Hey Habibis and Habibitis, I'm a religious conservative Saudi, I'm here to give an insight to why Saudi Arabia might be literally the pinnacle of humanity.
You guys can ask me anything and wallah I'll answer with no bias, go
Hey Habibis and Habibitis, I'm a religious conservative Saudi, I'm here to give an insight to why Saudi Arabia might be literally the pinnacle of humanity.
You guys can ask me anything and wallah I'll answer with no bias, go
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Oh, also this is not a larp thread
هات بوسة
Die you fucking لوطي, unless you're sub 14 years old and syrian
ليش سوري بالتحديد ؟
زبك كبير يا اخي?
الاطفال الفلسطنيين احلى بكثير
what's going on with the crown prince etc?
did the swamp get drained?
where are the Jews in Saudi Arabia?
Saudi Arabia needs tourists. They call them white gold.
Saudi Arabia is built upon a mountain of camel shit.
These new laws, cinemas etc are to attract tourists because without them the country (if you can even call it a country) is turning back into camel shit.
Don’t go.
They hot and its not gay if they are feminine
True but they are a rarity
Yes actually it did, he rekt all those people who thought they were untouchable, decapitated a couple of princes for killing civilians and showed everyone that the age of corruption and nepotism is coming to an end.
We kicked them all, having Jews in your country will get them to control it eventually, so every country better kick them before its too late, this is a known fact in my culture.
this isn't a wahabbist board you filthy goatfucker
>Saudi Arabia needs tourists. They call them white gold.
We are getting millions to Mecca and medina, also we are thinking about starting to issue non-religious tourism visas, I'm all for it.
>Saudi Arabia is built upon a mountain of camel shit.
Damn british people living in their tiny island thinking they still relevant, you guys have been irrelevant since 1945.
Shut the fuck up you jewish-cock sucker
Slimy liar.
The country needs tourists, this is all taqqiya. Your country is doomed because of how backwards you all are and it’s far too late to start trying to be civilised.
I have a question-
Why don't you fuck off and stop shitting up the board?
Are you a native or of foreign ancestry?
Also religion has its goods but also its bads and they've negatively affected Saudi:
>less ethnocentrism
>don't believe in science fully
>can't embark in medical fields that are seen as sinful like cloning and genetic engineering
>lower cognition across the population
>a disconnection with pre-Islamic Arabian past and thus less solidarity within the peninsula
You're religious and already say "might be" in your following statement shows you're not sure, which is typically not what religious people do. This shows you're either skeptic of religion or inconsistent in beliefs.
>We are getting millions to Mecca and medina
There's no profit from that. The billions of dollars that are resulted are used to expand infrastructure, provide free healthcare to the old piligrims (which make up the average in age of the plgrim population) and the money is used for other services.
Are you recycling indian memes in my thread?
>Saudi is 9 times bigger than his island
>Oil prices going up
>Alphabet (google's parent company) is in talks to invest billions in Saudi
>population is as happy as ever while british people are getting drowned soon due to sea level rise
I can go on if you want
I'm Arabian and original Arab.
>less ethnocentrism
>don't believe in science fully
>can't embark in medical fields that are seen as sinful like cloning and genetic engineering
Many countries don't too due to ethical reasons, this isn't purely religious.
No one is sure, its religion, its based on faith not facts.
>There's no profit from that.
Are you serious? I think you don't know what you're talking about.
I heard Saudi-Israeli realtions have gotten better and some weird conspiracy saying that ((they)) have links/are allied with the House of Saud which ironically has Jewish origins is this true ??
also whats the next step for the "entlightement" era of Saudi Arabia after letting women drive ?
Look, jews are helpful no one can deny that, so its not totally bad to be allied with them, you just need to know your limits, never allow them in your country for example.
Next thing most likely is removing the law of closing shops at times of prayers, its not haram and it'll boost the economy by giving it an additional 3 hours of work per day.
Salam aleikum akhi
Where do you stand on the crimes of the Najdi (((usurper))) royal family crimes against Muslims around the world but specifically with regards to the war against the Yemenis?
Why did these (((usurpers))) build a giant tower to Maymun over Masjid al-Haram? What did they mean by this?
