So how seriously do people take him or is he just a troll? Or is he semi trolling semi serious?
Just binged a bunch of his videos.
So how seriously do people take him or is he just a troll? Or is he semi trolling semi serious?
Just binged a bunch of his videos.
Other urls found in this thread:
He's probably full serious, but I only take him semi-seriously. I like his ideas about living autonomously. Having your own 100% self-sufficient homestead is basically the final red-pill.
>killed a communist
>financially independent
>owns land
>has a loyal wife and 5 (soon 6) white children
>has a YT channel where he redpills 130+ thousand subscribers
He is more succesful and has done more than you ever will
Killed a white man
Mentally ill
Lives in a mud hut
Fathered a bastard child
Could easily get his ass kicked by the average street negro
He's a fucking piece of garbage that hurts the cause of the white man. You're garbage too if you watch his shit.
It's not murder if you kill a communist who had documented plans to kill you first
>killed a white man
See above
See above
>Lives in a mud hut
Who cares?
>Bastard child
[citation needed]
>a negro could kick his ass
M-muh dick
t. a jealous wage-slave fag with zero children and zero YT subs, who regardless thinks he's "saving the white race"
Just remember that despite what the fatherless fags that follow him have to say, there is a reason why EVERYONE that he associated with in the past avoids him.
It is not like he is a Viking called Varg who is hell-bent on burning Christians, is it?
Nobody but ignorant wigger trailer trash even discuss the subhuman shit-ape.
>EVERYONE that he associated with in the past avoids him.
Like who? His wife seems pretty dang loyal.
OP here, so I guess there's a split between those who do take him seriously. I do agree about his take on being self sustaining, but everything else gets into the realm of obsession and delusion.l
He's fully serious. I've been watching / reading his stuff for about five years now and I can tell you he's definitely serious. He's been writing and preaching about paganism, Nordicism, rural / innawoods living, only the strongest survive etc stuff since the early 90s when he was first imprisoned. People who only know of him from Youtube recently and seeing threads like these on Sup Forums don't realize that he's been at this since before a lot of us were even born.
That being said, I don't agree with most of what he says anymore. I'm a Christian and while I advocate for rural living (I've lived in the countryside my whole life) I think he has a very poor morality and a cynical view of humanity in general. It's his way or the highway, literally. He basically wants everyone who isn't a full-blooded polytheist pagan high-IQ physically fit Neanderthal European to be executed.
He's just a dead beat white nigger making videos while sucking off welfare money.
How can he possibly be trolling?
He is living what he preaches.
He doesn't just talk about having 14 children, but actually has 88 children.
By that he already achieved more than many right-wingers on the jewtube.
at least he is making a difference in the world
unlike this dead website
varg is a nigger
>chimps out destroying historic buildings
>i dindu nuffin
>never had a job
>lives off welfare
>has 5 kids he can't take care of
>makes up excuses about his farm saying how snails and things are eating his crops to compensate for his shit agricultural skills
>Hiding away in the woods is making a difference.
i hate how he smacks his lips whenever he speaks
I hate having to read this Church burning murdering degenerate under all my HEMA/WMA/Arms and Armor videos.
Tell us how you've made a difference, big guy
>I think he has a very poor morality
He cares deeply about nature, his family, his race. No wonder a christian will think low of him.
>"civilization is destroying us"
>" oh hey, here are my solar panels, car, computer, internet, camera..etc."
whoa cool name
>>I think he has a very poor morality and a cynical view of humanity in general.
That's very true, also he LARPS way too much, takes his MYFAROG-books on every hike, and is really into survivalism, awaiting the "collapse of the system". I just don't see that end coming though and think his survivalism is like his larping just a huge waste of time.
basically this
>He cares about his race
No, he doesn't. He cares about white people who agree with him politically and religiously. Everyone else to him "aren't really Europeans." He has actually said that more than once. The countless millions upon millions of Christian and atheist whites "aren't really Europeans" to him. He thinks polytheism is biological and is part of our mental nature as Neanderthals. If you aren't polytheist, you aren't a European.
this. he likes technology when it is convenient for him and his particular lifestyle and his particular hobbies.
>The countless millions upon millions of Christian and atheist whites "aren't really Europeans" to him
He literally never said that. It's not very christian of you to just make shit up.
Some people shine too bright for this world. But not this guy:
who needs to get random autists' consensus to form an opinion.
she's autistic though
He has said this explicitly, in multiple videos. He said Christian whites are not Europeans, but a type of Jew. Those were his exact words- "they are not European." He said atheism is the "same thing" as all other "Jewish ideology" i.e. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Communism, Capitalism, Socialism, Atheism, Scientism. All these things stem from the same Jewish core and are thus not European to him. He frequently uses the little catchphrase "they come from the desert, and they will return to the desert where they belong." to demonstrate that because Jews and monotheism are from largely desert areas geographically, they are also spiritually and mentally "a desert."
