Seen alot of (((meds))) and (((nords))) fighting on this site talking about whos whiter or whos more superior. This is childish. Squabbling about petty things do not matter currently when we are dying out by the day, focus on winning elections and focus on redpilling the masses rather than fighting with your fellow european. Hell seger.
We should also debunk the myth that all Americans are mutts. When you actually trace back the orginins of whites in America it makes no sense to think they are less European. Assuming their ancestors came into America 280 years ago, this means that they have about 14 generations of inhabiting there. Considering the fact race mixing was almost non existent till about 40 years ago, at what point did they intermix? It’s possible they could find like 2% native America, but this is pretty rare. America had slavery, segregation, and the one drop rule that kept virtually all whites from ever race mixing. So if you have 8 white great grandparents in America, chances are you’re as white or whiter than almost any European.
*slams cheeto covered fingers against keyboard*
Course, any actually white conservative american is by default my ally. We should all work together to create a better world for our peoples.
Bump for truth
Don't forget the petty squabbling between specific white groups, people going
>muh eternal anglo
>muh eternal kraut
>muh greek rape babies
et cetera
Don't mate, this is subhuman behavior. The way to win the culture war is to be well presented and respectful. Infighting will only drive the movement to death.
protestants have been throwing shit at us since the reformation, don't pretend otherwise
the anti-mediterranean racism was just its rationalistic/racialistic outgrowth
>chances are you’re as white or whiter than almost any European.
ive never seen a polish person make a 'youre not white thread
I love all my European brothers and sisters. From the shores of Portugal to Vladivostok
Would you rather have your grandchildren be protestants or niggers?
You can take it from me, I'm a certified 100% real Norwegian goy
That's because they know slavs aren't white.
Meh, not my meme. People like to hate on poles for being poor but I think they could prosper with some determination.
The 23andme test results don’t lie. Self indentified whites in America match on average 99.3% of the time. At least according to the alt hype, but he’s never been known for using any wrong information before.
Go away wh*toid
honestly neither, first if I had to choose, still an irrelevant question though
you can pretend that every single one of those threads is made by ((())) but reality is that anti-mediterranism isn't anything new and is still alive, and anti-nordicism is just a response to the long term shit flinging in a form or the other from protestant Europe
>Dividing the movement to poke fun at the currently most redpilled europeans.
Honestly, Sup Forums is very embarrassing to look at right now. It's all autistic 14-year-olds hurling insults at one another and wishing ill on each others' nations.
You're just backing them up because you know nordics aren't white.
I denounce both sides. Hating your fellow european is not the way to victory.
user, the 56% is a meme that was made to galvanize American whites into fighting for their race. It's the same reason we call Brits and Swedes by muslim names when they post stupid shit. Bullying is how men make each other stronger. Don't be so sensitive
>forgetting your meme flag
I always thought the black power poster was an aussie or canadian
tfw i am 50/50 Med and Nord
Soooo.....when are you going back, shitskin?
Truth been told
Truth is, majority of /pol is cynical and bitter, which is the sole reason they're on this board
I agree, we have this problem in America. But we at least got Trump, you guys have a Merkel...
>tfw fucked around and got a triple double
>tfw didn't even have to use my AK
soz m8 its just bants :'^)
I don't hate anyone but I don't love everyone either, precisely because of the last ~400 years of European history. You seriously can't pretend me to be fond of Anglos and Americans.
>Seen alot of (((meds))) and (((nords))) fighting on this site
I've seen mostly European flags spamming mutt memes the last three months, It taught me that Europeans aren't my brothers, and don't want to be considered "white". I'm dead serious, I learned my lesson, you think Ethnicity > Race, because you're all deracinated leftist tools. Fuck Yuropoors, if you don't want to be considered white, that's fine with me.
Sorry user but Germany and Sweden are entirely different things. We have Stefan.
when you stop being israel's lapdog and the world's police, get your ethnostate and become isolationist, we will like you again
I'd be willing to forget every shit Americans and Anglos have done to us, for the sake of preserving each European country. But it's kind of complicated to ally with people who despise me.