Friendly reminder that kikes and sand niggers are a plague upon the earth whom practice deceit, in this case Taqiyya.
also sage
Are you good at Tafheet?
There's less ethnocentrism with universal religions because people tend to focus less on their ethnicity the more religious they are, since they are preoccupied with the ummah. And the result migration results in people caring of other Muslim countries as much as Saudi Arabia, if not more than Saudi.
So if Iran or Turkey, for example, is seen as the model for the Muslim countries, then you have a potential fifth column in your country. Ultimately, what ties people together is blood. You can't convert away from blood. You can care less about it, even choose to disregard it but it's always there and it's unique to people. And because it's unique it always serves to bring people together. Religious community as a whole is too large to control and manage. Ethnic groups are smaller and thus easier for them to have a strong cohesion.
When it comes to science, there is obviously a trend for many religious people to not believe in science fully because of some claims within religion. For example, many religious people don't believe in evolution and don't have a probabilistic understanding of things.
>Many countries don't too due to ethical reasons, this isn't purely religious.
They don't because of Christianity. Many the secular countries are shaped by that religion in a way that sees itself as being afraid of playing God. China is irreligious, yet has no problem with genetic engineering. And that's because it didn't have Christian past. Japan suffers less of the same problem of Western countries but it still suffers from it as a result of heavy Western influence, they were occupied by the West.
The idea of "playing God" is silly because if people really do believe in an omnipotent God or "Most powerful" God then it is impossible for humans to play God. If they did, then God doesn't exist. So the whole idea can't be religious but it is in fact. I'm not saying religion, in case of Islam, says genetic engineering is bad.
how about not dealing with the Zionists at all ?
Next question what will happen to Saudi Arabia once the crown prince becomes king ? will it be more "progressive" ?
>Are you serious? I think you don't know what you're talking about.
Is the amount the govt spends on infrastructure in the pilgrimage sites and in the various services it offers much bigger or smaller than the amount of money that is brought from outside into the country?
Who is your favorite Saudi sheikh and if isn't Assim al Hakeem, why?
Down with Wahhabism, restore Hashemite rule in Hejaz
how the fuckdo they ever survive the wild to beetle stage
When are you gonna stop funding terrorism?
for fucks sake man
Why won't you take rapefugees?
Why do you want to destroy the West?
When you go from virgin neet to Chad ThunderCock
That's a retarded question. Why would a desert nation increase its population with people that are different from them? And not everyone wants to increase diversity and become a Brazil. God forbid.
Fucking houthis good is important for a good future of yemen, those qat chewing savages need to learn their place, yes we lost many individual soldiers, but its a war and that happens, just starve the country for a couple more years then they will learn not to side with iran again.
>slimy Shia practices
>in a Saudi thread
I was a legend back in the day, I'm a good person now, I don't do it anymore unless I want to strike fear into my wifes heart while taking her to the mall
Yes that's an option too, we have been doing it for decades.
He's the king now, Salman know he's not living in his era anymore, that's why he picked this particular son to take the lead, Salman just sign things.
Try to make a plan for Hajj and look how much that shit cost per individual.
You know those people were literally butt fucked (which is haram) by ottomans AND they were okay with it?
They make many
we don't, we just spread an ideology that's beneficial to our country.
Because refugees are not real arab, they are literally called Arabized Arab.
No need to destroy the west, they'll destroy themselves eventually, they gave the vagina too much power.
Yemeni lands have been occupied by (((Saudi))) unlawfully for too long.
You make a mockery of Islam.
If Saudia Arabia is the pinnacle of humanity, why do Saudis marry their own cousins?
>The total consanguinity (first and second cousins) was 29.7% in the parents. Consanguinity was significantly higher among the daughters than the parents, where 37.9% of the 293 married women had consanguineous marriages. The prevalence of consanguinity was studied in different age groups, though no significant pattern was observed. A strong correlation was found between consanguinity of parents and their daughters; consanguinity was highest (52.3%) in the daughters of parents who were themselves consanguineous.
>The results did not reveal any decrease in the prevalence of consanguinity over a generation. This shows that the tradition of marrying within the family is a preferred practice, despite the awareness that certain genetic disorders occur at a higher frequency in cousin marriages.
Also opinion on princess Ameerah al Taweel?
