he distributing the talking points?
he doesn't have that many followers.
Kikes are still trying to figure out white mans technology.
How dumb are these idiots to keep bringing up the fact Obama ushered a Russian attorney into the country that didnt have a valid visa for the sole purpose of framing the opposing parties nominee?
lel, fucking klikes I swear
>scrambling so frantically that you accidentally copy/paste the shill strategy instead of what the peasants are meant to see
boy they sure are losing their shit over something that's supposedly nothing
>working for free
The memes!
he put it back up. he is claiming he deleted it to fix a spelling error
This is actually happening. WTF
kikeximus maximus
Why is this so important to him? weird
Mayer Amschel rolls over in his grave.
That's inbreeding for yah...
need more of this
Seeing as Rothschilds are the (((((MASTERJEWS))))) this is quite something.
To see them get feathered up means that big stuff's coming up.
Boomers always screencap, they never get the fucking archive of the tweet. So technically, there's no proof. Its easy to edit HTML for a fake screencap. Next time GET THE FUCKING ARCHIVE.
No archive = didn't happen.
Can we post bogs laughing at Rothschild monkeys?
>going against a rothschild
good luck,drumpfkins
you are going to need it
Second -third tier follower is the transfer link. "THEY'D" always have a buffer or 2 for denial purposes
>screenshots tweet
>doesn't archive it
Does this subversive creepy fuck think anyone trusts or believes him??
Our genius overlords.....
What, is the retardation from inbreeding fuckin contagious or something?
well the world is this mess because people actually believe in guys like him.
>making screenshot
>but not archiving it
Stupid burger.
Manafort is a mod.
what the hell? All of a sudden people are screaming no archive didnt happen
How ya doin there, Shareblue?Bet things are pretty nuts in your neck of the woods right now.
Someone's going to kill that faggot.
Tom Brady kissing son.
Tom Brady outed as homosexual lover with Chris Evans
>All of a sudden people are screaming no archive didnt happen
Are you that fucking new? Why are boomer newfriends so fucking dense? HTML can be edited, screencaps are WORTHLESS. Get ARCHIVES or fuck off.
This is why all of you get laughed at:
What a fucking idiot
He is directing people on how to handle the memo.
>How ya doin there, Shareblue?
Fuck off back to Faceberg "BEST DEPLORABLE GRANDPA MAGA PATRIOT 1776", or lurk for another year before posting. You're all fucking retarded and you decrease the quality of threads on this board with your retarded posts.
Because you can fake that shit easily, and because any retard will point this out.
The Rothschilds don't make mistakes.
le boomer meme has been exposed. You fags need to pick a new buzzword to push.
Fake news. he reposted it after fixing a spelling mistake. Its talking points that Rothschild makes and constantly spams at the media. Look at his timeline, he's always giving them advice.
>le boomer meme has been exposed.
Go back to you cringey fuck
>Russians hacking Podesta
Tippity-toppity kek
No, Boomers really are the cancer killing Sup Forums
Jeff Rothschild is following me on facebook.
Fuck with him please. slash thevonjeff
A fucking Rothchild
His family is part of the top 0.1%
>doubling down
You're not fooling anyone, you know.
Can we honeypot this 98IQ attention whore by making him think he's /ourrothschild/? Let's trap him into spilling the beans with walnut sauce.
Where is the Norwegian to save us from such faggotry
Boomers are the generation that caused seriously every problem we have with the world, and they come on here and try to act all buddy buddy. Don't even know how to type properly and get mad when nobody likes them.
Oi Vei Rothschild you back to try to subvert us from bringing back the Shoah!
He's right you know
JSOC raids on the entire Rothschild family when?
Don't look at this stuff guys, who really even cares? It's not that big of a deal. You should calm down about it, relax, it's Friday after all. Don't bother yourself with this rubbish. It's a total waste of time. Go watch some television or listen the radio. Better yet, are you feeling sleepy? Take a nap. Your bed is nice, it's warm there.
Holy shit the digital age is like humanity’s natural defense against Rothschild bullshit.
fuck the Boomers they allowed the Jews to take control and created the Deep State problem we have today.
Jacob Rothschild is dead.
Nathaniel murdered him on 11/17/17
minus the gold fringe "maritime law" you brain dead tard.
Someone place a call to Igor bogdanoff
Looks like another Rothschild must be brought to heel
Robber barons btfo
>if a rothchild is just following a script from somebody else...
time to go recheck the BOB
Best fucking timeline, swear down. Happening all day 'erry day!
What a fucking kike, we should have gassed all of them
>working for free
kikes lose their shit
I didn't believe OP at first, but now I do.
>manafort works for free
The family is the entire 1%
so is there an archive or nah?
>Heh, you will NEVER defeat my master *screeeeee*
You fucking goblin.
oh vey