You don't have to be. But allies must not be loved. They exist to ensure survival.
>when you stop being israel's lapdog
Everyone is Israel's lapdog you stupid fuck, don't you read your own fucking newspapers? ZOG is INTERNATIONAL you cringey bluepilled pasta nigger.
No it wasn't. It was made by butthurt cucks from Sup Forums who don't like Sup Forums's stance on immigration.
there he is, the eternal dindu nuffins
just get fucked already
No it was made by Sup Forums to mock Americans who think they're the shit "I could nuke you!" and who believe they're whiter than Europeans or are telling Europeans who is white and who is not.
Giving up is a sign of weakness. Amerimutt memes are especially made to make you hate race mixing. Not saying they should get posted more. I'm actually against them being posted but you can't give up and let everything you stand for die just because of a silly meme. You are a european. Act like one.
sort of yeah
and in any case, I doubt we'll be the ones needing help first
us, you and Greeks are in the millions already and we have a history of dealing with kebabs
they are the ones who are going to need a crash course on kebab-removal
we iz ur cultre now whitey
Sup Forums remember when we used talk about this guy? ah those were the days... just sayin
>Soooo.....when are you going back, shitskin?
why should i?
>Italy dindu nuffin it was Burgers WAAAAH
Typical Yuropoor complaining that America is to blame for their own corrupt governments.
>America dindu nuffin
I'm guessing you also spam BLACKED and "fucking bootlicker" threads every day, amirite Jamaal?
Agreed. While not exactly culturally compitable I think they are alright in their own way and would definately help them if I can.
Have a hug your McDonalds larded cunt. TOday we are all family
This is because you got no sense of humor, real family can insult each other without being pissed
>gets mad at memes mocking mutts
t.insecure mutt
>Giving up is a sign of weakness.
Oh I didn't "give up", I just realize that none of you are on my side, and I'll never expect you to be ever again. I used to think it was just kikes from European countries spamming this bullshit, but its legit Eurofriends being cancerous spiritual kikes.
You're not my brothers, go fuck yourselves.
That picture looks more like a messican than a burger tbqh. I work at a clinic for the underinsured and not insured (read messicans) and all the messicans and latinos look like that. I've never met any that didn't have a bmi
>and who believe they're whiter than Europeans or are telling Europeans who is white and who is not
Fucking meme and a half. We never did that anymore than anyone else. Shit, fucking Mexico does it more than us. Like I said it was made by Sup Forums and you faggots go right along with it because you don't like Americans. The reason why it's mostly memeflags who post it is because they are American posters and it's been proven anytime a 56% thread has been moved to /bant/
This is coming from Libtards shilling the board. They seem to have two aims:
1. Create division anyway possible
2. Lower the intelligence of discussion as much as possible.
The Mutt meme is an example of this. You can tell it is a libtard meme due to it's completely baseless reality. Quality memes from the right and red pilled are a critique of reality. People of White European decent have allies and enemies everywhere.
>We never did that anymore than anyone else.
This is simply bullshit, how new are you?
No, I'm happy to be off the hook of any brotherly responsibilities. Its fun not having to maintain high expectations for obvious faggots, and just default to shitting on you instead.
The left can't meme, but...
So why you muttposting? Stockholm syndrome?
To be honest I think it is hard for Euros and Ameritards to understand each other cause we got different politics and different breeds of shitskins, but meh I don't want to see you guys gone, so hang in there fuckers
Reason is prolly that the board is in English. This means the average Euro needs to be decently educated to use it. Meanwhile there is not bottom for the Americans. So you got a larger percentage of Muricans pissing people off. If the board was in French everyone would piss on the French
If you only knew how many europeans wanted Trump elected. We support you aswell as insult you. Banter is expected. Other people might insult you but to me you're a brother.
lol the confederates ran out of supplies. In battle they BTFO yanks in almost every battle. The all Black 54th division lost every battle for example
You never win commie cunt
>We never did that anymore than anyone else
confirmed newfag
years and years of amerinegroids throwing filth is a big reason why the amerimutt meme is so succesfull
I don’t understand why have a multi party not a non partisan system in homogenous European countries???