>Flag checks out
You seem to think its just islam, we don't care about Ahmadis and Shias just because their muslims, Saudi Arabia has a specific type of Islam that's beneficial to the growth of the country, anyone that sympathies with other types of islam is shunned and brutalized into the individual body of the country, look at shia for example.
We teach evolution here, we just don't call it evolution.
Yemeni lands have been occupied by the mullahs of Iran, we are there to free them the American way.
Cousins are hot, that's a known fact don't try to deny it.
What was this about?
Is it legal to question the official narrative of the "gas chambers" in Saudi? Is this part of making Saudi "more progressive"?
kys fag
lmao an other Saudi
>Cousins are hot, that's a known fact don't try to deny it.
Not that I'm aware off. Plus cousin marriages give a higher chance of recessive genetic disorders and have negative effects on cognitive development
BTW you forgot my question about Ameerah
Yes its legal.
Yes the same chance as giving birth as a late forties woman, but no one is banning that.
Ameerah is irrelevant, but she's 7.5/10
>Yes the same chance as giving birth as a late forties woman, but no one is banning that.
Nobody is talking about banning it, I was asking about why you guys keep doing that
>Ameerah is irrelevant, but she's 7.5/10
OK was thinking more about her work but now you got me interested. Who would you consider 10/10?
>cousins are hot
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH have fun inbreeding and having a retarded weak kid Achmed, maybe Iran has a point in disliking you for this
This is a really shitty larp.
Are Saudi girls hot? How can you know with all their burkas,hijabs etc.?
good questions
Houthis are fucking your shit up, senpai.
I've seen so many videos of Saudi soldiers getting ambushed and whatnot, Apache pilots not seeing shit in plain sight and all other shit like that, like come the fuck on.
I already said because cousins are hot.
Alizee is my 10/10.
You just mad because you can't fuck your own cousin, there is nothing abnormal genetically in Saudi compared to the rest of the world.
Most of them are hot, you know when they are not wearing their hijabs, they only wear it in public
This is what western people interested in nowadays? a woman throwing a piece of clothes in fire for likes on twitter? told you you gave vaginas too much power.
We take pride in this meme.
>author from Al Quaeda to Atheism
>Atheist and ex Radical Islamist
Kaffir woman
Wallahi you're a sandnigger
It's more about mocking culture than giving someone power for their gender.
>I've seen videos
Saudi Arabia don't publish videos about every houthi it kills, you've been brainwashed by propaganda, yemen is starving and dying due to plague, people are selling their plagued children for a gallon of milk in Sana'a, and you're talking about some Saudi soldiers that died on the borders? what a great loss man.
>I already said because cousins are hot.
Not true and certainly not worth it
>Alizee is my 10/10.
Fucking bad choice
>You just mad because you can't fuck your own cousin, there is nothing abnormal genetically in Saudi compared to the rest of the world.
Again, already said it is correlated with genetic disorders and negatively influences cognitive development.
>there is nothing abnormal genetically in Saudi Arabia cuz we fuck our cousins
ofc because you guys kill the retarded kids but still this doesnt mean you guys are weak
>implying im jelous because i cant fuck my cousin
OMG lmao i would NEVER fuck my cousin or any relative NEVER
We'll see that pinnacle when KSA runs out of oil you imbred camel fucker
also isnt it against Islam inbreeding ?
And why do Saudis drink camel urine?
It is but cousin marriages are not mentioned among those marriages that are forbidden. Muhammad himself married his cousin Zaynab and his daughter Fatima married Muhammad's cousin Ali
Yes but she took her hijab and set it on fire, she's an atheist, how is that interesting? It looks to me that she's just piggybacking the current trend in Iran for some likes, do you think this video will inspire iranian women or change anything actually in Iran?
Just wear a condom man, don't miss out
>Fucking bad choice
>Again, already said it is correlated with genetic disorders and negatively influences cognitive development.
Can you show me a statistic in Saudi proving your point?
cousins isn't incest in Islam
Please stay there.
>Just wear a condom man, don't miss out
That's the problem. Saudis are marrying their cousins, the producing kids.
Never denied that
>Can you show me a statistic in Saudi proving your point?
