What does Sup Forums think of him?
Should we all clean our rooms and become more lobster?
What does Sup Forums think of him?
Should we all clean our rooms and become more lobster?
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For someone in search of truths, he cares little about a certain one.
Well actually his idea of the truth is something that brings evolutionary success, he's said many times.
And being an antisemite doesn't bring evolutionary success. Look at what happened to Hitler, Goering, Goebbels. They all died violent deaths.
Therefore it is quite right that he isn't an antisemite.
>White genes being replaced at alarming rates in their own countries
>This is official policy
I thought you were referring specifically to "the JQ".
And why would he care if YOU can't find a girl to fuck and raise kids with? That's your own problem. Peterson already has two kids.
Sort yourself out, bucko.
I read all that in his voice
Yeah you should clean your room and have your life in order not because peterson told you to but because its common sense...
It's a combination silly. Guess what happens when you import insane numbers of third worlders who then proceed to fuck like rabbits because that's what third worlders do? Meanwhile, more conscientious races who don't live above their means will always lose out. It's literally a math equation, and it the answer has never been "well, white people just need to fuck themselves into being an overpopulated shithole to genetically compete with the third world rabbits". Then we would be like them. They need to remain a minority in our societies.
why are cuck soyboy alt-lite plebbiters hailing this fucking kike looking e-celeb as the next intellectual ?!!
Holy fuck, he just says shit that is common knowledge .
And he's a boomerfag who still thinks hitler was evil and muh 6 gorillion
fucking sage
Okay champ well I don't really give a shit - I need to spend my time in life focusing on ME and MY success.
Good luck with that though.
Fuck this faggot. He actively attacks pro-white groups while being the most blatant money-hungry piece of shit on the planet. He is AGAINST us, and there are idiots on here who somehow think he is on our side.
Did you make this picture?
I like him he's very good at making his points. There seemed to be a bias against him here when metokur made his video. It seems most folks have gone back to liking him after the channel 4 debate with only hardliners and shills still hating him for not going full nazis
our based e-kike daddy will save us from the jews, just you wait and see. Also, ignore this youtu.be
Thanks. I hope your definition of success isn't impacted by finding yourself living in a 90% Muslim country soon :^)
>Facetious, but the point stands
don't mind the resident Inselaffe, he just found his e-daddy
Dragon to the depths of the whale penis. Erect your mom's penis and save your father's ass hole user. Do battle with your inner homo, a hamster in the ass is worth 2 btc on the pizza market. Sort it out user, pigs are not for sex. Roughly speaking
>while being the most blatant money-hungry piece of shit on the planet
No, it's from here: theguardian.com
>guy has sensible views in one particular topic, mainly as a contrast to ridiculous claims
It doesnt take a genius to tell you that forcing people to use ze/xir/etc. under threat of legal reprecussion is a dumb idea. You like his views on some social issues and are willing to blindly accept his others just to keep him held up on a pedestal for confirmation bias.
What do you want me to do about it? If Jacob Rees-Mogg stands for PM and he pledges to reduce immigration then sure, I'll vote for that. What else can I do? I've got a life to live, buddy. I'd rather devote my efforts towards making the most of my life.
I'm just trying to help him think outside his box, honestly. It's cool to be an individualist up to a point, but when out groups begin attacking the in group AS A GROUP, then that in group needs to have the sense to defend themselves as a GROUP. And all the more so when the attacks on the in group are backhanded, stealthy, and take generations to bring to roost. Sitting there and saying "well all I can do is get myself a nice white woman and have a family" will not work mathematically.
You mean the lobster transsexual?
You have to rip the parasitic kike off them violently
That's the only answer that doesn't violate anyone's existing civil liberties my dude:
>Immediately put a halt to immigration, at least non white immigration
>Institute extremely limited policy going forward. Whites only.
Generations pass
>he calls retards retards and people pay him
>beware mobile fags
So why do you have a messy room? Did the Jew's make your room messy?
Sort yourself out bucko.
unfortunately this is what being a dad to a daughter is like
you try to bond with them the best you can and sometimes that means pic related
or it means fingering their teen pussy and threatening their life afterwords
>when there's an abhorrent Aussie post
I'd vote for it, sure. But I plan to spend the majority of my life sorting my shit out and making something of myself.