I don’t get why people call him racist.
>He said Christian whites are not Europeans, but a type of Jew.
You can be a European by race and jewish by faith.
White christians are an example of that. You're literally worshipping Yahweh, the same god who proclaimed Jews as his chosen people, giving them the green light to murder, enslave and sacrifice gentiles.
>Hates hi tech
>Literally lives of the affirmation given to him by neckbeard metalheads via internet
>Literally gets by via Hi tech spotify
>"Buy muh books goy"
>"Live cheap in a tent lol do it"
Not be a nigger advocating a return to a dead "religion".
>He cares deeply about nature, his family, his race
He shifted between ideologies until he finally settled on paganism so his life wouldn't be totally worthless.
because (((people))) are no good.
Varg is completely serious, however you should not take him seriously because he is borderline crazy and his life and philosophy are full of contradictions
Oh wow, so you did nothing?
Have fun feeling superior because of muh religion while this guy has a large following and will leave a legacy along with his 6 white children.
>Oh wow, so you did nothing?
More then you spending your time to stick up for your favorite e celeb.
>will leave a legacy along with his 6 white children.
His wife owns the land acshually. He owns jack shit.
I haven't done much, only "redpilled" a couple people I know personally.
The difference between you and me is that I am not so insecure as to go around, bashing people who actually DO something, in order to feel superior.
>who actually DO something
If he was actually doing something he would have been in the public advocating his beliefs non stop to spur up support.
Isn't he in the fucking public already? He has 160k subscribers and 28 million total video views.
He doesn't view it like that though, he has used the analogy of a computer with software and hardware. I have the hardware of a Northwestern European, but the software of a Jew, because I follow Jesus Christ. Therefore, I am not a European, period. The same thing with atheism, to Varg they don't have the right software (his interpretation of polytheism) so they are not Europeans. A functioning European has to have the right software and hardware.
>You worship Yahweh
Yes I do.
>Yahweh chose the Jews
In actuality he didn't choose the Jews, he chose Abraham, a semite though not even an Israelite much less specifically a Judahite bc Israel (Abraham's grandson) hadn't been born yet. Furthermore, Israel passed the blessing onto his favored son Joseph, and not Judah (which is why Judah got pissed and sold Joseph into slavery for shekels), so in actuality the birthright didn't even fall to the Judahites, it fell to the Northern Israelite tribes bc of Joseph. Now modern Jews claim they are "all Israel" when in actuality they are one tribe of Israel, and not even the tribe of the chosen son. The modern state of Israel should in fact be called "Judea" or "Judah" because they are the only tribe inhabiting the land. The other tribes are lost i.e. mixed in with various surrounding gentile populations.
>Giving them greenlight to murder, enslave etc
Not true, not even a little bit, not even relatively. inb4 talmud. The talmud is a post-second temple, post-Messiah, post the fall of Israel, rabbinical literary book of fallen Jewish men. It is not scripture, it is a lie. Jews abandoned God, their own Messiah, their own new covenant, and their own prophets. They are reprobates who await the anti-Christ. This was common knowledge to everyone until the late 19th-early 20th century when American zionist protestants started practicing revisionism and claiming physical Israel are still accounted for the promise given to Abraham even though they rejected God and Messiah.
>Hates hi tech
>Literally lives of the affirmation given to him by neckbeard metalheads via internet
>Literally gets by via Hi tech spotify
He doesn't hate technology. He hates technologies that he views as being either unsustainable and destructive, or technologies that lead to blue pilling and societal weakness. You could argue that some of his justifications are bad, or that he gets certain things wrong, but there's nothing contradictory about living off the grid and simultaneously seeing the value in things like electricity and the internet.
>"Buy muh books goy"
>"Live cheap in a tent lol do it"
"Put yourself in debt so you can buy an overpriced suburban house goy"
"Don't forget to keep working hard for us so we can send more money to Israel"
"Living off the grid like your ancestors is beneath you, goy! You will never be happy unless you buy our newest iShit™ and to do that you need to work for us"
"Forget healthy, inexpensive foods like rice and beans goy, you need to raise your children on McSandwiches and beetus juice!"
it has been posted here that lauren southern and other youtubers are ecelebs while it is in fact varg who is the eceleb. at least lauren southern invests in meaningful production like documentaries. buying a sword, a helmet and doing some karate in camouflage colors is not something that would keep his fans entertained but okay.
It is very stupid to make your survival dependent on gas, oil, and modern technology. Our food is dependent on a just in time production.
Humans can wipe themselves out with ABC weapons.
To turn your back on that kind of civilisation is the sane thing to do.
He is dead serious and he is right about just about everything he's details may be slightly off which is easily forgivable we can't all have PHD's in (((history))) let alone real history. But he knows what he is talking about and all the evidence to prove it conclusively is here