Perhaps not Saudi Arabia from the top of my head, but here's a study about inbreeding and cognitive development
The stuff about recessive genetic disorders is basic stuff. You can also find evidence for it among for instance Amish and Jews, who also tend to marry within small groups. And it explains partly why Muslim immigrants in the West have higher rates of congentical disorders
Lol @ you arab manlet cuck. Fatimas and Aishas love my big Germanic cock. Look at Viking strength at work.
Do you think you skinnyfat manlets have a chance?
Iran is just as inbred
how do you pick your spouse? are you allowed to chat with girls you aren't married to?
>golden horseface cuck
>A fucking leaf
>implying arab qts don't giggle to hide their arousal whenever they see any Nordic of at least average looks
Arab qts eat me with their eyes, and I'm barely average heighted (for a german) and have lean muscle instead of Marcus' beefy physique. There's this pale hijabi qt that blushed whenever I talk to her. Feels fuckin' great.
post arab qts you know please Hans
Persians > crypto jews
>cause women arousal
Ahaha what nordic men? You're all cucks and soyboys.
This is not Sup Forums and I don't want to get doxxed.
Italians are basically mass production people. You all look the same, just two versions: italian classic & fat italian.
Is this how you guys compensate for how much we fucked your ancestors throughout history?
Yes, just don't fuck them unless you're sure you won't be caught.
>these are cucks and soyboys
Of course, we lack the game and smooth talking skills of the Eternal Med, but we are not all cucks and soyboys.
not really Arabians are more inbreeds
>not all
Go clean some toilets, I don't even know if you're a slav or a german rapebaby.
Mmm...that's up to you to prove me otherwise.
get your facts right, Polish are more Aryan than Germans
though what would you know about it, you're basically a christian Arab
>Try to make a plan for Hajj and look how much that shit cost per individual.
It brings in maybe 10 billion$ a year into the Saudi economy. But there is a lot of money spend by the government to expand infrastructure and offer services to pilgrims. That amounts close to 10 billion$.
>Because refugees are not real arab, they are literally called Arabized Arab.
This. Eurocentrics say so themselves anyway so it's weird why they want Saudi Arabia to take Syrians, who they see as their closest kin.
It's Sunni Islam. It's the most popular sect. There is no such thing as "wahabism". Anyway, religion that isn't centered around an ethnicity or population like how Judaism or Hinduism is, makes ethnocentrism harder to achieve.
You're right about religion being benefitial to growth, especially birth rates. But there is a limit to population growth in a peninsula that's mostly desert.
>We teach evolution here, we just don't call it evolution.
Not human evolution, except maybe for private schools. Maybe in university people learn of human evolution.
>not knowing there are both pros and cons to everything
Askhenazi Jews are the product of the most inbreeding and they're the smartest. Sure they had higher rates of Tay Sachs at one point but that's part of the bargain.
Cousin marriages are not ultimately bad, it just depends on the environment. There are many things that are seen as bad in one environment that are good in another. Learn to evolution.
>retardation: The posts
Iran is inbred since Zoroastrianism which put a greater focus on inbreeding.
You have cuck personalities. It only makes women want to be with you so you can raise another man's child.
There are few to no Arabs in Germany.
Poland best land
>fucked up
Meh, it's pretty much a tie from where I'm standing. And even if it were the case we are several leagues above you now.
Poles really can't into geography or genetics.
>You have cuck personalities. It only makes women want to be with you so you can raise another man's child.
Do you realize "alpha male" is basically a short-term strategy of races that breed like rats and are worth as much as rats?
Germans are genetically a mixture of Celtic and Slavic peoples. Even neonazi children know this.
>several leagues above you now.
boi your leader has a literal vagina between her legs
مرحبا يا اخي انتا ليش عملت هذا البوست مش عيب عليك
Chill out pole.
Then how do you explain the men in the video? I'm not denying the existance of German soyboys, just the fact that they are the norm. But arab alphaness is a myth at worst and smoke and mirrors at best. You're all weaklings at heart.
this. Arabs are not manly, they are just a chav race. Are chavs manly because they are aggressive, egoistic and direct with women? No, they are simply animals.
It's all part of western society, it's rotten and corrupt thanks to communism.
this is a prime example of a feminine Arabized Arab.