I'm severely disappointed in you, aussies are not supposed to be the fatherless cucks
>implying there isn't a current covert feminization and sterilization program for the undesirables
>implying exponentially advancements and breakthroughs in genetic engineering, cybernetic enhancements and weaponized nanotechnology, won't change our future
The Great Cull awaits, lad.
He won't name the Jew, so fuck him.
>takes anti depressants
>mentally unstable
>cross dresser
>totally normal
Sure cultist.
>Wah! Jews are responsible for my own failures!
Sort yourself out.
have a fuckin bump m9 that was some good shit
While I don't refute those points, a certain percentage of his loyal followers will 'fall through the net' so-to-speak and partake in our collective group identity. He has to play a careful balancing act of exposing his subjects to Marxism and Communism but then quickly reel them back in before they get too far over to the right.
In many ways you could argue that his avoidance of anything anti-Semitic is valuable, because it's those on the fringes of the left that he needs to reach the most, and avoiding the JQ reduces the chance they'll stop listening because he's a delusional evil Nazi/subhuman filth/expletive
his argument about the lobsters is pretty shitti he has to update it or get a new one, probably he has already done that
Give at least one reason why it is "shitty".
A Red Menace claws up the beach.
He's pretty great. not sure why the shills are out in force against him but its pretty funny how innacurate they are.
shills btfo
You sound like a nigger blaming the white devil for all his trouble.
Fuck off, nigger.
>inb4 muh data collection
>inb4 muh jews used bots
Face it, buckos. This isn't your place.
the part where he saying that we share a common neurothing (what ever he means by that) just because those animals react to an anti depressive, where in fact you can pump what ever drug to an animal and they will have the same reaction as humans do.
>O look if i put this animal into the oven it burns look we have something very deep in use that links us
no shit men
just take it as that, I could express it in am ore deep manner and look up what he exaclty meant by that statement but with what i provide you it should be suficient
>What does Sup Forums think of him?
overrated, drug dependent mess, promotes atomized individuals yet gets a collective of brain dead cult followers parroting his views word for word with no critical thought, promotes ideas that will weaken the west further and make us ripe for takeover, quotes social science studies but never mentions the sample size, uses outright historical lies to support his arguments (see hitler video where he gets precisely nothing accurate), claims the reason jews end up in the high positions is their i.q but says nothing of the motives and agenda they carry out when they get there, legitimately said "most jews lean left today because of nazi germany" the most ignorant thing i've ever heard I don't have to explain why i hope as the history of the u.s.s.r and germany should make it obvious. Not simply stating an objective historical fact that jews were proponents in Bolshevism is outright intellectual cowardice.
I recommend you read my fucking posts in the thread then, super nigger.
I've seen this asked 9 times and I've always given the same answer. He's a gold medalist in mental gymnastics
Fuck that cuck
Self improvement is half the battle. Don't discount everything he says just being he's ignorant of the primitive mind.
>what does pol think about the clown (((psychoanalys))) whos posted on here daily
cleeen your recycle bin
>I need to spend my time in life focusing on ME and MY success.
Precisely the selfishness peterson prescribes but just remember it won't save you.
He knows, but he's not gonna sacrifice his gravy train
I shouldn't have to have kids to not be replaced by a foreign people in my own land. Bringing them in the first place was the problem, going "lol just have kids" is completely ignoring the issue
>Precisely the selfishness peterson prescribes but just remember it won't save you.
His number one prescription is to form a family do, and i agree on that, having a family a caring for a group of people would be nice but you alredy know that we are all broken spergs with no purpose in this world besides memeing our great hero Pepe into kek status
why in the FUCK is he crossdressing? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?
Well, Peterson says that IQ can not be increased. Moreover, Peterson believes that IQ determines success.
Blacks have low IQ. It is a fact. Even a black kid raised by whites will remain a black kid. But Peterson is a civic nationalist.
Also, Jews and Asians have higher IQ. But all major inventions have been made by whites.
There must be something else. May be creativity and passion.
Without whites the world would be a shithole.
can you read? That's his daughter's social media account. It's a joke
Can't blame him, he's aware that if whites reawaken there will be a lot of blood. But what can be done otherwise? Individualism is a failing strategy in a prisoner's dilemma of collectivism
why this doesnt even matter
you fucking acknowledge a jew then they have some type of stance against you.
we fight against the british and their ass kissing ways. we americans left britain and europe becuase of their jew asskissing ways. and their use of the vatican to do usury through the jews. our fight is against shitty whites not fucking the jews. jews can rot, and thats what hteyll do as they look for someone to attack and mimic.