>You can tell it is a libtard meme due to it's completely baseless reality
Lol where is this shit coming from? Have you never been too the south?
Get fucked. You're just singling out Americans because we're not one of your fellow European nations so you all conveniently gang up on us when you're not playing the x isn't white game with each other.
Exactly. I supported Trump. Mainly to piss off the normies around me, but I was still genuinely pleased when my meme-president won
>So why you muttposting?
Because Yuropoors are the original mutts and you deserve ten times more than you've given us. I'm going to make sure this meme belongs to all of you faggots too. Enjoy your cancer.
From statistics. Something a libtard and mutt poster could never understand.
Dresden burning in the night
Coventry is still alight
Above the pain, the blood and fire
Arose the sigh: we're ruled by liars
She took me from the village square
Through fields the colour of her hair
Where arrows crossed point to the sky
And fathers, brothers and lovers lie
She stopped and turned to look at me
But in her eyes no hate I see
She said "For me and all the others
No more wars amongst brothers...
powerful combo, control it
This women made clear she was Hispanic in the commercial though never claimed she was white. Also 95% of White Americans have 0% non white ancestry. The rest that do are or are partially semites. Also the south has the least racemixing, New England and the West Coast have the most. Then their is Oklahoma but those are because of white male Injun female.
Again, a lot of the Mutts posting here are legitimate retards. Not because Americans are necessarily dumber, but since it is an English forum any Murican can post here regardless of how ignorant. This is also why a lot of UK posters and Aussie posters are quite dumb as well, but since you are more you are noticed more
Pretty sure the people stirring up shit are part of neither group, but are pretending to be for the sake of creating infighting.
Not their my bad
Iron pill
fucking pic related is all you need
drop this on them and obliterate the shills
Horseshit. Yeah we do it but we don't do it anymore than the rest of you do it to each other. Just like Sweden doesn't mind Captain Swedecuck memes from Euro countries but loses their shit when we jump in. You just don't want Americans banting on you.
Original mutts? You don't even make sense. If we are original mutts then you are mutts. Ok enjoy yourself mate.
Kek, I was fucking euphoric. Watching my acquaintances believing the world was going to end while me and my friends were laughing at them.
I can give you an accurate demographic rundown by urban/Suburban/rural breakdown if you would like
This, it's shills, meme flag's - non whites or other d&c.
But it's obvious that burgers started it all, doing it against us first and for years.
Hard to tell. The flags check out, but who knows these days. Still I guess a lot of Meds are legitimately pissed at Merkel, but they take it a step too far then.
Otherwise pissing on everyone is more a of an Anglo trait really
I’m a mutt. Equal in med, Nordic, and Anglo. The true evolution of humanity
>he thinks spics and arabs are white
t. med
lol thats funny
>Original mutts?
Are these bluepilled Eurofriends new? Did you all arrive last year? You're were all mutts and rape-babies of your neighbors.
Hispanics and actual White Americans have been separate on the census since April 1970. Semites are only 1.9% of the US. Jews & Arabs
You can't trust anything now with vpn's goys.
fucking this
Well cause Americans take it too seriously. Euros usually post it with a certain irony. Hard to explain.
But also sometimes Americans just say things that are pure fantasy as well.
Hehe I was up all that night and then watching our state TV and just enjoying all those sweet sweet tears, exstatic indeed!
And yeah a lot of people here were in tears and I was mocking them. They seriously thought Trump was gonna be impeached in a week, proved the cunts wrong haha
Demographic rundown of what? We can't be original mutt of anything since we barely had immigration until 20 years ago.
Anyway you Americans kinda missunderstand things. We are more laughing at you being from every corner in Europe, not that you are non-White, but rather that you are such weird combinations of White