>it’s a joke goyim
>it’s perfectly normal to take psychiatric medication and dress like a woman
also forgot
>our fight is against shitty whites not fucking the jews.
Who do you think is leading those shitty whites? It was all white gentiles behind critical theory and Marxism?
I know you're just memeing and baiting but people who actually have a problem with that pic are socially stunted manchildren who will never have children of their own to joke around with.
the vatican is the shitty whites. learn some american history
the jews cant even piss without help
once the jews got a stage by the vatican using them to do usury with, yea. how do you thnk we have a fucking usury even happening in white places for? why is it even there? what excuse do they use to say its, 'ok"
think about it...
done thinking
>clean our rooms
>doing homework
>mfw the segway dealer says this segway can go up to 40 mph
>takes multiple anti depresssants
>dresses like a woman
>cries on camera
>tells people to act like men
Save yourself from the cult.
I intend to make a killing on the upcoming lobster guillotine and lobster gas chamber market.
Good post
I agree
Indeed, I'm quite happy with how it's turned out
>Jews are in power because they are smart
>no conspiracy
Fucking kek
Stop posting these shitty e celeb threads you absolute faggot.
>((( They ))) are smart
But asians have higher IQ.
another thing, your giving the jews a stance again.
no jew ever leads me. they, britain and their cronies the way they do support corporations over the people, church and state no seperation, use them against you. you cant divide yourself against them or have any defense, you cant fight them
Fan of him but he seems to turning into more and more of a corporatized hack every day. Hopefully that winds down
He's a guy who makes his money by telling men to grow up and clean their roon.
That should tell you enough about how far our society has already fallen.
And the saddest part is, he's right with what he's saying about middleaged men not growing up and being able to live on their own.
This is true to be honest. Blaming Jews for your woes is fucking weak.
Good post.
>the part where he saying that we share a common neurothing (what ever he means by that)
He means serotonin, a brain chemical: en.wikipedia.org
>in fact you can pump what ever drug to an animal and they will have the same reaction as humans do.
Not always.
He's right on a lot of things, wrong on a few. Stop trying to make him either a literal god or a subversive jewish shill, he's neither.
What will? Being an antisemite? No thanks.
My own prospects in life are more important to me than the fact that immigration is high. So I'll just focus on my own life.
Finding a girl and having even 12 kids with her (a timely and costly process) will never compete with hordes of shitskins flooding into our countries with their own kids and shitting up some more, all supported by the our State?
Are Juden Peterstein supporters retarded, naive, or both?
Yes bucko go clean your room this will solve world hunger and bring about world peace. Fucking moron.
How does one gas a lobster? If I put a lobster into saltwater, it's still immersed in a liquid. And the reverse for crayfish. Lobster/crayfish guillotines are more humane, I think.
>i literally do not understand what its like to have a daughter or to do things as a joke
>getting this triggered over it when from the pic and his daughters own admission he hated the makeup
imagine being perpetually triggered like this. go back to
What are his best video on clinical psychology ?
Evolutionary success is not only pertained to the reproduction of the individual. Most of the genes we have, are also present in other people, we want to spread "our" genes and create optimal condition for the future existence of our genes.
This can be done in multiple complex way, one is to actual reproduce yourself, another is to help other people whom are genetically close to you to reproduce.
Evolutionary succes, is not only about individual reproduction, it is in large part about genetic groups, and already here we are entering into territory where ingroup preference and xenophobia, might be of "evolutionary value".
And that's why Asians do very well in academic fields too, genius.
Most of his in-class lectures. He also has some great stuff on understanding the mindset of criminals and sociopaths.
>He's a guy who makes his money by telling men to grow up and clean their roon.
>That should tell you enough about how far our society has already fallen.
I guess you're right. There shouldn't be a need for him, but there is.
As for money, I've never given him any money. I just watch his videos.
I'm glad he's getting all the attention while spreading the message of Christianity rather than that kike harris and nonce dawkins
>the message of Christianity
Cleaning your room?
They do not rule the media, fucktard.
Guess why.
Did you not see the biblical lectures he did?
No, I didn't and I don't believe in god.